34 research outputs found
SiH Aggregates: From Simple Building Blocks to Highly Magnetic Functionalized Materials
Density-functional theory based global geometry optimization is used to
scrutinize the possibility of using endohedrally-doped hydrogenated Si clusters
as building blocks for constructing highly magnetic materials. In contrast to
the known clathrate-type facet-sharing, the clusters exhibit a predisposition
to aggregation through double Si-Si bridge bonds. For the prototypical
CrSiH cluster we show that reducing the degree of hydrogenation
may be used to control the number of reactive sites to which other cages can be
attached, while still preserving the structural integrity of the building block
itself. This leads to a toolbox of CrSiH monomers with
different number of double "docking sites", that allows building network
architectures of any morphology. For (CrSiH) dimer and
[CrSiH](CrSiH) trimer structures we
illustrate that such aggregates conserve the high spin moments of the dopant
atoms and are therefore most attractive candidates for cluster-assembled
materials with unique magnetic properties. The study suggests that the
structural completion of the individual endohedral cages within the
doubly-bridge bonded structures and the high thermodynamic stability of the
obtained aggregates are crucial for potential synthetic polymerization routes
controlled dehydrogenation
On the stability of "non-magic" endohedrally doped Si clusters: A first-principles sampling study of MSi16^+ (M =Ti,V,Cr)
Density-functional theory is used to study the geometric and electronic
structure of cationic Si16^+ clusters with a Ti, V or Cr dopant atom. Through
unbiased global geometry optimization based on the basin-hopping approach we
confirm that a Frank- Kasper polyhedron with the metal atom at the center
represents the ground-state isomer for all three systems. The endohedral cage
geometry is thus stabilized even though only VSi16^+ achieves electronic shell
closure within the prevalent spherical potential model. Our analysis of the
electronic structure traces this diminished role of shell closure for the
stabilization back to the adaptive capability of the metal- Si bonding, which
is more the result of a complex hybridization than the orginally proposed mere
formal charge transfer. The resulting flexibility of the metal-Si bond can help
to stabilize also "non-magic" cage-dopant combinations, which suggests that a
wider range of materials may eventually be cast into this useful geometry for
cluster-assembled materials.Comment: 13 pages including 5 figures; related publications can be found at
Multi-Doping of Si Cages: High Spin States beyond the Single-Dopant Septet Limit
Density-functional theory based global geometry optimization is employed to
systematically scrutinize the possibility of multi-doping of hydrogenated Si
clusters in order to achieve high spin states beyond the septet limit of a
single-atom dopant. While our unbiased configurational search reveals that the
previously suggested Si18H12 double hexagonal prism structure is generally too
small to accommodate two dopants in magnetized state, the larger Si24H24 cage
turns out to be suitable for such applications. For dimer dopants M2+ = Cr2+,
Mn2+ and CrMn+, the structural integrity of the host cage is conserved in the
ground-state structure of corresponding M2+@Si24H24 aggregates, as is the
unusually high spin state of the guest dopant, which in case of Cr2+ already
exceeds the single-atom dopant septet limit by almost a factor of two.
