755 research outputs found

    Timelike and null focusing singularities in spherical symmetry: a solution to the cosmological horizon problem and a challenge to the cosmic censorship hypothesis

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    Extending the study of spherically symmetric metrics satisfying the dominant energy condition and exhibiting singularities of power-law type initiated in SI93, we identify two classes of peculiar interest: focusing timelike singularity solutions with the stress-energy tensor of a radiative perfect fluid (equation of state: p=13ρp={1\over 3} \rho) and a set of null singularity classes verifying identical properties. We consider two important applications of these results: to cosmology, as regards the possibility of solving the horizon problem with no need to resort to any inflationary scenario, and to the Strong Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis to which we propose a class of physically consistent counter-examples.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX file. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Newtonian and Post-Newtonian approximations of the k = 0 Friedmann Robertson Walker Cosmology

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    In a previous paper we derived a post-Newtonian approximation to cosmology which, in contrast to former Newtonian and post-Newtonian cosmological theories, has a well-posed initial value problem. In this paper, this new post-Newtonian theory is compared with the fully general relativistic theory, in the context of the k = 0 Friedmann Robertson Walker cosmologies. It is found that the post-Newtonian theory reproduces the results of its general relativistic counterpart, whilst the Newtonian theory does not.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, corrected typo

    Simple Analytic Models of Gravitational Collapse

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    Most general relativity textbooks devote considerable space to the simplest example of a black hole containing a singularity, the Schwarzschild geometry. However only a few discuss the dynamical process of gravitational collapse, by which black holes and singularities form. We present here two types of analytic models for this process, which we believe are the simplest available; the first involves collapsing spherical shells of light, analyzed mainly in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates; the second involves collapsing spheres filled with a perfect fluid, analyzed mainly in Painleve-Gullstrand coordinates. Our main goal is pedagogical simplicity and algebraic completeness, but we also present some results that we believe are new, such as the collapse of a light shell in Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates.Comment: Submitted to American Journal of Physic

    Falloff of the Weyl scalars in binary black hole spacetimes

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    The peeling theorem of general relativity predicts that the Weyl curvature scalars Psi_n (n=0...4), when constructed from a suitable null tetrad in an asymptotically flat spacetime, fall off asymptotically as r^(n-5) along outgoing radial null geodesics. This leads to the interpretation of Psi_4 as outgoing gravitational radiation at large distances from the source. We have performed numerical simulations in full general relativity of a binary black hole inspiral and merger, and have computed the Weyl scalars in the standard tetrad used in numerical relativity. In contrast with previous results, we observe that all the Weyl scalars fall off according to the predictions of the theorem.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Shear-Free Gravitational Waves in an Anisotropic Universe

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    We study gravitational waves propagating through an anisotropic Bianchi I dust-filled universe (containing the Einstein-de-Sitter universe as a special case). The waves are modeled as small perturbations of this background cosmological model and we choose a family of null hypersurfaces in this space-time to act as the histories of the wavefronts of the radiation. We find that the perturbations we generate can describe pure gravitational radiation if and only if the null hypersurfaces are shear-free. We calculate the gauge-invariant small perturbations explicitly in this case. How these differ from the corresponding perturbations when the background space-time is isotropic is clearly exhibited.Comment: 32 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Operational significance of the deviation equation in relativistic geodesy

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    Deviation equation: Second order differential equation for the 4-vector which measures the distance between reference points on neighboring world lines in spacetime manifolds. Relativistic geodesy: Science representing the Earth (or any planet), including the measurement of its gravitational field, in a four-dimensional curved spacetime using differential-geometric methods in the framework of Einstein's theory of gravitation (General Relativity).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the "Encyclopedia of Geodesy". arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1811.1047


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    Post-Newtonian Cosmology

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    Newtonian Cosmology is commonly used in astrophysical problems, because of its obvious simplicity when compared with general relativity. However it has inherent difficulties, the most obvious of which is the non-existence of a well-posed initial value problem. In this paper we investigate how far these problems are met by using the post-Newtonian approximation in cosmology.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    You Can't Get Through Szekeres Wormholes - or - Regularity, Topology and Causality in Quasi-Spherical Szekeres Models

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    The spherically symmetric dust model of Lemaitre-Tolman can describe wormholes, but the causal communication between the two asymptotic regions through the neck is even less than in the vacuum (Schwarzschild-Kruskal-Szekeres) case. We investigate the anisotropic generalisation of the wormhole topology in the Szekeres model. The function E(r, p, q) describes the deviation from spherical symmetry if \partial_r E \neq 0, but this requires the mass to be increasing with radius, \partial_r M > 0, i.e. non-zero density. We investigate the geometrical relations between the mass dipole and the locii of apparent horizon and of shell-crossings. We present the various conditions that ensure physically reasonable quasi-spherical models, including a regular origin, regular maxima and minima in the spatial sections, and the absence of shell-crossings. We show that physically reasonable values of \partial_r E \neq 0 cannot compensate for the effects of \partial_r M > 0 in any direction, so that communication through the neck is still worse than the vacuum. We also show that a handle topology cannot be created by identifying hypersufaces in the two asymptotic regions on either side of a wormhole, unless a surface layer is allowed at the junction. This impossibility includes the Schwarzschild-Kruskal-Szekeres case.Comment: zip file with LaTeX text + 6 figures (.eps & .ps). 47 pages. Second replacement corrects some minor errors and typos. (First replacement prints better on US letter size paper.

    A Simple Family of Analytical Trumpet Slices of the Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    We describe a simple family of analytical coordinate systems for the Schwarzschild spacetime. The coordinates penetrate the horizon smoothly and are spatially isotropic. Spatial slices of constant coordinate time tt feature a trumpet geometry with an asymptotically cylindrical end inside the horizon at a prescribed areal radius R0R_0 (with 0<R0≀M0<R_{0}\leq M) that serves as the free parameter for the family. The slices also have an asymptotically flat end at spatial infinity. In the limit R0=0R_{0}=0 the spatial slices lose their trumpet geometry and become flat -- in this limit, our coordinates reduce to Painlev\'e-Gullstrand coordinates.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
