1,927 research outputs found

    Is there any Evidence for Regional Atmospheric 14C Offsets in the Southern Hemisphere?

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    Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS) Tasmanian huon pine (Lagarostrobos franklinii) decadal measurements for the interval AD 745–855 suggest a mean interhemispheric radiocarbon offset (20 ± 5 yr), which is considerably lower than the previously reported mean interhemispheric offset for the last 2 millennia (44 ± 17 yr). However, comparable University of Waikato (Wk) New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) measurements show significantly higher values (56 ± 6 yr), suggesting the possibility of a temporary geographic (intrahemispheric) offset between Tasmania, Australia, and Northland, New Zealand, during at least 1 common time interval. Here, we report 9 new Wk Tasmanian huon pine measurements from the decades showing the largest huon/kauri difference. We show statistically indistinguishable Wk huon and Wk kauri 14C ages, thus dispelling the suggestion of a 14C geographic offset between Tasmania and Northland

    Synonymous co-variation across the E1/E2 gene junction of hepatitis C virus defines virion fitness

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    Hepatitis C virus is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus. The gene junction partitioning the viral glycoproteins E1 and E2 displays concurrent sequence evolution with the 3′-end of E1 highly conserved and the 5′-end of E2 highly heterogeneous. This gene junction is also believed to contain structured RNA elements, with a growing body of evidence suggesting that such structures can act as an additional level of viral replication and transcriptional control. We have previously used ultradeep pyrosequencing to analyze an amplicon library spanning the E1/E2 gene junction from a treatment naïve patient where samples were collected over 10 years of chronic HCV infection. During this timeframe maintenance of an in-frame insertion, recombination and humoral immune targeting of discrete virus sub-populations was reported. In the current study, we present evidence of epistatic evolution across the E1/E2 gene junction and observe the development of co-varying networks of codons set against a background of a complex virome with periodic shifts in population dominance. Overtime, the number of codons actively mutating decreases for all virus groupings. We identify strong synonymous co-variation between codon sites in a group of sequences harbouring a 3 bp in-frame insertion and propose that synonymous mutation acts to stabilize the RNA structural backbone

    Age differences in the association between sleep and Alzheimer\u27s disease biomarkers in the EPAD cohort

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    INTRODUCTION: We aimed to determine the independent association between sleep quality and Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) biomarkers, and whether the associations differ with age. METHODS: We included 1240 individuals aged ≥50, without dementia from the RESULTS: For the youngest age tertile, shorter sleep duration and higher sleep efficiency were associated with greater p-tau/Aβ42 ratio. For the oldest tertile, longer sleep latency was associated with greater p-tau/Aβ42. DISCUSSION: Differential relationships between sleep and AD pathology depend on age. Short sleep duration and sleep efficiency are relevant in middle age whereas time taken to fall asleep is more closely linked to AD biomarkers in later life. HIGHLIGHTS: This study shows age differences in the link between sleep and AD biomarkers.Shorter sleep was associated with greater p-tau/Aβ42 ratio in middle age.The association was independent of genetic, vascular, and neuroimaging markers of AD

    Quality of Health Care in the United States: Implications for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    The Institute of Medicine’s publications To Error is Human and Crossing the Quality Chasm publicized the widespread deficits in U.S. health care quality. Emerging studies continue to reveal deficits in the quality of adult and pediatric care, including subspecialty care. In recent years, key stakeholders in the health care system including providers, purchasers, and the public have been applying various quality improvement methods to address these concerns. Lessons learned from these efforts in other pediatric conditions, including asthma, cystic fibrosis, neonatal intensive care, and liver transplantation may be applicable to the care of children with inflammatory bowel disease

    Harnessing publicly available genetic data to prioritize lipid modifying therapeutic targets for prevention of coronary heart disease based on dysglycemic risk

