16 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study Between Frayer Model And Concept Mapping Strategy to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition

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    Abstract This study intends to find out what is the initial knowledge of the students before they were treated using Frayer Model and Concept Mapping Strategy, ascertain of the significant difference between these two teaching strategies, and to know the responses of the students after they were taught using Frayer Model and Concept Mapping Strategy are the aims of this research. This is a quantitative study with comparative design to know the students’ vocabulary acquisition test. The research instrument of this study is pre-and-post-test. This study was conducted among eleventh grader students at SMAN 1 Parongpong. The results of this study showed that the initial score for both respondents are quite similar with the score for FM group which is 30.50 and for CMS group which is 33.40. It is also known that there is a significant difference in students’ vocabulary acquisition between students who are taught with Frayer Model and those who are taught with Concept Mapping Strategy showed by the result of the mean differences from both groups are 0.000 < 0.05. The questionnaire’s result also supports that both teaching strategies are eligible to be applied in teaching active and passive voice construction with the score for FM class which is 55% and for the CMS class which is 80%, it can be categorized as “Good”. It implies that the implementation of Frayer Model and Concept Mapping Strategy enhances student’s vocabulary acquisition.   Keywords: Language Proficiency, Vocabulary Acquisition, Frayer Model, Concept Mapping Strateg

    The Influence Of Using Nearpod To Improve Student's Vocabulary In Learning English As Foreign Language

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    Banyak hal yang dapat membantu seseorang untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan memanfaatkan barang dan teknologi yang ada di sekitar kita. Salah satu yang bisa digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Nearpod. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan nearpod pada peningkatan kosa kata siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Metode: Metode penelitian ini berjenis eksperimen dengan teknik pengambilan sampel berupa total sampling kepada siswa sekolah menengah pertama di Yos Sudarso Do.Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan pada siswa yang menggunakan Nearpod dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (p<0,05) dan terdapat perbedaan pada siswa laki-laki. -Pria dan wanita menggunakan Nearpod dengan nilai signifikansi masing-masing 0,001 dan 0,000 (p<0,05)

    The inevitable surge of online learning through the lens of English education lecturers during the unprecedented times

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    The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has obliged universities worldwide to shift to other modalities such as e-learning. Lecturers feel obliged to motivate and aspire their students virtually. This study explores the perceptions and experience of English education lecturers on the inevitable surge of virtual teaching during the Pandemic. This study was a qualitative interview study utilized an interpretive description approach. The data were generated by interviewing 19 English education lecturers based on defined evaluation criteria and an online learning environment. Participants were given ten open-ended interview questions to find out how lecturers undertook online teaching during unprecedented times and perceived some changes in the teaching and learning process. The findings showed three themes emerged from lecturers’ perspectives during the shift to online learning; those themes are the need for iterative process, revamp delivery, and the need to advance technology infrastructure. In addition, there were two (themes that characterize the participants’ experiences in implementing online learning: Agility and adaptability, identification of the underlying needs. All themes in this study emerged from obtained sub-themes. These findings indicated that the inevitable surge of online learning shapes lecturers’ teaching skills and attitude in the process of shifting to other modalities


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    Introduction: The purpose of the study is to find out the improvement of student’ reading comprehension through Directed Reading Thinking Activity Strategy. This study was designed to find out the answer to the following question: Is there any significant difference in reading comprehension achievement before  and after giving DRTA treatment?. Method: The instrument used for this study is reading comprehension test, which contained 30 question and administreted to SMP Advent II Bandung.The respondent of this study is the 2nd year students of Junior High School consisted of 26 students. Result: The result of this study showed that class improved in their reading comprehension . In addition, There is a significant use through Directed Reading Thinking Activity Strategy

    The Effectiveness Of K-W-L Technique To Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement Through Reading Descriptive Text For Grade 8 of SMP Negeri 1 Cisarua

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    The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between those who are taught using the K-W-L (Know-Want to know-Learn) technique and those who are taught using the Conventional technique. In this study, the researcher used quantitative research. The participants of this study were students at SMP Negeri 1 Cisarua, Bandung. This study was conducted in ten meetings. This research was conducted in four steps: Pilot test, Pre-test, treatment (K-W-L technique) and post-test. After analyzing the data from the result of pre-test and post-test score it showed that there is significant difference in reading comprehension between those who are taught using K-W-L technique and those who are taught using conventional technique. Therefore, it can be concluded that the K-W-L technique as a teaching material has a positive impact in reading comprehension achievement.Key Word: K-W-L technique, Effectiveness, and Reading Comprehension

