2,460 research outputs found
Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for O(2N) sigma models with integrable diagonal boundaries
The finite volume problem of O(2N) sigma models with integrable diagonal
boundaries on a finite interval is investigated. The double row transfer matrix
is diagonalized by Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. The boundary Bethe Yang equations
for the particle rapidities and the accompanying Bethe Ansatz equations are
derived.Comment: 32 pages Discussion of the crossing property of the double row
transfer matrix as well as its eigenvalue on the pseudovacuum included.
Version accepted for JHEP v3 Note added, typos correcte
Boundary finite size corrections for multiparticle states and planar AdS/CFT
We propose formulas for the L\"uscher type finite size energy correction of
multiparticle states on the interval and evaluate them for the simplest case in
the AdS/CFT setting. By this we determine the leading wrapping correction to
the anomalous dimension of the simplest determinant type operator, which
corresponds to a one particle state on the Y=0 brane.Comment: 21 pages, 22 eps figures, v2: references added, v3: typos, fermionic
signs are corrected in section 4, explicit results simplified, conclusion is
Spectral curve for open strings attached to the Y=0 brane
The concept of spectral curve is generalized to open strings in AdS/CFT with
integrability preserving boundary conditions. Our definition is based on the
logarithms of the eigenvalues of the open monodromy matrix and makes possible
to determine all the analytic, symmetry and asymptotic properties of the
quasimomenta. We work out the details of the whole construction for the Y = 0
brane boundary condition. The quasimomenta of open circular strings are
explicitly calculated. We use the asymptotic solutions of the Y -system and the
boundary Bethe Ansatz equations to recover the spectral curve in the strong
coupling scaling limit. Using the curve the quasiclassical fluctuations of some
open string solutions are also studied.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; v3: typos corrected, sect.2.2 improve
On integrable boundaries in the 2 dimensional -models
We make an attempt to map the integrable boundary conditions for 2
dimensional non-linear O(N) -models. We do it at various levels:
classically, by demanding the existence of infinitely many conserved local
charges and also by constructing the double row transfer matrix from the Lax
connection, which leads to the spectral curve formulation of the problem; at
the quantum level, we describe the solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter
equation and derive the Bethe-Yang equations. We then show how to connect the
thermodynamic limit of the boundary Bethe-Yang equations to the spectral curve.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Petr Kulish, 31 pages, 1 figure, v2:
conformality and integrability of the boundary conditions are distinguishe
NLIE for hole excited states in the sine-Gordon model with two boundaries
We derive a nonlinear integral equation (NLIE) for some bulk excited states
of the sine-Gordon model on a finite interval with general integrable boundary
interactions, including boundary terms proportional to the first time
derivative of the field. We use this NLIE to compute numerically the dimensions
of these states as a function of scale, and check the UV and IR limits
analytically. We also find further support for the ground-state NLIE by
comparison with boundary conformal perturbation theory (BCPT), boundary
truncated conformal space approach (BTCSA) and the boundary analogue of the
Luscher formula.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX; graphicx, epstopdf, 4 figure
The spectrum of tachyons in AdS/CFT
We analyze the spectrum of open strings stretched between a D-brane and an
anti-D-brane in planar AdS/CFT using various tools. We focus on open strings
ending on two giant gravitons with different orientation in
and study the spectrum of string excitations using the following approaches:
open spin-chain, boundary asymptotic Bethe ansatz and boundary thermodynamic
Bethe ansatz (BTBA). We find agreement between a perturbative high order
diagrammatic calculation in SYM and the leading finite-size
boundary Luscher correction. We study the ground state energy of the system at
finite coupling by deriving and numerically solving a set of BTBA equations.
While the numerics give reasonable results at small coupling, they break down
at finite coupling when the total energy of the string gets close to zero,
possibly indicating that the state turns tachyonic. The location of the
breakdown is also predicted analytically.Comment: 40 pages, lots of figures, v2: typos corrected, accepted for
publication in JHE
Measurement of event-by-event transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations using strongly intensive measures and in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
Results from the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS are presented on
event-by-event transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations of charged
particles, produced at forward rapidities in central Pb+Pb interactions at beam
momenta 20, 30, 40, 80, and 158 GeV/c, as well as in systems of
different size (, C+C, Si+Si, and Pb+Pb) at 158 GeV/c. This publication
extends the previous NA49 measurements of the strongly intensive measure
by a study of the recently proposed strongly intensive measures of
fluctuations and . In the explored kinematic
region transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations show no significant
energy dependence in the SPS energy range. However, a remarkable system size
dependence is observed for both and , with the
largest values measured in peripheral Pb+Pb interactions. The results are
compared with NA61/SHINE measurements in collisions, as well as with
predictions of the UrQMD and EPOS models.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, to be submitted to PR
Antideuteron and deuteron production in mid-central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV
Production of deuterons and antideuterons was studied by the NA49 experiment
in the 23.5% most central Pb+Pb collisions at the top SPS energy of
=17.3 GeV. Invariant yields for and were measured
as a function of centrality in the center-of-mass rapidity range .
Results for together with previously published
measurements are discussed in the context of the coalescence model. The
coalescence parameters were deduced as a function of transverse momentum
and collision centrality.Comment: 9 figure
System-size and centrality dependence of charged kaon and pion production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40A GeV and158A GeV beam energy
Measurements of charged pion and kaon production are presented in centrality
selected Pb+Pb collisions at 40A GeV and 158A GeV beam energy as well as in
semi-central C+C and Si+Si interactions at 40A GeV. Transverse mass spectra,
rapidity spectra and total yields are determined as a function of centrality.
The system-size and centrality dependence of relative strangeness production in
nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40A GeV and 158A GeV beam energy are derived from
the data presented here and published data for C+C and Si+Si collisions at 158A
GeV beam energy. At both energies a steep increase with centrality is observed
for small systems followed by a weak rise or even saturation for higher
centralities. This behavior is compared to calculations using transport models
(UrQMD and HSD), a percolation model and the core-corona approach.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, typo table II correcte
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