124 research outputs found
Failure of Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem and fragile topology in two-dimensional systems with space-time inversion symmetry: application to twisted bilayer graphene at magic angle
We show that the Wannier obstruction and the fragile topology of the nearly
flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene at magic angle are manifestations of the
nontrivial topology of two-dimensional real wave functions characterized by the
Euler class. To prove this, we examine the generic band topology of two
dimensional real fermions in systems with space-time inversion
symmetry. The Euler class is an integer topological invariant classifying real
two band systems. We show that a two-band system with a nonzero Euler class
cannot have an -symmetric Wannier representation. Moreover, a two-band
system with the Euler class has band crossing points whose total
winding number is equal to . Thus the conventional Nielsen-Ninomiya
theorem fails in systems with a nonzero Euler class. We propose that the
topological phase transition between two insulators carrying distinct Euler
classes can be described in terms of the pair creation and annihilation of
vortices accompanied by winding number changes across Dirac strings. When the
number of bands is bigger than two, there is a topological invariant
classifying the band topology, that is, the second Stiefel Whitney class
(). Two bands with an even (odd) Euler class turn into a system with
() when additional trivial bands are added. Although the
nontrivial second Stiefel-Whitney class remains robust against adding trivial
bands, it does not impose a Wannier obstruction when the number of bands is
bigger than two. However, when the resulting multi-band system with the
nontrivial second Stiefel-Whitney class is supplemented by additional chiral
symmetry, a nontrivial second-order topology and the associated corner charges
are guaranteed.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure
Phonon angular momentum Hall effect
Spin Hall effect is the transverse flow of the electron spin in conductors
under external electric field. Similarly, thermal gradient in magnetic
insulators can drive a transverse flow of the spin angular momentum of magnons,
which provides a thermal alternative for spin manipulation. Recently, the
phonon angular momentum (PAM), which is the angular momentum of atoms as a
result of their orbital motion around their equilibrium positions, has garnered
attention as a quantity analogous to the magnon spin. However, can we
manipulate PAM like magnon spin? Here, we show that temperature gradient
generally induces a transverse flow of PAM, which we term the phonon angular
momentum Hall effect (PAMHE). The PAMHE relies only on the presence of
transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons, and it is therefore ubiquitous in
condensed matter systems. As a consequence of the PAMHE, PAM accumulates at the
edges of a crystal. When the atoms in the crystal carry nonzero Born effective
charge, the edge PAM induces edge magnetization, which may be observed through
optical measurement. We believe that PAMHE provides a new principle for the
manipulation of angular momenta in insulators and opens up an avenue for
developing functional materials based on phonon engineering.Comment: 8+3 pages, 5 figures, additional discussion on 3D, some amendment
Topological Magnetoelastic Excitations in Non-Collinear Antiferromagnets
We study the topological property of the magnetoelastic excitation in
non-collinear antiferromagnets. As a toy model, we consider the magnon-phonon
coupling in a triangular antiferromagnet with a N\`eel order. We
find that in the presence of out-of-plane external magnetic field, the
magnon-polaron bands, which arise from hybridization of magnons and phonons,
can carry Chern number, even though the individual magnon and phonon bands are
topologically trivial. Large Berry curvature is induced from the anti-crossing
regions between the magnon and phonon bands, which renormalizes the thermal
Hall conductivity of phonon bands. To compute the Berry curvature and Chern
number of magnon-polarons, we give a simple algorithm to diagonalize
magnetoelastic Hamiltonian without diagonalizing the phonon Hamiltonian, by
mapping the problem to the diagonalization of bosonic Bogoliubov-de-Gennes
(BdG) Hamiltonian. This is necessary because the contribution to the Berry
curvature from phonon cannot be properly captured if we compute the Berry
curvature from magnetoelastic Hamiltonian whose phonon sector has been already
diagonalized.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure
Thermal Hall effect from two-dimensional Schwinger-boson gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction: application to ferromagnets with in-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Recently, uncovering the sources of thermal Hall effect in insulators has
become an important issue. In the case of ferromagnetic insulators, it is well
known that Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction can induce magnon thermal