Moreover, the possibility of further increasing the cluster spin moment by
encapsulating an even larger number of dopants into a suitably sized
hydrogenated Si cage is illustrated for the example of a (CrMn+)2@Si28H28
aggregate with a total number of 18 unpaired electrons. These results strongly
suggest multi-doping of Si clusters as a viable route to novel cluster-based
materials for magneto-optic applications
CO Oxidation Catalysed by Pd-based Bimetallic Nanoalloys
Density functional theory based global geometry optimization has been used to
demonstrate the crucial influence of the geometry of the catalytic cluster on
the energy barriers for the CO oxidation reaction over Pd-based bimetallic
nanoalloys. We show that dramatic geometry change between the reaction
intermediates can lead to very high energy barriers and thus be prohibitive for
the whole process. This introduces challenges for both the design of new
catalysts, and theoretical methods employed. On the theory side, a careful
choice of geometric configurations of all reaction intermediates is crucial for
an adequate description of a possible reaction path. From the point of view of
the catalyst design, the cluster geometry can be controlled by adjusting the
level of interaction between the cluster and the dopant metal, as well as
between the adsorbate molecules and the catalyst cluster by mixing different
metals in a single nanoalloy particle. We show that substitution of a Pd atom
in the Pd cluster with a single Ag atom to form PdAg leads to
a potential improvement of the catalytic properties of the cluster for the CO
oxidation reaction. On the other hand, a single Au atom does not enhance the
properties of the catalyst, which is attributed to a weaker hybridization
between the cluster's constituent metals and the adsorbate molecules. Such
flexibility of properties of bimetallic nanoalloy clusters illustrates the
possibility of fine-tuning, which might be used for design of novel efficient
catalytic materials.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure
Ab initio statistisch mechanische Untersuchung der Funktionalisierung von dotierten Siliziumclustern:
The present thesis systematically assesses the feasibility of using endohedrally doped silicon clusters to design novel cluster-assembled materials using state-of-the-art first-principles statistical mechanics methodology. Starting from a careful investigation of the nature of chemical bonding within the building blocks, we here suggest a way to conserve the intriguing magnetic and optical properties of transition metal dopants, and propose a novel potential synthetic polymerization route for building aggregates with engineered properties via controlled dehydrogenation.In dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe moderner ab initio statistisch mechanischer Verfahren systematisch die Anwendbarkeit endohedral dotierter Siliziumcluster für die Konstruktion neuer Cluster-basierter Materialien studiert. Beginnend mit der gründlichen Analyse der Natur der chemischen Bindung innerhalb der Bausteinen, schlagen wir einen Ansatz vor die einzigartigen magnetischen und optischen Eigenschaften der Dotierübergangsmetalle zu erhalten, sowie einen möglichen synthetischen Polymerisationsweg solcher Bausteine durch kontrollierte Dehydrogenierung
Ni-based nanoalloys : towards thermally stable highly magnetic materials
Molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations have been used to demonstrate the possibility of preserving high spin states of the magnetic cores within Ni-based core-shell bimetallic nanoalloys over a wide range of temperatures. We show that, unlike the case of Ni-Al clusters, Ni-Ag clusters preserve high spin states (up to 8 μB in case of Ni13Ag32 cluster) due to small hybridization between the electronic levels of two species. Intriguingly, such clusters are also able to maintain geometrical and electronic integrity of their cores at temperatures up to 1000 K (e.g., for Ni7Ag27 cluster). Furthermore, we also show the possibility of creating ordered arrays of such magnetic clusters on a suitable support by soft-landing pre-formed clusters on the surface, without introducing much disturbance in geometrical and electronic structure of the cluster. We illustrate this approach with the example of Ni13Ag38 clusters adsorbed on the Si(111)-(7×7) surface, which, having two distinctive halves to the unit cell, acts as a selective template for cluster deposition
Global structure search for molecules on surfaces : efficient sampling with curvilinear coordinates
Efficient structure search is a major challenge in computational materials science. We present a modification of the basin hopping global geometry optimization approach that uses a curvilinear coordinate system to describe global trial moves. This approach has recently been shown to be efficient in structure determination of clusters [C. Panosetti et al., Nano Lett. 15, 8044–8048 (2015)] and is here extended for its application to covalent, complex molecules and large adsorbates on surfaces. The employed automatically constructed delocalized internal coordinates are similar to molecular vibrations, which enhances the generation of chemically meaningful trial structures. By introducing flexible constraints and local translation and rotation of independent geometrical subunits, we enable the use of this method for molecules adsorbed on surfaces and interfaces. For two test systems, trans-β-ionylideneacetic acid adsorbed on a Au(111) surface and methane adsorbed on a Ag(111) surface, we obtain superior performance of the method compared to standard optimization moves based on Cartesian coordinates
Global materials structure search with chemically motivated coordinates
Identification of relevant reaction pathways in ever more complex composite materials and nanostructures poses a central challenge to computational materials discovery. Efficient global structure search, tailored to identify chemically relevant intermediates, could provide the necessary first-principles atomistic insight to enable a rational process design. In this work we modify a common feature of global geometry optimization schemes by employing automatically generated collective curvilinear coordinates. The similarity of these coordinates to molecular vibrations enhances the generation of chemically meaningful trial structures for covalently bound systems. In the application to hydrogenated Si clusters, we concomitantly observe a significantly increased efficiency in identifying low-energy structures and exploit it for an extensive sampling of potential products of silicon-cluster soft landing on Si(001) surfaces