822 research outputs found

    Plasma Waves in Anisotropic Superconducting Films Below and Above the Plasma Frequency

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    We consider wave propagation inside an anisotropic superconducting film sandwiched between two semi-infinite non-conducting bounding dieletric media such that along the c-axis, perpendicular to the surfaces, there is a plasma frequency ωp\omega_p below the superconducting gap. Propagation is assumed to be parallel to the surfaces in the dielectric medium, where amplitudes decay exponentially.Below ωp\omega_p, the amplitude also evanesces inside the film, and we retrieve the experimentally measured lower dispersion relation branch, ωβ\omega \propto \sqrt{\beta}, and the recently proposed higher frequency branch, ω1/β\omega \propto 1/\sqrt{\beta}.Above ωp\omega_p, propagation is of the guided wave type, i.e., a dispersive plane wave confined inside the film that reflects into the dielectric interfaces,and the modes are approximately described by ωωp1+(β/β0)2\omega \approx \omega_p \sqrt{ 1+ (\beta/\beta_0)^2}, where β0\beta_0 is discussed here.Comment: 26 pages,4 figures.Submitte

    Ultrafast QND measurements based on diamond-shape artificial atom

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    We propose a Quantum Non Demolition (QND) read-out scheme for a superconducting artificial atom coupled to a resonator in a circuit QED architecture, for which we estimate a very high measurement fidelity without Purcell effect limitations. The device consists of two transmons coupled by a large inductance, giving rise to a diamond-shape artificial atom with a logical qubit and an ancilla qubit interacting through a cross-Kerr like term. The ancilla is strongly coupled to a transmission line resonator. Depending on the qubit state, the ancilla is resonantly or dispersively coupled to the resonator, leading to a large contrast in the transmitted microwave signal amplitude. This original method can be implemented with state of the art Josephson parametric amplifier, leading to QND measurements in a few tens of nanoseconds with fidelity as large as 99.9 %.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Nanomechanical Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits

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    Many protocols for quantum computation require a quantum memory element to store qubits. We discuss the accuracy with which quantum states prepared in a Josephson junction qubit can be stored in a nanoelectromechanical resonator and then transfered back to the junction. We find that the fidelity of the memory operation depends on both the junction-resonator coupling strength and the location of the state on the Bloch sphere. Although we specifically focus on a large-area, current-biased Josesphson junction phase qubit coupled to the dilatational mode of a piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical disk resonator, many our results will apply to other qubit-oscillator models.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Measuring the size of a Schroedinger cat state

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    We propose a measure for the "size" of a Schroedinger cat state, i.e. a quantum superposition of two many-body states with (supposedly) macroscopically distinct properties, by counting how many single-particle operations are needed to map one state onto the other. This definition gives sensible results for simple, analytically tractable cases and is consistent with a previous definition restricted to Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-like states. We apply our measure to the experimentally relevant, nontrivial example of a superconducting three-junction flux qubit put into a superposition of left- and right-circulating supercurrent states and find this Schroedinger cat to be surprisingly small.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum dynamics of a dc-SQUID coupled to an asymmetric Cooper pair transistor

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the quantum dynamics of a superconducting circuit based on a highly asymmetric Cooper pair transistor (ACPT) in parallel to a dc-SQUID. Starting from the full Hamiltonian we show that the circuit can be modeled as a charge qubit (ACPT) coupled to an anharmonic oscillator (dc-SQUID). Depending on the anharmonicity of the SQUID, the Hamiltonian can be reduced either to one that describes two coupled qubits or to the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian. Here the dc-SQUID can be viewed as a tunable micron-size resonator. The coupling term, which is a combination of a capacitive and a Josephson coupling between the two qubits, can be tuned from the very strong- to the zero-coupling regimes. It describes very precisely the tunable coupling strength measured in this circuit and explains the 'quantronium' as well as the adiabatic quantum transfer read-out.Comment: 20 page

    Dynamical Behavior of a Squid Ring Coupled to a Quantized Electromagnetic Field

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    In this paper we investigate the dynamical behavior of a SQUID ring coupled to a quantized single-mode electromagnetic field. We have calculated the eigenstates of the combined fully quantum mechanical SQUID-field system. Interesting phenomena occur when the energy difference between the usual symmetric and anti-symmetric SQUID states equals the field energy . We find the low-energy lying entangled stationary states of the system and demonstrate that its dynamics is dominated by coherent Rabi oscillations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. to be published on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Double symmetry breaking and 2D quantum phase diagram in spin-boson systems

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    The quantum ground state properties of two independent chains of spins (two-levels systems) interacting with the same bosonic field are theoretically investigated. Each chain is coupled to a different quadrature of the field, leading to two independent symmetry breakings for increasing values of the two spin-boson interaction constants ΩC\Omega_C and ΩI\Omega_I. A phase diagram is provided in the plane (ΩC\Omega_C,ΩI\Omega_I) with 4 different phases that can be characterized by the complex bosonic coherence of the ground states and can be manipulated via non-abelian Berry effects. In particular, when ΩC\Omega_C and ΩI\Omega_I are both larger than two critical values, the fundamental subspace has a four-fold degeneracy. Possible implementations in superconducting or atomic systems are discussed

    Decoherence processes in a current biased dc SQUID

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    A current bias dc SQUID behaves as an anharmonic quantum oscillator controlled by a bias current and an applied magnetic flux. We consider here its two level limit consisting of the two lower energy states | 0 \right> and | 1 \right>. We have measured energy relaxation times and microwave absorption for different bias currents and fluxes in the low microwave power limit. Decoherence times are extracted. The low frequency flux and current noise have been measured independently by analyzing the probability of current switching from the superconducting to the finite voltage state, as a function of applied flux. The high frequency part of the current noise is derived from the electromagnetic environment of the circuit. The decoherence of this quantum circuit can be fully accounted by these current and flux noise sources.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure