1,277 research outputs found
Quasiorders, Tolerance Relations and Corresponding “Partitions”
The paper deals with a generalization of the notion of partition for wider classes of binary relations than equivalences: for quasiorders and tolerance relations. The counterpart of partition for the quasiorders is based on a generalization of the notion of equivalence class while it is shown that such a generalization does not work in case of tolerances. Some results from [5] are proved in a much more simple way. The third kind of “partition” corresponding to tolerances, not occurring in [5], is introduced
A Syntactic Approach to Closure Operation
In the paper, tracing the traditional Hilbert-style syntactic account of logics, a syntactic characteristic of a closure operation defined on a complete lattice follows. The approach is based on observation that the role of rule of inference for a given consequence operation may be played by an ordinary binary relation on the complete lattice on which the closure operation is defined
Polish migration: motives for the mobility, its dynamics and a proposal of sociological reconceptualisation
Artykuł zbiera podstawowe informacje na temat zjawiska współczesnych polskich emigracji. We wprowadzającej części artykułu dokonano zestawienia kolejnych faz emigracji, po to by następnie zająć się interpretacją uwarunkowań i źródeł jej najnowszych fal po 2004 r. Na podstawie rekonceptualizcji podstawowych założeń XIX-wiecznej teorii migracji omówiono czynniki wypychające w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej, aby wprowadzić pojęcie „czynników indywidualnych”. Celem analizy jest przedstawienie możliwej strategii odpowiadania na pytania dotyczące przyczyn migracji w naszym regionie, rekapitulującej zarejestrowane różnice w odpływie siły roboczej z poszczególnych krajów.Analiza oparta jest na zestawianiu danych statystycznych pochodzących z dostępnych publikacji naukowych, publicznych statystyk oraz badań opinii publicznej.The article recapitulates basic information on contemporary Polish international migrations. First, consecutive waves of migration of the 1980 are presented, followed by later developments of the late 1980s and 1990s of the twentieth century, up to the beginning of the twenty first century being a result of the political consequences of the enlargement of the EU (namely Poland’s joining the Europen Union and the subsequent Schengen agreement in 2004). After that certain ‘push factors’ occurring in Central and Eastern Europe are being described and the term: ‘individual factors’ is introduced. The main goal of the analysis presented in the article was to propose a possible strategy for answering questions regarding different intensiveness of the emigration from Central and Eastern European countries, bearing in mind that the quality of life in individual states – sources of that emigration – were comparable.In the analysis, available data from the Eurostat, government statistics, and sociological surveys were used
Primerjava prve in druge stopnje neolitizacije na območju Poljske (da o tretji sploh ne govorimo)
The origins of the Neolithic in Polish territories are associated with migrations of groups of the Linear Band Pottery culture (LBK) after the mid-6th millennium BC. Communities of this culture only settled in enclaves distinguished by ecological conditions favourable to farming (‘LBK neolithisation’). This situation persisted into the 5th millennium BC, when these enclaves were inhabited by post-Linear groups. This state of affairs changed from c. 4000 BC onwards due to the formation and spectacular territorial expansion of the Funnel Beaker culture (TRB). In the territories under consideration this expansion covered the areas previously inhabited by both hunter-gatherers (‘TRB neolithisation’) and farmers. Some of the Late Mesolithic hunter-gatherers did not accept TRB patterns. They successfully carried on their traditional lifestyle until the Early Bronze Age although some changes in their material culture are visible (including ‘ceramisation’).Začetki neolitika na območju Poljske so povezani z migracijami skupin linearno trakaste
kulture (LTK) v drugi polovici 6. tisočletja pr. n. št. Te skupine so se naselile v enklavah, za katere
so značilne ekološke razmere ugodne za kmetijsko ( ‘neolitizacija LTK’). Takšno stanje se je ohranilo
do 5. tisočletja pr. n. št., ko so te enklave poselile po-linearne skupine. Poselitev se je bistveno
spremenila šele od ok. 4000 pr. n. št. naprej z oblikovanjem in spektakularnim širjenjem nosilcev
kulture lijakastih čaš. Na Poljskem je ta poselitev zajela tudi območja, ki so jih pred tem poseljevali
tako lovci in nabiralci ( ‘neolitizacija kulture lijakastih čaš’) kot poljedelci. Nekatere skupine pozno
mezolitskih lovcev in nabiralcev niso sprejele vzorca kulture lijakastih čaš in so uspešno ohranili svoj
način življenja vse do zgodnje bronaste dobe, čeprav lahko zaznamo nekatere spremembe v njihovi
materialni kulturi (tudi ‘keramizacijo’)
Neolithisation in Polish territories : different patterns, different perspectives, and Marek Zvelebil's ideas
The neolithisation of Polish territories, approached from a global perspective, seems to proceed in
both a complex and heterogeneous way. This was primarily caused by the highly transitional location. Additionally, the more or less fundamental differences in our understanding of the pivotal terms and phenomena play a major role in the insufficient and ambiguous state of knowledge on the discussed
topic. Nevertheless, the fact that groups of classic foragers and foragers with selected elements of the
Neolithic package existed simultaneously with farming communities is of the utmost importance. This
paper examines possibilities for enriching the current state of knowledge with ideas on various aspects
of neolithisation processes worked out by Marek Zvelebil. The opinion is put forward that Marek
Zvelebil’s work can still provide both theoretical foundations and practical inspiration for further
research on neolithisation in East-Central Europe
The Funnel Beaker culture in western Lesser Poland : yesterday and today
Although Jan Kowalczyk’s work on the Funnel Beaker culture (TRB) did not particularly
refer to western Lesser Poland, many of his general and detailed reflections on Neolithic archaeology
can be utilized to better characterise this culture in this territory. The TRB appeared there
c. 3750/3700 BC and existed until c. 2800 BC. “Funnel Beaker” acculturation of the late
Lengyel-Polgár populations could play a large part in the origins of the local branch of this culture.
For many years, the TRB seemed to be scarcely represented. This notion has changed since early
1970s onwards, due to more and more intensive investigations. Currently, western Lesser Poland
is perceived as an equally important region of the TRB development as other the most important
ones both in Lowland and Upland zones. The local TRB communities were characterised by
varied patterns of settlement and economic behaviours. These patterns were correlated with
ecological differences
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