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    Therapeutic interventions that lower LDL-cholesterol effectively reduce the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). However, statins, the most widely prescribed LDL-cholesterol lowering drugs, increase diabetes risk. We used genome-wide association study (GWAS) data in the public domain to investigate the relationship of LDL-C and diabetes and identify loci encoding potential drug targets for LDL-cholesterol modification without causing dysglycemia. We obtained summary-level GWAS data for LDL-C from GLGC, glycemic traits from MAGIC, diabetes from DIAGRAM and CAD from CARDIoGRAMplusC4D consortia. Mendelian randomization analyses identified a one standard deviation (SD) increase in LDL-C caused an increased risk of CAD (odds ratio [OR] 1.63 (95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.55, 1.71), which was not influenced by removing SNPs associated with diabetes. LDL-C/CAD-associated SNPs showed consistent effect directions (binomial P = 6.85 × 10−5). Conversely, a 1-SD increase in LDL-C was causally protective of diabetes (OR 0.86; 95 % CI 0.81, 0.91), however LDL-cholesterol/diabetes-associated SNPs did not show consistent effect directions (binomial P = 0.15). HMGCR, our positive control, associated with LDL-C, CAD and a glycemic composite (derived from GWAS meta-analysis of four glycemic traits and diabetes). In contrast, PCSK9, APOB, LPA, CETP, PLG, NPC1L1 and ALDH2 were identified as “druggable” loci that alter LDL-C and risk of CAD without displaying associations with dysglycemia. In conclusion, LDL-C increases the risk of CAD and the relationship is independent of any association of LDL-C with diabetes. Loci that encode targets of emerging LDL-C lowering drugs do not associate with dysglycemia, and this provides provisional evidence that new LDL-C lowering drugs (such as PCSK9 inhibitors) may not influence risk of diabetes

    Cow welfare in grass based milk production systems

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    End of project reportUnder this project, aspects of pasture based milk production systems, namely different milking frequency and feeding strategies as well as genetic selection for improved fitness using the Irish Economic Breeding Index (EBI) were evaluated in terms of dairy cow behaviour, health, immune function and reproductive performance. Additionally, a typical Irish pasture based system was compared to one in which cows were kept indoors in cubicles and fed a total mixed ration for the duration of lactation in order to elucidate the perceived benefits of pasture based systems for dairy cow welfare

    Ferric Citrate Regulator FecR Is Translocated across the Bacterial Inner Membrane via a Unique Twin-Arginine Transport-Dependent Mechanism.

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    In Escherichia coli, citrate-mediated iron transport is a key nonheme pathway for the acquisition of iron. Binding of ferric citrate to the outer membrane protein FecA induces a signal cascade that ultimately activates the cytoplasmic sigma factor FecI, resulting in transcription of the fecABCDE ferric citrate transport genes. Central to this process is signal transduction mediated by the inner membrane protein FecR. FecR spans the inner membrane through a single transmembrane helix, which is flanked by cytoplasm- and periplasm-orientated moieties at the N and C termini. The transmembrane helix of FecR resembles a twin-arginine signal sequence, and the substitution of the paired arginine residues of the consensus motif decouples the FecR-FecI signal cascade, rendering the cells unable to activate transcription of the fec operon when grown on ferric citrate. Furthermore, the fusion of beta-lactamase C-terminal to the FecR transmembrane helix results in translocation of the C-terminal domain that is dependent on the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system. Our findings demonstrate that FecR belongs to a select group of bitopic inner membrane proteins that contain an internal twin-arginine signal sequence.IMPORTANCE Iron is essential for nearly all living organisms due to its role in metabolic processes and as a cofactor for many enzymes. The FecRI signal transduction pathway regulates citrate-mediated iron import in many Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli The interactions of FecR with the outer membrane protein FecA and cytoplasmic anti-sigma factor FecI have been extensively studied. However, the mechanism by which FecR inserts into the membrane has not previously been reported. In this study, we demonstrate that the targeting of FecR to the cytoplasmic membrane is dependent on the Tat system. As such, FecR represents a new class of bitopic Tat-dependent membrane proteins with an internal twin-arginine signal sequence