6 research outputs found
Knowledge and quality of life among Indonesian students during the COVID-19 pandemic
The increasing of online coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) information-sharing in digital media can contribute to the emergence of misinformation in public. Much insufficient knowledge will confuse public understanding and affect their quality of life. The study purposed to assess the knowledge and its influence on Indonesian students' quality of life during the COVID-19 crisis. A cross-sectional study was conducted between October and December 2020 by distributing online questionnaires. The data analysis was run through the Spearman correlation method by using SPSS version 21.0. A total of 200 respondents aged over 17 years were recruited using a snowball sampling technique. Most study respondents had insufficient knowledge about COVID-19, 23% of them had moderate knowledge, and only 17.5% had high knowledge. They obtained primary sources of COVID-19 information from social media platforms. The results showed that health science students have a better understanding than social science students (ρ<0.001). The level of knowledge has a significant associated with psychological domain (ρ=0.020), environmental domain (ρ=0.046), and overall quality of life (ρ=0.047). Thus, the media control center is vital to encounter valid information in providing better knowledge and quality of life during a pandemic
The Public Knowledge and Quality of Life Among Indonesian Students During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Gangguan perkembangan saraf yang ditandai dengan kurangnya perhatian, hiperaktif, dan impulsif pada anak, yang disebut Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), menyebabkan anak ADHD menghadapi kesulitan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Namun, hal ini dianggap sebagai beban bagi anggota keluarga atau orang-orang di sekitarnya. Meskipun demikian, peran keluarga atau caregiver sangat berpengaruh dalam memperbaiki kondisi anak ADHD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali pengetahuan caregiver dalam merawat anak ADHD. Penelitian kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam dilakukan di RSJ Prof. Dr. Soerojo Magelang pada bulan Juni hingga November 2022. Partisipan penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampling dan diperoleh 8 informan yang merupakan caregiver anak ADHD. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan empat tema utama mengenai pengetahuan caregiver dalam mengasuh anak ADHD, meliputi: sumber pengetahuan, definisi dan gejala ADHD, peran caregiver dalam merawat anak ADHD, dan penanganan ADHD. Semua informan tidak memiliki pengetahuan pasti tentang definisi ADHD tetapi mampu mengidentifikasi beberapa gejala dan penyebab ADHD. Informan juga memiliki pengetahuan tentang perannya dan menerapkannya dalam pengasuhan anak ADHD, meskipun mereka seringkali menghadapi beberapa kendala
A Survey of Community Perceptions and Knowledge Toward Antibiotic Resistance: Case Study in Magelang, Indonesia
One of the main causes of antibiotic resistance is the unprescription dispensing of antibiotics, which can result in the improper use of antibiotics. The purpose of a self-administered questionnaire-based study was to gauge participants’ understanding and opinions regarding antibiotic resistance. In October 2019, a cross-sectional descriptive survey was self-administered to individuals. For this survey, Total of 455 respondents were used. Respondents who were residing in Magelang, spoke Indonesian, and were older than eighteen were the inclusion criteria. Six sections made up the questionnaire: demographic information; five questions about general antibiotic resistance information; five questions about the advantages of antibiotics; three questions about prescription antibiotics; four questions about using antibiotics personally; and five questions about antibiotic knowledge. Data analysis were used SPSS version 21, research data is treated as a descriptive analysis. The results show that majority of respondents have the perception that antibiotics are the best choice for treating fever (26.5%), 72.3% of participants are aware of antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, 53.8% of respondents said they completely trusted medical experts’ advice. Health professionals have a greater responsibility to alert the public about antibiotic use and resistance. In conclusion, it is important to increase knowledge about antibiotic resistance because it concerns the general public’s opinion regarding antibiotic resistance and their level of awareness of the risks associated with it. Ultimately, this can change people’s attitudes and actions to use antibiotics wisely
The complex mechanism of developing trust in pharmacy
Indicators of the success in pharmaceutical services at pharmacy can be seen from customer satisfaction which is influenced by trust in pharmacy. The existence of customer satisfaction realted to pharmaceutical services is potentially important in patient adherence to their health care. The aims of this study is to examine the relationship model of satisfaction and trust in pharmacy. This research is a quantitative study with a survey design using a cross-sectional approach. It was conducted in June 2023 on a sample of 252 customers of community pharmacies in Magelang, Indonesia. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method. Data analysis using Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of hypothesis testing based on probability values (p<0.05) indicate that the infrastructure, medication information and trust in a pharmacist had an effect on customer satisfaction. Trust in pharmacies that are influenced by consumer satisfaction can influence consumers to trust pharmacists. Trust is a service component that is dynamic in line with consumer needs following market conditions and pharmacy competition. Therefore it must be considered
A Survey of Community Perceptions and Knowledge Toward Antibiotic Resistance: Case Study in Magelang, Indonesia
One of the main causes of antibiotic resistance is the unprescription dispensing of antibiotics, which can result in the improper use of antibiotics. The purpose of a self-administered questionnaire-based study was to gauge participants’ understanding and opinions regarding antibiotic resistance. In October 2019, a cross-sectional descriptive survey was self-administered to individuals. For this survey, Total of 455 respondents were used. Respondents who were residing in Magelang, spoke Indonesian, and were older than eighteen were the inclusion criteria. Six sections made up the questionnaire: demographic information; five questions about general antibiotic resistance information; five questions about the advantages of antibiotics; three questions about prescription antibiotics; four questions about using antibiotics personally; and five questions about antibiotic knowledge. Data analysis were used SPSS version 21, research data is treated as a descriptive analysis. The results show that majority of respondents have the perception that antibiotics are the best choice for treating fever (26.5%), 72.3% of participants are aware of antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, 53.8% of respondents said they completely trusted medical experts’ advice. Health professionals have a greater responsibility to alert the public about antibiotic use and resistance. In conclusion, it is important to increase knowledge about antibiotic resistance because it concerns the general public’s opinion regarding antibiotic resistance and their level of awareness of the risks associated with it. Ultimately, this can change people’s attitudes and actions to use antibiotics wisely