1,332 research outputs found

    An accurate metric for the spacetime around neutron stars

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    The problem of having an accurate description of the spacetime around neutron stars is of great astrophysical interest. For astrophysical applications, one needs to have a metric that captures all the properties of the spacetime around a neutron star. Furthermore, an accurate appropriately parameterised metric, i.e., a metric that is given in terms of parameters that are directly related to the physical structure of the neutron star, could be used to solve the inverse problem, which is to infer the properties of the structure of a neutron star from astrophysical observations. In this work we present such an approximate stationary and axisymmetric metric for the exterior of neutron stars, which is constructed using the Ernst formalism and is parameterised by the relativistic multipole moments of the central object. This metric is given in terms of an expansion on the Weyl-Papapetrou coordinates with the multipole moments as free parameters and is shown to be extremely accurate in capturing the physical properties of a neutron star spacetime as they are calculated numerically in general relativity. Because the metric is given in terms of an expansion, the expressions are much simpler and easier to implement, in contrast to previous approaches. For the parameterisation of the metric in general relativity, the recently discovered universal 3-hair relations are used to produce a 3-parameter metric. Finally, a straightforward extension of this metric is given for scalar-tensor theories with a massless scalar field, which also admit a formulation in terms of an Ernst potential

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    How well can ultracompact bodies imitate black hole ringdowns?

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    The ongoing observations of merging black holes by the instruments of the fledging gravitational wave astronomy has opened the way for testing the general relativistic Kerr black hole metric and, at the same time, for probing the existence of more speculative horizonless ultracompact objects. In this paper we quantify the difference that these two classes of objects may exhibit in the post-merger ringdown signal. By considering rotating systems in general relativity and assuming an eikonal limit and a third-order Hartle-Thorne slow rotation approximation, we provide the first calculation of the early ringdown frequency and damping time as a function of the body's multipolar structure. Using the example of a gravastar, we show that the main ringdown signal may differ as much as a few percent with respect to that of a Kerr black hole, a deviation that could be probed by near future Advanced LIGO/Virgo searches.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, some additional discussion in the text and some modifications in the figure to indicate the accuracy of the approach. Accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Geodesic properties in terms of multipole moments in scalar-tensor theories of gravity

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    The formalism for describing a metric and the corresponding scalar in terms of multipole moments has recently been developed for scalar-tensor theories. We take advantage of this formalism in order to obtain expressions for the observables that characterise geodesics in terms of the moments. These expressions provide some insight into how the structure of a scalarized compact object affects observables. They can also be used to understand how deviations from general relativity are imprinted on the observables.Comment: 16 page
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