627 research outputs found
The impact of gambling advertising: Problem gamblers report stronger impacts on involvement, knowledge, and awareness than recreational gamblers.
Although there is a general lack of empirical evidence that advertising influences gambling participation, the regulation of gambling advertising is hotly debated among academic researchers, treatment specialists, lobby groups, regulators, and policy makers. This study contributes to the ongoing debate by investigating perceived impacts of gambling advertising in a sample of gamblers drawn from the general population in Norway (n = 6,034). Three dimensions of advertising impacts were identified, representing perceived impacts on (a) gambling-related attitudes, interest, and behavior (âInvolvementâ), (b) knowledge about gambling options and providers (âKnowledgeâ), and (c) the degree to which people are aware of gambling advertising (âAwarenessâ). Overall, impacts were strongest for the âKnowledgeâ dimension, and, for all three dimensions, the impact increased with level of advertising exposure. Those identified as problem gamblers in the sample (n = 57) reported advertising impacts concerning âInvolvementâ more than recreational gamblers, and this finding was not attributable to differences in advertising exposure. Additionally, younger gamblers reported stronger impacts on âInvolvementâ and âKnowledgeâ but were less likely to agree that they were aware of gambling advertising than older gamblers. Male gamblers were more likely than female gamblers to report stronger impacts on both âInvolvementâ and âKnowledgeâ. These findings are discussed with regard to existing research on gambling advertising as well as their implications for future research and policy-making
Study addiction - a new area of psychological study: conceptualization, assessment, and preliminary empirical findings
Aims: Recent research has suggested that for some individuals, educational studying may become compulsive and excessive and lead to âstudy addictionâ. The present study conceptualized and assessed study addiction within the framework of workaholism, defining it as compulsive over-involvement in studying that interferes with functioning in other domains and that is detrimental for individuals and/or their environment. Methods: The Bergen Study Addiction Scale (BStAS) was tested - reflecting seven core addiction symptoms (salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, relapse, and problems) - related to studying. The scale was administered via a cross-sectional survey distributed to Norwegian (n = 218) and Polish (n = 993) students with additional questions concerning demographic variables, study-related variables, health, and personality. Results: A one-factor solution had acceptable fit with the data in both samples and the scale demonstrated good reliability. Scores on BStAS converged with scores on learning engagement. Study addiction (BStAS) was significantly related to specific aspects of studying (longer learning time, lower academic performance), personality traits (higher neuroticism and conscientiousness, lower extroversion), and negative health-related factors (impaired general health, decreased quality of life and sleep quality, higher perceived stress). Conclusions: It is concluded that BStAS has good psychometric properties, making it a promising tool in the assessment of study addiction. Study addiction is related in predictable ways to personality and health variables, as predicted from contemporary workaholism theory and research
The Prevalence of Workaholism: A Survey Study in a Nationally Representative Sample of Norwegian Employees
Workaholism has become an increasingly popular area for empirical study. However, most studies examining the prevalence of workaholism have used non-representative samples and measures with poorly defined cut-off scores. To overcome these methodological limitations, a nationally representative survey among employees in Norway (N = 1,124) was conducted. Questions relating to gender, age, marital status, caretaker responsibility for children, percentage of full-time equivalent, and educational level were asked. Workaholism was assessed by the use of a psychometrically validated instrument (i.e., Bergen Work Addiction Scale). Personality was assessed using the Mini-International Personality Item Pool. Results showed that the prevalence of workaholism was 8.3% (95% CI = 6.7â9.9%). An adjusted logistic regression analysis showed that workaholism was negatively related to age and positively related to the personality dimensions agreeableness, neuroticism, and intellect/imagination. Implications for these findings are discussed
The relationship between study addiction and work addiction: a cross-cultural longitudinal study
Recent empirical studies investigating âstudy addictionâ have conceptualized it as a behavioral addiction,
defined within the framework of work addiction. This study is the first attempt to examine the longitudinal relationship between study addiction and work addiction. Methods: The Bergen Study Addiction Scale (BStAS), the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS), and the Ten-Item Personality Inventory were administered online together with questions concerning demographics and study-related variables in two waves. In Wave 1, a total of 2,559 students in Norway and 2,177 students in Poland participated. A year later, in Wave 2, 379 Norwegians and 401 Polish who began to work professionally completed the survey. Results: The intraclass correlation between BStAS and BWAS revealed that the scores were somewhat related; however, the relationship was slightly weaker than the temporal stability of both constructs. In the Norwegian sample, scoring higher on neuroticism and lower on learning time outside educational classes in Wave 1 was positively related to work addiction in Wave 2, whereas gender was unrelated to work addiction in Wave 2 when controlling for other studied variables in either samples. Conclusion: Study addiction and work addiction appear to be closely related suggesting that the former may be a precursor for (or an early form of) the latter
Work addiction in Poland: adaptation of the Bergen Work Addiction Scale and relationship with psychopathology
Background: Work addiction has been recognized as a potential behavioral addiction, and studies have consistently shown its negative relationship with psychosocial functioning. However, in many countries, such as Poland, very few work addiction studies are based on measures developed using an addiction framework. Against this backdrop, the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS) was adapted for use in Polish samples and its relationship with psychopathology was investigated.