Hall effect. Specifically, the DM vector parallel to the magnetization
direction induces complex magnon hopping amplitudes, so that magnons act as if
they feel Lorentz force. However, the DM vector which is orthogonal to the
magnetization direction has hitherto been neglected as a possible source of
magnon thermal Hall effect. This is because they play no role in the linear
spin wave theory, an often invoked approximation when computing the magnon
thermal Hall effect. Here, we challenge this expectation by presenting the
self-consistent Schwinger-boson mean field study of two-dimensional magnets
with ferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction and in-plane DM interaction. We find
that the relevant Schwinger-boson mean field Hamiltonian takes the form of
two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, which is known
to show anomalous Hall effect, spin Hall effect, and Rashba-Edelstein effect,
whose thermal counterparts also appear in our system. Importantly, the thermal
Hall effect can be induced when out-of-plane magnetic field is applied, and
persists even when the magnetic field is large, so that the spins are
significantly polarized, and the linear spin wave theory is expected to be a
reasonable approximation. Since the linear spin wave theory predicts vanishing
thermal Hall effect, our result implies that linear spin wave is not a
sufficient approximation, and that magnon-magnon interaction must be taken into
account to predict the correct thermal Hall conductivity.Comment: 5+2 pages, 4 figure
Fresnel-type Solid Immersion Lens for efficient light collection from quantum defects in diamond
Quantum defects in diamonds have been studied as a promising resource for
quantum science. The subtractive fabrication process for improving photon
collection efficiency often require excessive milling time that can adversely
affect the fabrication accuracy. We designed and fabricated a Fresnel-type
solid immersion lens using the focused ion beam. For a 5.8 um-deep
Nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) center, the milling time was highly reduced (1/3
compared to a hemispherical structure), while retaining high photon collection
efficiency (> 2.24 compared to a flat surface). In numerical simulation, this
benefit of the proposed structure is expected for a wide range of milling
depths.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
SPOTS: Stable Placement of Objects with Reasoning in Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation Systems
Pick-and-place is one of the fundamental tasks in robotics research. However,
the attention has been mostly focused on the ``pick'' task, leaving the
``place'' task relatively unexplored. In this paper, we address the problem of
placing objects in the context of a teleoperation framework. Particularly, we
focus on two aspects of the place task: stability robustness and contextual
reasonableness of object placements. Our proposed method combines
simulation-driven physical stability verification via real-to-sim and the
semantic reasoning capability of large language models. In other words, given
place context information (e.g., user preferences, object to place, and current
scene information), our proposed method outputs a probability distribution over
the possible placement candidates, considering the robustness and
reasonableness of the place task. Our proposed method is extensively evaluated
in two simulation and one real world environments and we show that our method
can greatly increase the physical plausibility of the placement as well as
contextual soundness while considering user preferences.Comment: 7 page
SOCRATES: Text-based Human Search and Approach using a Robot Dog
In this paper, we propose a SOCratic model for Robots Approaching humans
based on TExt System (SOCRATES) focusing on the human search and approach based
on free-form textual description; the robot first searches for the target user,
then the robot proceeds to approach in a human-friendly manner. In particular,
textual descriptions are composed of appearance (e.g., wearing white shirts
with black hair) and location clues (e.g., is a student who works with robots).
We initially present a Human Search Socratic Model that connects large
pre-trained models in the language domain to solve the downstream task, which
is searching for the target person based on textual descriptions. Then, we
propose a hybrid learning-based framework for generating target-cordial robotic
motion to approach a person, consisting of a learning-from-demonstration module
and a knowledge distillation module. We validate the proposed searching module
via simulation using a virtual mobile robot as well as through real-world
experiments involving participants and the Boston Dynamics Spot robot.
Furthermore, we analyze the properties of the proposed approaching framework
with human participants based on the Robotic Social Attributes Scale (RoSAS)Comment: Project page: https://socratesrobotdog.github.io
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