49 research outputs found
Logarithmic scaling in the near-dissipation range of turbulence
A logarithmic scaling for structure functions, in the form , where is the Kolmogorov dissipation scale and
are the scaling exponents, is suggested for the statistical
description of the near-dissipation range for which classical power-law scaling
does not apply. From experimental data at moderate Reynolds numbers, it is
shown that the logarithmic scaling, deduced from general considerations for the
near-dissipation range, covers almost the entire range of scales (about two
decades) of structure functions, for both velocity and passive scalar fields.
This new scaling requires two empirical constants, just as the classical
scaling does, and can be considered the basis for extended self-similarity
Angular dependent light emission from planar waveguides.
We have investigated the angular dependence of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and laser emission from an asymmetric and free-standing polymer thin films doped with rhodamine 6G, which is transversely pumped by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. A semi-leaky waveguide or quasi-waveguide structure has been developed by spin coating technique. In these waveguides, the light was confined by the film/air-film/glass substrate interfaces. At the film/substrate interface, a portion of light will reflect back into the film (guided mode) and the remaining refracted to the substrate resulting in cutoff modes. A blue-shift in ASE has been observed when the pump power was increased from 8 to 20 mW allowing a limited range of tuning of emission wavelength. To study the directionality of the ASE from the waveguide, we have measured the output intensity and FWHM of emission spectra as a function of viewing angle (θ) from the plane parallel to film. From the detailed examination of the output emission spectra, as +θ increases from 0° there has been an initial decrease in output intensity, but at a particular angle ≈10° an increase in output intensity was observed. This additional peak in output intensity as +θ is a clear indication of coexistence of the cutoff mode. We also present a compact solid-state laser based on leaky mode propagation from the dye-doped polymer free-standing film (∼50-μm thickness) waveguide. The partial reflections from the broad lateral surfaces of the free-standing films provided the optical feedback for the laser emission with high directionality. For a pump power of 22 mW, an intense line with FWHM-[less than] 0.2nm was observed at 578nm
Disorder, Order, and Domain Wall Roughening in the 2d Random Field Ising Model
Ground states and domain walls are investigated with exact combinatorial
optimization in two-dimensional random field Ising magnets. The ground states
break into domains above a length scale that depends exponentially on the
random field strength squared. For weak disorder, this paramagnetic structure
has remnant long-range order of the percolation type. The domain walls are
super-rough in ordered systems with a roughness exponent close to 6/5.
The interfaces exhibit rare fluctuations and multiscaling reminiscent of some
models of kinetic roughening and hydrodynamic turbulence.Comment: to be published in Phys.Rev.E/Rapid.Com
Solvent effects on lasing characteristics for Rh B laser dye.
We demonstrate pulsed, photopumped multimode laser emission in the visible spectral range from rhodamine B dye dissolved in various solvents. The laser emission is characterized by a well-defined, low threshold pump power at which the emission spectral intensity dramatically increases and collapsed into several dominant laser modes with reduced mode spacing and spectral width. The modes were found to originate from the subcavities formed by the plane-parallel walls of the cuvette containing the gain medium. The cavity lasing spectral structure and the numbers of longitudinal modes were easily controlled by changing the solvents. A shift in the emission spectra has been also observed by changing the solvents will allow a limited range of tuning of laser emission wavelength. We also determined the gain coefficient and stimulated emission cross-section for the Rh B dye dissolved liquid laser system. A detailed discussion of the solvent effect in the lasing characteristics of Rh B in different solution is explained along with the computational data
Statistical relaxation under nonturbulent chaotic flows: Non-Gaussian high-stretch tails of finite-time Lyapunov exponent distributions
Fabrication and Characterisation of Dye Doped Polymer Optical Fibres With Different Refractive Index Profiles for Photonic Applications
International School of Photonics,
Cohin University of Science and Technolog
Development of optical sensors for detection and measurement of fluoride using organic dyes and some of their derivatives
Direction Dependent Transmission Characteristics of Dye Mixture Doped Polymer Optical Fibre Preforms
The direction dependant wavelength selective transmission mechanism in poly (methyl
methacrylate)(PMMA) rods doped with C 540 dye and C 540:Rh.B dye mixture as a combination has been
investigated. When a polished slice of pure C 540 doped polymer rod was used side by side with a C540:Rh B
doped rod with acceptor concentration [A] = 7x10-4 m/l , we could notice more than 100% change in the
transmitted intensity along opposite directions at the C 540, Rh B emission and the excitation wavelengths . A
blue high bright LED emitting at a peak wavelength 465nm was used as the excitation source
Direction Dependent Transmission Characteristics of Dye Mixture Doped Polymer Optical Fibre Preforms
The direction dependant wavelength selective transmission mechanism in poly (methyl
methacrylate)(PMMA) rods doped with C 540 dye and C 540:Rh.B dye mixture as a combination has been
investigated. When a polished slice of pure C 540 doped polymer rod was used side by side with a C540:Rh B
doped rod with acceptor concentration [A] = 7x10-4 m/l , we could notice more than 100% change in the
transmitted intensity along opposite directions at the C 540, Rh B emission and the excitation wavelengths . A
blue high bright LED emitting at a peak wavelength 465nm was used as the excitation source