Participants and procedure: In a pen-and-pencil cross sectional study, the BWAS, the Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scale, the Mini-International Personality Item Pool, and questions concerning demographic, health and work-related variables were administered to 723 Polish employees from various professions. Their mean age was 36.37 years (SD = 11.33, range = 20-79).
Results: Support for a one-factor solution for the BWAS was found and the BWAS demonstrated good reliability (α = .84). Work addiction was significantly related to specific aspects of work (longer working time and managerial positions), personality traits (higher neuroticism), and psychopathology (depression and attention deficit hyperactivity). The prevalence of work addiction using the BWAS was 17.4% in the present sample.
Conclusions: The Polish BWAS has good psychometric properties and is a suitable scale for the assessment of work addiction based on the findings of the present study
Do Online Privacy Concerns Predict Selfie Behavior among Adolescents, Young Adults and Adults?
Selfies, or self-portraits, are often taken and shared on social media for online self-presentation reasons, which are considered essential for the psychosocial development and well-being of people in today's culture. Despite the growing popularity and widespread sharing of selfies in the online space, little is known about how privacy concerns moderate selfie behavior. In addition to this, it is also not known whether privacy concerns across age and gender groups influence selfie behavior. To address this timely issue, a survey assessing common selfie behaviors, that is, frequency of taking (individual and group selfies), editing (cropping and filtering), and posting selfies online, and social media privacy concerns (over personal data being accessed and misused by third parties) was conducted. The web-survey was administered to 3,763 Norwegian social media users, ranging from 13 to 50 years, with a preponderance of women (n = 2,509, 66.7%). The present study investigated the impact of privacy concerns on selfie behaviors across gender and age groups (adolescent, young adult, and adult) by use of the structural equation modeling approach. The results suggest that young adults have greater privacy concerns compared to adolescents and adults. Females have greater privacy concerns than males. Greater privacy concerns among female social media users were linked to lower engagement in selfie behavior, but privacy concerns did not influence selfie behavior in the case of male adolescents and young adults. Overall, privacy concerns were more consistently and inversely related to selfie behavior (taking and posting) among females than males. The study results have theoretical as well as practical implications for both researchers and policy makers.Peer reviewe
Gambling behavior in alcohol-serving and non-alcohol-serving-venues: a study of electronic gaming machine players using account records
Aim: Contextual factors, such as venue characteristics appear to influence gambling behavior. However, few studies have compared the relationship between gambling behavior in alcohol-serving venues (ASVs) and non-alcohol serving venues (NASVs). The aim of the study was to examine individual gambling behavior in ASVs and NASVs.
Method: A repeated-measures design was used to examine individual gambling behavior in ASVs and NASVs covering a month. The sample comprised 1,452 observations of 726 individuals (25.2% female). A quantile regression model was conducted to examine individual differences in gambling behavior (number of days, sessions, bets made, stake and time spent, net balance, and average bet size) across ASVs and NASVs. Analyses were broken down by gambler category (those that reached legal mandatory spending limits and those that did not) as well as on time frame (overall gambling behavior and average in-session gambling behavior).
