17 research outputs found


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    Pandemi COVID-19 telah memicu transformasi mendalam dalam dunia pendidikan, mengarah pada peningkatan signifikan dalam implementasi pembelajaran dalam jaringan (DARING). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas pembelajaran DARING selama masa pandemi, dengan fokus pada berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi proses ini. Melalui pendekatan studi campuran yang melibatkan survei, wawancara, dan analisis literatur, penelitian ini menyajikan gambaran holistik tentang pengalaman peserta didik dan pendidik dalam menghadapi pembelajaran online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, secara umum, pembelajaran DARING dianggap efektif, namun, tantangan dan hambatan yang terkait dengan teknologi, metode pengajaran, dan aspek psikososial tetap ada. Teknologi dan infrastruktur yang memadai, keterampilan teknologi yang ditingkatkan, dan dukungan pendidik menjadi kunci dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran. Variasi metode pengajaran, perhatian pada aspek psikososial, serta keterlibatan dan dukungan orang tua juga menjadi faktor krusial dalam mencapai keberhasilan pembelajaran DARING. Rekomendasi strategis mencakup peningkatan investasi dalam teknologi pendidikan, pelatihan lanjutan untuk pendidik, pengembangan kebijakan yang mendukung pembelajaran DARING, dan perhatian khusus terhadap kesejahteraan psikososial peserta didik. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan panduan berharga bagi lembaga pendidikan dan pemangku kepentingan dalam merancang dan mengoptimalkan pembelajaran DARING di masa depan

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bilangan Perkalian dan Pembagian di Kelas II SD

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    The objectives of the research are to improve the mathematics learning result in finishing the multiplication and division questions through contextual approach at grade II SDN Cempaka Baru 09 Jakarta. To be the further data to search another strategy or approach and to be the fundamental for the following research. The research was treated to 27 students of grade II at SDN Cempaka Baru in academic year 2009/2010 where they have to finish the multiplication and division questions. The research finding shows that there is a significance improvement of the students learning result in finishing the multipilication and division questions at grade II SDN Cempaka Baru 09 Jakarta Pusat. The percentage of step 1 is 61,3%, step II is 71,5%, and step III is 77,1%. Meanwhile, the percentage of contextual learning process of step I is 82,5%, step II is 89,5%, and step III is 93%. The correlation between the teaching and learning result and the contextually teaching and learning process is the more effective the contextual teaching and learning process, the higher scores of the students will be

    Pengaruh Kebiasaan Belajar dan Kreativitas Belajar Siswa terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika (Survey pada SMA di Kecamatan Ciledug Tangerang)

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    The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement. In addition it is to know simultaneously the influence of students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement. The research method is used in this research is survey. There are 60 students come from tenth grader of SMA Numaniyah and SMA Fatahillah Ciledug Tangerang as sample of the research, interview, questionner, and achievement test are used to collect the data. The descriptive statistical is used to analyze the data beside person double correlation coefficient, determination coefficient and regression analysis T and F  test are used to incate the statistical test. The research was conducted on March 2012. The result of the research show that there is simultaneous influence between students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement of tenth grader students at SMA Ciledug Tangerang. It is stated by the quality regression of Y = -6,227 + 0,85 + 0,683. It indicates that one level of improvement of learning activity and creativity will be followed by the students achievement of -6,227. The students learning activity and creativity variables indicates the significance influence toward the students learning achievement. It is shownby the determination coefficient of R2 = 0,777 and F test score = 99,459

    Kemampuan Siswa Sekolah Menegah Pertama Dengan Pembelajaran Etnosains

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    Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah mengetahui kemampuan siswa sekolah menengah pertama terhadap pembelajaran berbasis etnosians.  Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah studi literatur terkait dengan pembelajaran berbasis etnosains. Pengintegrasian etnosains ke dalam pembelajaran akan lebih efektif jika dimasukkan ke dalam mata pelajaran, demikian kesimpulan dari artikel ini. Latar belakang budaya siswa dapat mempengaruhi seberapa baik mereka mempelajari konsep-konsep yang diajarkan di sekolah. Kurikulum harus dirancang untuk mempromosikan sistem sosial yang sehat dalam masyarakat. Itu harus memperhitungkan berbagai faktor yang berkontribusi pada pengembangan dan pemeliharaan masyarakat, dan berusaha untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif untuk interaksi sosial yang positif. Agar pengembangan kurikulum lebih efektif, etnosains perlu diintegrasikan ke dalam proses. Hal ini akan membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih bermakna dan kontekstual bagi siswa

    Studi Deskriptif Efektifitas Pola Asuh Orangtua Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Anak Usia Dini Di Taman Kanak-kanak Pembina Painan

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    Mendidik dan membimbing anak akan lebih berhasil apabila dilakukan dengan kasih sayang dan keteladanan. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektifitas pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orangtua dirumah terhadap perkembangan sosial anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang yaitu sesuai dengan teknik snowball sampling. Disimpulkan bahwa pola asuh orangtua sangat memiliki pengaruh penting terhadap perkembangan sosial anak. Sedangkan pola asuh yang dominan diterapkan adalah pola asuh permissive

    A Computational Study on the Effects of Molecular Structures of Di-n-butyldithiophosphate and of its Derivatives on the Stability of Their Complex Compounds with Rare-Earth Elements

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    The stability of complex compounds  formed from the ligand di-n-butyldithiophosphate (DBDTP) and its derivatives, with ions of rare-earth elements (REEs), such as gadolinium ion (Gd3+), is an important factor in the separation and purification processes of the elements using solvent extraction method. The complex stability is dependent, one of which, on the partial charge of the donor atom (S atom in this case) in the molecule of DBDTP or its derivatives. The more negative the partial charge of the donor atom, the more stable is the complex compound formed. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of electron donating, and of electron withdrawing groups, as well as the effect of the structure of the butyl group in the molecules of  DBDTP and or its derivatives on the partial charge of the donor atom. The method used was the semi empirical quantum mechanical calculations, i.e. the Austin Model 1 (AM1). The results of the study showed that the electron withdrawing group of -CN had resulted in the most positive charge on the donor atom, if it is on the second carbon atom of the butyl group in the DBDTP and or its derivatives. Conversely, in the same carbon atom position, the donating electron group of -CH=CH2 had generated the most negative partial charge on the donor atom. Furthermore, the results of this study also revealed that the sec-butyl isomer produced the most negative partial charge on the donor atom, among other isomers

    Penilaian Diri Perkuliahan Daring Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UMS Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Mata Kuliah Microteaching Tahun Akademik 2019/2020

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    In connection with the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia, currently it has an impact on the entire community, one of which is students. The government has implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), learning which is usually done in person or face-to-face at schools and universities is currently done online or in a network (online). The practice of Microteaching at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta is currently carried out from home online. The practice itself is done by making a video containing microteaching practice, then uploading it to the Youtube page and the link is forwarded via the WhatsApp group so that it can be assessed by lecturers and peers. The purpose of this study was to determine the self-assessment of online lectures for students of the FKIP UMS Biology Education Study Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Microteaching Course, Academic Year 2019/2020. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The sampling technique used was total sampling technique. The method in this research is a closed questionnaire. The results of this study show that the self-assessment of online lectures for Biology Education Study Program students at UMS during the COVID-19 pandemic, the microteaching course on the indicators of making video microteaching is quite difficulty (54.46%), indicators of media use in online lectures are difficulty (62.09%) and on indicators of activity learning in online microteaching lectures is difficulty (67.24%), so that from the three indicators an average percentage (61.26%) is obtained which is in the difficulty category

    Kimia Dasar

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Kimia Dasar” terdiri atas 11 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan strategi dan analisis diantaranya: Konsep Kimia Dasar, Model dan Struktur Atom, Konfigurasi Elektron, Konsep Mol dan Stoikhiometri, Ikatan Kimia, Wujud Zat dan Perubahan Fasa 1, Kesetimbangan Ionik dalam Larutan, Termodinamika Kimia dan Termokimia, Kesetimbangan Kimia, Kinetika Kimia dan Elektrokimia


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    This article focus on the discussion of “instructional chemistry economic-based” Chemistry work is a students’ learning process which is constructed by teachers to develop creative thinking, so it can improve the ability to build a new knowlege and to increase mastering on the material. Hopefully, Instructional chemistry economic-based is expected to increase cognitive, affective and physicomotor, so the teacher’s paradigm about chemistry work is expensive can be eliminated.  Practical work can use the tools and materials in the daily life, such as balloon, citric acid, vegetable oil, eggs, funnel, water, floss, ice, salt, candles, matches, turmeric, bottles, etc.  Keywords: Practical work, Chemistry, Economies Based</p