96 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar gugus fungsional turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) menggunakan konteks biodiesel untuk mencapai literasi sains siswa SMK. Penelitian mengacu pada Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER). Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu pedoman wawancara yang terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan, lembar validasi indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, lembar validasi rancangan bahan ajar dan lembar uji keterbacaan bahan ajar gugus fungsional turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) menggunakan konteks biodiesel yang berbasis literasi sains. Data penelitian yang diperoleh berupa transkripsi wawancara 10 orang siswa kelas X, hasil validasi indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, hasil validasi rancangan bahan ajar dan hasil uji keterbacaan bahan ajar gugus fungsional turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) menggunakan konteks biodiesel yang berbasis literasi sains. Hasil penelitian berupa prakonsepsi siswa terhadap biodiesel yang digunakan sebagai salah satu dasar untuk rancangan bahan ajar . Selain prakonsepsi, bahan ajar juga disesuaikan dengan kurikulum, kesesuaian dengan aspek kompetensi ilmiah dan sikap dari Program for International Student Assesment (PISA), konsep alkohol dan ester digabungkan (dikompositkan) dengan konteks biodiesel dan kesesuaian dengan tingkat perkembangan kognitif siswa. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan menggunakan teknik Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Perolehan rata-rata CVR sebesar 0,92 dirumuskan melalui Content Validity Index (CVI). Hasil CVI ini menunjukkan bahwa konten bahan ajar valid dan layak untuk diimplementasikan kepada siswa SMK. Secara keseluruhan, keterbacaan bahan ajar gugus fungsi turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) mudah dipahami dengan persentase sebesar 74,35%. Kata kunci: Bahan Ajar, Gugus Fungsi Turunan Senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester), Biodiesel, Literasi Sains, Model of Educational Reconstruction The study was conducted to reconstruct the teaching material on functional groups (alcohols and esters) using biodiesel context to reach scientific literacy of high school students. The study refers to the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER). The instruments used were interview form consisting of 12 of the questions, validation of indicators at cognitive and affective aspects, and validation of design teaching materials and readability form of teaching materials on functional groups (alcohols and esters) using the context of biodiesel based on scientific literacy. The research data obtained in the form of an interview transcript 10 students of class X, result of validation indicators at cognitive and affective aspects, result of validation design teaching materials and readability form of teaching materials on functional groups (alcohols and esters) using the context of biodiesel based on scientific literacy. The results of the study in the form of pre-conceptions students of biodiesel. The design of instructional materials that are based on the suitability of curriculum, the suitability of the scientific competence of Pisa in 2012, concept of alcohol and esters are combined (composited) with the context of biodiesel, and suitability of the students' cognitive level. Data analysis was performed using the technique of research results Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Acquisition average CVR of 0.92 formulated through the Content Validity Index (CVI). The CVI results showed that the content of teaching materials is valid and feasible to be implemented to high school students. Overall, the results show the readability alcohols and esters teaching materials has an easy criterion to understand by the student with 74,35%. Key words: teaching materials, functional group (alcohol and esters), biodiesel, scientific literacy, Model of Educational Reconstructio

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    Pola Komunikasi Pasangan Antaretnik Sundaminang Di Bandung

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    Aktivitas komunikasi pada pasangan antaretnik Sunda-Minang dalam pembentukan identitas pada anakanaknya meliputi situasi komunikasi, peristiwa komunikasi dan kompetensi komunikasi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan perspektif penyesuaian identitas dan jenis studi etnografi komunikasi. Subjek penelitiannya adalah pasangan pedagang antaretnik di Kota Bandung yang dipilih secara purposif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, partisipasi pasif, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa aktivitas komunikasi anggota keluarga pasangan antaretnik terjadi saat di pasar, di rumah, saat santai bersama keluarga. Bahasa yang digunakan sehari-hari adalah bahasa Indonesia, etnik Minang lebih dominan bila di banding dengan adat Sunda. Sebagian besar kepala keluarga yang beretnik Minang cenderung memilih kompromi titik tengah. Dalam pengambilan keputusan etnik Minang memiliki ketegasan yang kuat, serta kemandirian yang mampu membentuk keluarga untuk bertahan di lingkungan yang baru. Kompetensi komunikasi yang ditemukan berupa reaksi dan kemampuan pasangan untuk mengatasi perbedaan sehingga penyesuaian searah menjadi alternatif pilihan para keluarga. Pola komunikasi meliputi komunikasi pasangan antaretnik, komunikasi transaksional orangtua dan anak, serta komunikasi sesama pasangan campuran

    Mantra muar wanyek (analisis struktur dan fungsi)

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    Muar Wanyek (mengambil madu) merupakan kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat di daerah Sambas, Kalimantan Barat. Walaupun mata pencarian utama masyarakat Sambas adalah bertani, ke -giatan mengambil madu juga mereka lakukan sebagai pekerjaan sambil- an. Kegiatan ini biasanya mereka lakukan jika kebetulan menemukan sarang lebah. Kegiatan Muar Wanyek menjadi menarik karena dalam pelaksanaannya si pelaku mengucapkan kalimat-kalimat tertentu yang diyakini da-pat menghindarkan pelaku dari sengatan lebah. Selain itu, kalimat-kalimat yang diucapkan juga menjadi penghibur bagi si pelaku ketika melakukan kegiatannya. Kalimat-kalimat yang diucapkan mereka itu diwariskan secara turun-temurun

    Persuasive communication and tourists behavior in protected areas

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    Background: Persuasive communication has the opportunity to create and change tourist behavior to better preserve the natural environment, especially in tourism that applies sustainable concepts. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of persuasive communication on tourist behavior in Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park. Methods: The method used in this research is descriptive and verification research methods, with the research approach, used being quantitative and explanatory survey methods. Primary data was obtained through observation of the Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park and questionnaires to visiting tourists while obtaining secondary data through previous research documents, literature, and government policies. This study uses data analysis techniques with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach based on Partial Least Square (PLS) by testing the hypothesis using path analysis. Results: The study shows that the better the Communicator conveys something, the more influence will be given to tourists. In addition, the better the channel the Communicator provides, the more tourist visitors will increase. Conclusion: The Communicator has a significant favorable influence on tourist behavior, which means that what is conveyed to visitors can be understood, and anything that involves deliberate efforts to change other people’s minds is called persuasive communication. The better the Communicator conveys something, the more influence will be given to tourists. Implications: This study has implications for managers of tourism destinations located in protected areas, especially for local governments, in setting policies for developing tourism destinations


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    The covid-19 outbreak that currently hits Indonesia and the world has remained the community to be active to anticipate the spread of this virus. This condition certainly has an impact on tourism destinations and also stakeholders in the tourism sector with no tourist visits in the destination. To face these conditions related to The Covid-19 pandemic, tourism actors must start aggressively looking for new strategies to survive and rise from adversity.  Switching to digital media and making new innovations in digital use is considered to be the most suitable choice during this pandemic. One of the digital innovations that can be made by tourism actors is creating a virtual tour. Virtual tours provide the sensation of traveling for tourists without having to leave the house so that they can prevent the spread of this virus. By using a qualitative descriptive method, this research is a phenomenological study that tries to find out about the perceptions of these virtual tourists in experiencing the virtual tour as a tourism communication medium during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. As a result, even though they cannot feel the sensation and satisfaction of carrying out real tourism activities, virtual tour phenomena activities are quite enough to foster people's to be able to travel again when the conditions are back to normal

    Batu Dara Muning

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     The lack of research related to the potential for tourist attraction of Tunda Island from natural, artificial, cultural, and various other aspects based on existing conditions, is the urgency of this research. Tourist visits that are still fluctuating require special attention from the Serang Regency Government to optimize development. Therefore, this study's purpose is to identify the existing conditions and tourism potential of Tunda Island. Thus it can become a guideline for decision-making related to the tourism development in Tunda Island in the future. This research used qualitative research methods with a case study design. By purposive sampling, informants who are the community and tourism managers of Tunda Island were selected for in-depth interviews. The proportion of the results of this study was also more inclined to the field observations to achieve the research objectives. Secondary data came from literature studies related to previous research and also document studies from data to Tunda Island. The results showed that the potential of Tunda Island as a tourist attraction has the opportunity or the potential for natural or marine tourism. However, the potential cultural tourism attractions, both tangible and intangible, also need to be packaged and raised as a tourist attraction based on local potential. Also found in the potential for an artificial tourist attraction that can support tourism on Tunda Island. In the end, the results of this study expected to become input for the Serang Regency Government and other stakeholders to develop tourism activities that are relevant and able to integrate cultural, natural, and artificial tourism attractions.   &nbsp

    KONTRIBUSI HASIL BELAJAR DESAIN BUSANA INDUSTRI TERHADAP MINAT MENJADI DESAINER DI INDUSTRI GARMEN: Penelitian Terbatas Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Kriya Tekstil Dan Mode Jurusan Desain STISI Bandung Angkatan 2002

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    Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini, yaitu mengenai kontribusi hasil belajar desain busana industri terhadap minat menjadi desainer di industri garmen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, adalah metode deskriptif dan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampei total sebanyak 30 orang. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan adanya kontribusi positif dan signifikan dari hasil belajar desain busana industri terhadap minat menjadi desainer di industri garmen sebasar 41,83%. Temuan penelitian tersebut mengimplikasikan bahwa pada umumnya mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi dan berminat menjadi desainer di industri garmen. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini, penulis ajukan kepada mahasiswa agar dapat dijadikan bekal sehingga lebih memotivasi diri dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menjadi desainerdi industri garmen
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