10 research outputs found


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    During the recent past, the poultry sector has shown immense adaptations to meet the ever-increasing demand for safe meat and eggs. However, this growth has been accompanied by structural changes within the industry which has led to the emergence of various environmental and public health concerns ranging from water, air, and soil pollution to ecological imbalances, biodiversity losses, and occupational health and safety hazards. This paper analyses the environmental and human health impacts of intensive poultry production and various technical strategies to mitigate these issues

    Occurrence and characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamases producing Escherichia coli in foods of animal origin and human clinical samples in Chhattisgarh, India

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    Aim: To assess the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) (blaTEM, blaSHV, and blaCTX-M) genes in Escherichia coli isolated from chicken meat, chevon meat, raw milk, and human urine and stool samples collected from tribal districts of Chhattisgarh, viz., Jagdalpur, Dantewada, Kondagaon, and Kanker. Materials and Methods: A total of 330 samples, comprising 98 chicken meat, 82 chevon meat, 90 raw milk, and 60 human urine and stool samples, were processed for isolation of E. coli. Isolates were confirmed biochemically and further tested against commonly used antibiotics to know their resistant pattern. The resistant isolates were tested for ESBL production by phenotypic method followed by characterization with molecular method using multiplex-polymerase chain reaction technique. Results: Overall 57.87% (191/330) samples were found positive for E. coli, which include 66.32% (65/98) chicken meat, 46.34% (38/82) chevon meat, 81.11% (73/90) raw milk, and 25% (15/60) human urine and stool samples. Isolates showed the highest resistance against cefotaxime (41.36%) followed by oxytetracycline (34.03%), ampicillin (29.31%), cephalexin (24.60%), cefixime (16.75%), and ceftazidime (13.08%). Phenotypic method detected 10.99% (21/191) isolates as presumptive ESBL producers, however, molecular method detected 3.66% (7/191), 2.09% (4/191), and 0.00% (0/191) prevalence of blaTEM, blaCTX-M, and blaSHV, respectively. Conclusion: The present study indicates a high prevalence of E. coli in raw chicken meat, chevon meat, and milk due to poor hygienic practices. The antibiotic susceptibility test detected the presence of the resistance pattern against ESBL in E. coli isolated from raw chicken meat, chevon meat, milk, and also in human clinical samples is of great concern. The appearance of E. coli in the human food chain is alarming and requires adaptation of hygienic practices and stipulate use of antibiotics

    Bacteriological evaluation of packaged bottled water sold at Jaipur city and its public health significance

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    Aim: The study was carried out to investigate the microbiological quality of packaged drinking water marketed in Jaipur city. Material and Methods: In the present study 'twenty' drinking water samples (15 water bottles and 5 sachets) of different brands purchased randomly, were evaluated to access the water quality on the basis of different bacteriological parameters. Result: Out of twenty, 50% samples were found unsatisfactory in standard plate count. Psychrophillic, coliforms, E. coli and staphylococcal counts revealed that 25%, 45%, 20%, and 5% samples respectively were found unfit for human consumption as per Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) of drinking water. On the basis of results of overall microbiological assessment 55% of samples proved to be unfit for consumption. All brands of water sachet (100%) had high coliforms count which indicates faecal contamination. Amongst those sachets two brands (40%) had presence of E. coli and all the sachet water brands fell below drinking water standards while out of fifteen brands of bottled water 6 samples contained higher microbiological value hence unfit for human consumption. Conclusion: Local brands of packaged drinking water were found unfit for human condumption. So it is suggested that government should intensify the efforts in the monitoring of activities in this rapidly expanding industry with a view to supply potable and wholesome water to the public. [Vet World 2013; 6(1.000): 27-30

    Prevention of Zoonotic Spillover Through Biodiversity Conservation

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    <p><span>Throughout human history, outbreaks and epidemics have been recurring events, with certain instances escalating to the level of devastating pandemics.<span> </span>It has been estimated that nearly 75% emerging infectious diseases globally are zoonoses. The transmission of pathogens between different species, the crossing of species barriers, is an ecological phenomenon known as zoonotic spillover<span>. </span><span> </span>Zoonotic spillover is influenced by many ecological processes before a pathogen actually spills over into a human host. Changes in biodiversity can mechanistically affect spillover through several pathways including effects on the density, distribution, and susceptibility of reservoir hosts, as well as pathogen prevalence, infectiousness, survival, dissemination, and reservoir host– human contact. If biodiversity is well managed and conserved, it will act as a barrier against the spill-over of infectious diseases, thereby safeguarding a sustainable future. </span></p&gt