    The Effectiveness of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (VSS) Towards Students’ Vocabulary Enhancement

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    The purpose of this study is to find student’s vocabulary enhancement using VSS strategy. This study used quantitative research method and experimental design. The sample of the study was the students of SMAN 1 Parongpong, Bandung in academic year 2016/2017. There were two classes in ten grades which were divided into the VSS group and conventional group with a total of 74 students. The result of this research was: normalized gain of VSS group is 0.423 while the group not taught by VSS is 0.385. And the data from T-Test found that the p-value Sig (tailed).(0.850)≥α(0.05). It means that Ho is accepted, Ha is rejected. Based on the result of the data there is no difference in student’s vocabulary enhancement between students who were taught using VSS group and students who were taught using conventional group. Keywords: Vocabulary Self-collection Strateg

    A Comparative Study between TPS and LRD Strategy to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension

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    The purpose of this study is to find out if there is any significant difference in students’ reading comprehension enhancement between those who were taught using Listen-Read-Discuss strategy and those who were taught using Think-Pair-Share strategy. This study is a quantitative research method using comparative design by using pre-test and post-test. This study was designed to find out the answer to the following question: Is there any significant difference in students’ reading comprehension enhancement between those who were taught by Think-Pair-Share strategy and those who were taught by Listen-Read-Discuss strategy. The sample of this study was two classes of grade VIII SMPN 10 Cimahi, Bandung. Grade VIII F was taught using Think-Pair-Share and grade VIII was taught using Listen-Read-Discuss. The instrument used for this study was a reading comprehension test, which contained 39 multiple-choice questions. The result of this study showed from the mean score that both classes had an enhancement in their reading comprehension. In addition, there was no significant difference between those who were taught using TPS and those who were taught using LRD strategy. However, it meant that both strategies were efficient in enhancing students’ reading comprehension

    A Comparison Between Games And Grammar Translation Methods In Improving Pupils’ Vocabulary Achievement

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    In teaching English, the teaching method determine the improvement of vocabulary achievement. Therefore, this study titled “A comparison between Games and Grammar Translation Methods in improving pupils’ Vocabulary Achievement.” The participants involved in this study were 62 grade 5 pupils of SDN Karyawangi Parongpong, Bandung. The grade 5B composed of 29 pupils, while the grade 5C composed of 33 pupils. This study was divided into three steps: (1) the pretest, (2) the implementation of Games and Grammar Translation Method (GTM), (3) and the posttest. In the pretest and posttest, the multiple choice and essays form was administered to them. As the treatment, the researcher taught Games to one group, and GTM to the other group. At the end of the study, the result proved that the vocabulary achievement of the pupils taught using Grammar Translation Method is higher compared to those taught by Games.Key Words: Games, GTM, comparison, vocabulary achievement


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    The purpose of this study was to determine “Is there any significant difference in enhancing vocabulary ability between students who are taught using Nursery Rhymes and students who are taught using Letterland”. This study used quantitative study. The participants of this study were 29 students in grade VII I and 33 students in grade VII J of SMPN 1 Cisarua, Bandung Barat. Class VII I used Nursery Rhymes method and class VII J used  Letterland method with a total of 62 students. Based on the result, Nursery Rhymes method and Letterland method have different score in pre-test and post-test after both classes have been given treatments. The gain value of Nursery Rhymes method was higher than the gain value of Lettterland method. But, the result of the data showed that there is not significant difference in enhancing vocabulary ability between students who are taught using Nursery Rhymes and students who are taught using Letterland. From this data the  researcher recommended to use Nursery Rhymes method and Letterland method to teach English language in enhancing students’ vocabulary in beginner students

    A Comparison Study between Peer Feedback Technique and Group Feedback Technique in Improving Students’ Writing Achievement in Writing Recount Text

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    Senior High School students still have difficulty in writing recount text. Their usual problem is the lack of finding ideas, lack of confidence and their weak motive to write in English. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there is significant difference of students’ writing achievement in writing recount text between those who were taught using Peer Feedback technique and those who were taught using Group Feedback technique. This quantitative research used comparative design. The population of this research were all the X students while the sample were the X-1 IPS students and X-2 IPS students. The instrument used in this research is writing recount text test. The result showed that there is no significant difference in the students’ achievement in writing recount text between groups who were exposed to peer feedback technique and group feedback technique. Even the difference is not significant, this study indicated that both Peer Feedback and Group Feedback technique can enhance students’ writing recount text