159 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Fermentation Drink made from Juice of Winged Bean Sprouts (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) and Red Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)

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    Fermented milk is a product that was produced from fermentation of fresh milk using lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. A variety of plant materials can also be used as raw material in making of  fermentation drinks, such as nuts and tubers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of fermentation drink made from juice of winged bean sprout and red sweet potatoes. The treatment in this study is the level of mixing between juice of winged bean sprout with red sweet potatoes , consist of ;A (30:70), B (40:60), C (50:50), D (60:40) and E (70:30). Completely randomized design had been used with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The data colected was pH, viscosity, protein content, fat content, total solids, total acid, ash content, calcium content, total lactic acid bacteria, total plate count and sensory evaluation. Data processing is performed using statistical 8, followed by Tuckey test HSD All-Pair wise Comparisons Test at level of 5%. Mixing of winged bean sprouts with red sweet potato can increase the value of pH, viscosity, protein content, fat content, total solids, total acid, ash content, calcium content, and total lactic acid bacteria. The best product was the product of B (40% winged bean sprout and 60% red sweet potatoes) already meets SNI 7552:2009, contain : 2.36% protein content, fat content of 1.24%, 18.77% total solids, pH was 4, 2, 0.54% total acid, 0.23% ash content, 0.173% calcium content, viscosity was 3.56 DPA,  total  lactic acid bacteria (CFU / ml) was 1.9 x1010 , total plate count was 2.1 x1010 (CFU / ml)

    The Substitution of Wheat Flour with Mixed-Cassava (Manihot utilissima) and Red Beans-Flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Toward The Characteristics of Instant Noodles

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    Instant noodles are defined as dry food products made of wheat flour with the addition of other foodstuffs. Cassava flour can be used together with wheat flour as a basic ingredient for the noodles, in order to reduce the use of wheat flour. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of substitution of cassava flour to the wheat flour which was enriched with red bean flour toward the quality of instant noodles that had been produced. The treatment in this study was done by mixing 70% of wheat flour with 30% of cassava and red beans flour mixture at various levels. The observations was carried out on raw materials and the instant noodle products, including moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content and carbohydrate content as well as by different organoleptic test of the flavour, aroma, texture and colour. The results showed that the noodles product that was the most qualified and preferred was the product with the treatment D (a mixture of 70% of wheat flour; 20% of cassava flour and 10% of red bean flour), with the test results of 2.24% of moisture content, 1.07% of ash content, 9.36% of protein content, 17.77% of fat content, carbohydrate content by different of 69.95%, and 71.53% of yield

    The Physical and Chemical Properties of Wheat Flour in Some Wheat (Triticum spp.) Varieties Grown in West Sumatera

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    This research aims to determine the physical and chemical properties of wheat flour in some wheat varieties grown inWest Sumatra. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of five treatments and three repetitions. Thetreatments are: A (Wheat varieties Jarissa), B (Wheat varieties Dewata), C (Wheat varieties 1247), D (Wheat varieties Selayar) and E(Wheat varieties SO1). Observation ofthe resulting flour includes analysis of physical, functional, and proximate. Physical analysis ofthe results obtained flour; yield varieties Jarissa (50.00%); Dewata (45.45%), 1247 (50.00%); Selayar (47.83%); SO1 (47.66%). Waterabsorption of Jarissa varieties (65.90%); Dewata (59.95%), 1247 (49.27%); Selayar (69.85%); SO1 (51.67%). Oil absorption ofJarissa varieties (17.67%); Dewata (18.33%), 1247 (19.67%); Selayar (16.00%); SO1 (15.67%). Gelatinization temperature of Jarissavarieties (65.67°C); Dewata (65°C); 1247 (66°C); Selayar (67°C); SO1 (65.67°C). Chemical analysis results obtained flour; Watercontent of Jarissa varieties (10.02%); Dewata (12.00%), 1247 (14.75%); Selayar (9.48%); SO1 (12.24%). Ash content of Jarissavarieties (1.45%); Dewata (1.75%), 1247 (2.15%); Selayar (1.63%); SO1 (1.87%). Fat content of Jarissa varieties (2.24%); Dewata(2.59%), 1247 (2.50%); Selayar (2.15%); SO1 (2.34%). Crude fiber content of Jarissa varieties (3.46%); Dewata (3.11%), 1247(2.56%); Selayar (2.73%); SO1(3.13%). Carbohydrates of Jarissa varieties (71.55%); Dewata (67.00%), 1247 (66.06%); Selayar(73.60%); SO1 (69.59%). Starch content of Jarissa varieties (53.00%); Dewata (51.92%), 1247 (50.86%); Selayar (46.08%); SO1(42.74%). Protein content of Jarissa varieties (14.75%); Dewasa (16.66%), 1247 (14.54%); Selayar (13.13%); SO1 (13.97%). GlutenofJarissa varieties (50.09%); Dewata (13.37%), 1247 (12.71%); Selayar (28.57%); SO1 (35.36%)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran Biologi melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Telaah Yurisprudensi dan Mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Biologi melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Telaah Yurisprudensi Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Swasta Pembda 2 Gunungsitoli tahun pembelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian kelas XI-IPA. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1) pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran Pada siklus I responden guru 50% pada pertemuan I dan 71,75% (Cukup) pada pertemuan II dengan nilai rata-rata 60,87%. Angket kualitas pembelajaran siklus I mencapai 62,29% (cukup) Sedangkan pada siklus II mencapai 93,75% (baik sekali) pada pertemuan I dan mencapai kategori baik sekali dengan persentase 98,44% pada pertemuan II serta rata-rata 96,09%. Angket kualitas pembelajaran mencapai kategori baik sekali dengan persentase nilai 89,50%; 2) Nilai hasil rata-rata belajar pada siklus I sebesar 62,51 dan tergolong kurang dengan persentase ketuntasan 35,13% dan ketidaktuntasan 64,87%. Pada siklus II (kedua), nilai rata-rata hasil belajar 80,64 dan tergolong baik dengan persentase ketuntasan 86,48% dan ketidaktuntasan 13,52%