    Bioremediation: An Eco-Sustainable Tool for The Restoration of Polluted Environment

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    <p><span>Environmental pollution has emerged as a burning environmental issue across the globe owing to increased human activities on energy reservoirs, unsafe agricultural practices, and rapid industrialization. These human-made activities generate organic and inorganic pollutants that remain persistent in the environment and pose a serious threat to living organisms. The commonly used physical-chemical methods for the removal of pollutants are not only expensive, but also their byproducts are hazardous to the environment, so they are not valued. A practical, eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for removing environmental contaminants is bioremediation. </span></p> <p><strong><span> </span></strong></p&gt

    Characterization of Salmonella Gallinarum from an outbreak in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh

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    Aim: The present investigation was conducted to isolate and characterize Salmonella Gallinarum from an outbreak of fowl typhoid in layer birds. Materials and Methods: Clinically ill and dead layer birds from an outbreak were investigated. History, clinical signs, and postmortem lesions were suggestive of fowl typhoid. Postmortem samples including heart blood, intestinal contents, pieces of ovary, and liver were collected and processed immediately for bacterial culture, serotyping and antibiotic sensitivity tests. Isolates were further screened for the presence of extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) (blaTEM) gene by polymerase chain reaction. Results: On the basis of cultural, staining and biochemical characteristics; three bacterial isolates were confirmed as S. Gallinarum. On serotyping, somatic antigen O: 9 and 12 with nonflagellated antigen were detected in all three isolates. Isolates were intermediate sensitive to amoxycillin, amoxyclav, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin and resistant to most of the antibiotics including chloramphenicol, ampicillin, ceftazidime, cefexime, cefepime, azithromycin, nalidixin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, and streptomycin. Two isolates were found to harbor ESBL (blaTEM) gene. Conclusion: Beta lactamase producer S. Gallinarum was confirmed as cause of increased mortality in layer birds during present investigation. Existence of multi drug resistant Salmonella poses serious threat to poultry industry in Chhattisgarh

    Pathogenic potential of biofilm-producing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in BALB/c mice

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    206-213Biofilm-forming methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an emerging pathogen that adversely affects animal and human health. World Health Organization (WHO) has designated MRSA as a high-priority pathogen for research and development. In this study, we have investigated the pathogenic potential of MRSA recovered from mastitic milk of cow. The MRSA was initially characterized for coagulase, haemolytic and DNase activity followed by its biofilm forming ability. Further, an intravenous murine model of MRSA was developed using multiparameter approach comprising of disease activity score, viable bacterial count in blood and tissues; and, detection of biofilm mass in tissue. Infection was successfully established in mice following intravenous inoculation of 3 × 108 colony forming unit (CFU) per mL of MRSA. Fifty percent of MRSA-challenged mice died after infection whereas mice survived exhibited disease activity score >25. Significantly higher MRSA count was recorded in blood, liver and kidney of MRSA-challenged mice as compared to healthy mice (P <0.05). Gram staining revealed the presence of varied size of multiple clusters of Gram-positive biofilm mass in the liver and kidney of MRSA-challenged mice. This study on pathogenesis of MRSA in mice would be useful in not only controlling the MRSA infection, but also in the development of effective therapeutics

    Impact of TQM on organisational performance: The case of Indian manufacturing and service industry

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    This study is principally focused on the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in Indian industries and to study its influence on the organizational performance. The study has been conducted in five manufacturing and three service companies in north India. The selected companies are listed in Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). The data used for this study was the combination of primary and secondary data and the focus was on examining the extent of TQM implementation in Indian industries. The hypotheses and conceptual framework were designed in accordance with Indian context. The completely useful 236 samples were collected from eight small and medium-sized Indian (SME) manufacturing and service companies. The data was classified into two categories i.e. Managers and Workers. The data collected then analyzed using SPSS-AMOS 24. All the hypotheses were positively fit with the conceptual model and hence showed the positive impact of TQM on organizational performance (OP). All the values were significant and consistent with previous studies. It was found that there is no such difference of literacy about TQM among the two groups and TQM elements are positively related to the performance factors of the Indian organizations. Finally, the findings of this study provides a valuable knowledge regarding TQM practices from Indian manufacturing and service sector perspective. Keywords: Total quality management (TQM), Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), Organizational performance, Indian manufacturing and service firms, Structural equation modelling (SEM