Results: Individuals gambled regularly in NASVs and occasionally in ASVs. Compared to NASVs, in-session gambling behavior was more variable in ASVs. In-session analysis showed that non-limit reaching gamblers staked less money in ASVs than in NASVs but lost more money in ASVs than in NASVs. Limit reaching gamblers showed no differences in gambling behavior across venues.
Conclusion: The findings show that in-session gambling behavior is more variable in ASVs compared to NASVs regardless of gambling category. Non-limit reaching gamblers may be more sensitive to contextual factors than limit reaching gamblers and appear to be more willing to take more risk in ASVs compared to NASVs. The contextual implications are discussed
The relationship between addictive use of social media and video games and symptoms of psychiatric disorders: a large-scale cross-sectional study
Over the last decade, research into âaddictive technological behaviorsâ has substantially increased. Research has also demonstrated strong associations between addictive use of technology and comorbid psychiatric disorders. In the present study, 23,533 adults (mean age 35.8 years, ranging from 16 to 88 years) participated in an online cross-sectional survey examining whether demographic variables, symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), anxiety, and depression could explain variance in addictive use (i.e., compulsive and excessive use associated with negative outcomes) of two types of modern online technologies: social media and video games. Psychometrically robust instruments were utilized. Correlations between symptoms of addictive technology use and mental disorder symptoms were all positive and significant, including the interrelationship between the two addictive technological behaviors. Age appeared to be inversely related to the addictive use of these technologies. Being male was significantly associated with addictive use of video games, whereas being female was significantly associated with addictive use of social media. Being single was positively related to both addictive social networking and video gaming. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that demographic factors explained between 11% and 12% of the variance in addictive technology use. The mental health variables explained between 7% and 15% of the variance. The study significantly adds to our understanding of mental health symptoms and their role in addictive use of modern technology. Clinical implications, strengths, and limitations are discussed
Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder: A comprehensive systematic review
The inclusion of gaming disorder (GD) as an official diagnosis in the ICD-11 was a significant milestone for the field. However, the optimal measurement approaches for GD are currently unclear. This comprehensive systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate all available English-language GD tools and their corresponding evidence. A search of PsychINFO, PsychArticles, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar identified 32 tools employed in 320 studies (NâŻ=âŻ462,249 participants). The evaluation framework examined tools in relation to: (1) conceptual and practical considerations; (2) alignment with DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria; (3) type and quantity of studies and samples; and (4) psychometric properties. The evaluation showed that GD instrumentation has proliferated, with 2.5 tools, on average, published annually since 2013. Coverage of DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria was inconsistent, especially for the criterion of continued use despite harm. Tools converge on the importance of screening for impaired control over gaming and functional impairment. Overall, no single tool was found to be clearly superior, but the AICA-Sgaming, GAS-7, IGDT-10, IGDS9-SF, and Lemmens IGD-9 scales had greater evidential support for their psychometric properties. The GD field would benefit from a standard international tool to identify gaming-related harms across the spectrum of maladaptive gaming behaviors.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
Demographics, Personality and Substance-Use Characteristics Associated with Forming Romantic Relationships
The current study aimed to identify demographic, personality and substance-use characteristics associated with forming romantic relationships. Data were collected by two online surveys among students in Bergen, Norway, during the autumn of 2015 (T1) and by a follow-up survey that was conducted 12Â months later (T2). The current sample consists of the 2404 participants who reported being single at T1 (mean age 23.2) and who participated in both waves of the survey. Binary logistic regression analyses were conducted. Separate analyses were conducted for both sexes and for the entire sample of participants. High extroversion scores predicted relationship formation. For women, having a child/children, higher scores on neuroticism, alcohol use and illegal substance use positively predicted relationship formation, while for men, age and openness were positive predictors. The study contributes with several novel findings. In general, characteristics related to a need for support predicted romantic relationship formation among women, while characteristics associated with increased resource acquisition potential predicted relationship formation among men. The general pattern of findings is in line with established evolutionary theories such as the sexual strategies theory and the parental investment theory.Peer reviewe
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