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    This study aimed to synthesize a superabsorbent polymer composite based on a natural polymer that has been made by grafting method using cassava starch as a backbone (main framework), Acrylic acid (AA) as a monomer, Ammonium persulfate (APS) as an initiator and N,N Methylene bisacrylamide (MBA) as a crosslinker. The effect of the ratio of cassava starch and acrylic acid (25 : 75; 50 : 50 and 75 : 25% weight total) has been studied based on absorption capacity. The chemical structure that occurs is analyzed using Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy. The results of the FTIR spectrum showed that the grafting of acrylic acid to starch occurred. In the ratio of starch to acrylic acid 25 : 75% of the weight total obtained the maximum water absorption ability (absorption capacity) 224 g/g in aquades and 25 g/g in 0,9% NaCl solution. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mensintesis komposit polimer superabsorban berbasis polimer alam yang telah dibuat dengan metode grafting (pencangkokan) yang menggunakan pati singkong sebagai backbone (kerangka utama), asam akrilat (AA) sebagai monomer, Ammonium persulfat (APS) sebagai inisiator dan N,N Metilen bisakrilamida (MBA) sebagai crosslinker. Pengaruh rasio pati singkong dan asam akrilat (25 : 75; 50 : 50 dan 75 : 25% berat total) telah dipelajari berdasarkan kapasitas absorbsi. Struktur kimia yang terjadi dianalisa menggunakan spektroskopi Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR). Hasil dari spektrum FTIR memperlihatkan bahwa terjadinya grafting asam akrilat terhadap pati. Pada rasio pati dengan asam akrilat 25 : 75% berat total diperoleh kemampuan menyerap air (kapasitas absorbsi) maksimum 224 g/g dalam aquades dan 25 g/g dalam larutan NaCl 0,9%

    Pengaruh pencampuran terigu dan bubuk kedelai sebagai bahan pengisi terhadap karakteristik dendeng jamur tiram (Pleurotus sp)

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    Dendeng merupakan produk yang diolah secara tradisional dari daging, dengan menambahkan garam dan bubuk ketumbar kemudian dijemur hingga kering sehingga tahan lama. Salah satu upaya pembuatan dendeng analog adalah dengan menggunakan jamur tiram putih dengan penambahan tepung terigu dan tepung kedelai sebagai bahan pengisi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencampuran tepung kedelai dan tepung terigu sebagai bahan pengisi terhadap karakteristik dendeng jamur tiram. Perbandingan bahan pengisi dan jamur tiram adalah 1:2, sedangkan bahan pengisi adalah campuran tepung terigu dan tepung kedelai dengan beberapa perbandingan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kekerasan, kadar proksimat, kadar asam lemak bebas, uji sensori, dan kadar asam amino produk terbaik. Hasil perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan statistik pada analisis fisik, kimia dan organoleptik adalah dendeng jamur tiram dan bahan pengisi tepung kedelai 100% dengan nilai rata-rata kekerasan 45,72 N/cm², kadar air 8,97%, kadar serat kasar 18,99%, kadar abu 3,83%, kadar protein 21,79%, kadar lemak 27,63%, kadar asam lemak bebas 0,14%, dan nilai penerimaan organoleptik seperti warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur