1,234 research outputs found
Geometric Surface-Based Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV
New quadrotor UAV control algorithms are developed, based on nonlinear
surfaces composed of tracking errors that evolve directly on the nonlinear
configuration manifold, thus inherently including in the control design the
nonlinear characteristics of the SE(3) configuration space. In particular,
geometric surface-based controllers are developed and are shown, through
rigorous stability proofs, to have desirable almost global closed loop
properties. For the first time in regards to the geometric literature, a region
of attraction independent of the position error is identified and its effects
are analyzed. The effectiveness of the proposed "surface based" controllers are
illustrated by simulations of aggressive maneuvers in the presence of
disturbances and motor saturation.Comment: 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED
Self-Stabilising Quadrupedal Running by Mechanical Design
Dynamic stability allows running animals to maintain preferred speed during locomotion over rough terrain. It appears that rapid disturbance rejection is an emergent property of the mechanical system. In running robots, simple motor control seems to be effective in the negotiation of rough terrain when used in concert with a mechanical system that stabilises passively. Spring-like legs are a means for providing self-stabilising characteristics against external perturbations. In this paper, we show that a quadruped robot could be able to perform self-stable running behaviour in significantly broader ranges of forward speed and pitch rate with a suitable mechanical design, which is not limited to choosing legs spring stiffness only. The results presented here are derived by studying the stability of the passive dynamics of a quadruped robot running in the sagittal plane in a dimensionless context and might explain the success of simple, open loop running controllers on existing experimental quadruped robots. These can be summarised in (a) the self-stabilised behaviour of a quadruped robot for a particular gait is greatly related to the magnitude of its dimensionless body inertia, (b) the values of hip separation, normalised to rest leg length, and leg relative stiffness of a quadruped robot affect the stability of its motion and should be in inverse proportion to its dimensionless body inertia, and (c) the self-stable regime of quadruped running robots is enlarged at relatively high forward speeds. We anticipate the proposed guidelines to assist in the design of new, and modifications of existing, quadruped robots. As an example, specific design changes for the Scout II quadruped robot that might improve its performance are proposed
Fundamental dynamics of popularity-similarity trajectories in real networks
Real networks are complex dynamical systems, evolving over time with the
addition and deletion of nodes and links. Currently, there exists no principled
mathematical theory for their dynamics -- a grand-challenge open problem in
complex networks. Here, we show that the popularity and similarity trajectories
of nodes in hyperbolic embeddings of different real networks manifest universal
self-similar properties with typical Hurst exponents . This means
that the trajectories are anti-persistent or 'mean-reverting' with short-term
memory, and they can be adequately captured by a fractional Brownian motion
process. The observed behavior can be qualitatively reproduced in synthetic
networks that possess a latent geometric space, but not in networks that lack
such space, suggesting that the observed subdiffusive dynamics are inherently
linked to the hidden geometry of real networks. These results set the
foundations for rigorous mathematical machinery for describing and predicting
real network dynamics
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4EGI-1 targets breast cancer stem cells by selective inhibition of translation that persists in CSC maintenance, proliferation and metastasis
Cancer death is a leading cause of global mortality. An estimated 14.1 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million cancer deaths occurred worldwide in 2012 alone. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) within tumors are essential for tumor metastasis and reoccurrence, the key factors of cancer lethality. Here we report that 4EGI-1, an inhibitor of the interaction between translation initiation factors eIF4E1 and eIF4G1 effectively inhibits breast CSCs through selectively reducing translation persistent in breast CSCs. Translation initiation factor eIF4E1 is significantly enhanced in breast CSCs in comparison to non-CSC breast cancer cells. 4EGI-1 presents increased cytotoxicity to breast CSCs compared to non-CSC breast cancer cells. 4EGI-1 promotes breast CSC differentiation and represses breast CSC induced tube-like structure formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). 4EGI-1 isomers suppress breast CSC tumorangiogenesis and tumor growth in vivo. In addition, 4EGI-1 decreases proliferation in and induces apoptosis into breast CSC tumor cells. Furthermore, 4EGI-1 selectively inhibits translation of mRNAs encoding NANOG, OCT4, CXCR4, c-MYC and VEGF in breast CSC tumors. Our study demonstrated that 4EGI-1 targets breast CSCs through selective inhibition of translation critical for breast CSCs, suggesting that selective translation initiation interference might be an avenue targeting CSCs within tumors
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