13,020 research outputs found

    Programa de capacitação técnica coletiva em inclusão digital.

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    A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), acompanhando as tendências de mercado, elaborou, em 2010, o Plano Corporativo de Inclusão Digital da Embrapa(PCIDE), que se estruturou por meio de uma análise da demanda, não somente do mercado, mas também do interesse dos funcionários e colaboradores, com o objetivo de proporcionar meios para que empregados pouco ou nada familiarizados com as TIC tivessem acesso às tecnologias e orientações para um uso adequado

    How soil carbon and nutrient availability in an integrated crop-livestock-forest system are related?

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    In this study we aimed to check the correlations between soil organic C and nutrient availability at the 0-100 cm soil depth of an Oxisol cultivated with the integrated crop-livestock-forest system

    Soil C stocks and isotopic signature in integrated crop-livestock-forest systems of the Cerrado-Amazon transition zone.

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    Integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (iCLF) are gaining importance as they are considered promising systems for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sinks. We investigated if iCLF was able to improve soil C stocks when implemented on an area of pasture showing signs of overgrazing.Coordenador Roberto Giolo de Almeida. II SIGEE

    Avaliação da extração de água pelo sistema radicular de cultivares de bananeira do subgrupo Terra.

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    As relações hídricas das culturas requerem o conhecimento da extração de água do solo pelas mesmas. A reflectometria no domínio do tempo (TDR) ou da frequência (FRD) possibilita a coleta automática de dados em diversos pontos do solo, sendo possível avaliar a extração de água pelo sistema radicular

    Dissipative quantum systems modeled by a two level reservoir coupling

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    The coupling between a quantum dynamical system and a two-level system reservoir is analysed within the framework of the Feynman-Vernon theory. We stress the differences between this new reservoir and the well-known bath of oscillators and show that, in order to obtain the Langevin equation for the system of interest in the high temperature regime, we have to choose a spectral distribution function J(ω)J(\omega) which is finite for ω=0\omega=0.Comment: 6 pages, RevteX, preprint UNICAM

    Heart defibrillation : relationship between pacing threshold and defibrillation probability

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    Considering the clinical importance of the ventricular fibrillation and that the most used therapy to reverse it has a critical side effect on the cardiac tissue, it is desirable to optimize defibrillation parameters to increase its efficiency. In this study, we investigated the influence of stimuli duration on the relationship between pacing threshold and defibrillation probability. We found out that 0.5-ms-long pulses had a lower ratio of defibrillation probability to the pacing threshold, although the higher the pulse duration the lower is the electric field intensity required to defibrillate the hearts. The appropriate choice of defibrillatory shock parameters is able to increase the efficiency of the defibrillation improving the survival chances after the occurrence of a severe arrhythmia. The relationship between pulse duration and the probability of reversal of fibrillation shows that this parameter cannot be underestimated in defibrillator design since different pulse durations have different levels of safety.181COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão tem2011/51199-6; 2011/51199-6The authors are grateful to the R&D team at CEB/UNICAMP and NMCE-Núcleo de Medicina e Cirurgia Experimental at Faculty of Medical Science-UNICAMP for the valuable technical support. This study was supported by CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in Portuguese, scholarship to Priscila C. Antoneli) and FAPESP (Foundation for Research of the State of São Paulo, in Portuguese, Proc. N 2011/51199-6). This study was supported by CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in Portuguese, scholarship to Priscila C. Antoneli) and FAPESP (Foundation for Research of the State of São Paulo, in Portuguese, Proc. N 2011/51199-6