2,761 research outputs found
Solar Twins and Possible Solutions of the Solar and Jupiter Abundance Problems
Implications of the recently discovered systematic abundance difference
between the Sun and two collections of `solar twins' are discussed. The
differences can be understood as an imprint on the abundances of the solar
convection zone caused by the lock-up of heavy elements in the planets. Such a
scenario also leads naturally to possible solutions of two other abundance
peculiarities; 1) the discrepancy between photospheric abundances derived from
accurate 3-D models of the solar photosphere and the abundance of heavy
elements in the solar interior deduced from helioseismology, and 2) the
abundance pattern of Jupiter, which can either--with great difficulty--be
interpreted as a general and similar overabundance of both common elements such
as carbon, nitrogen and sulphur and rare inert gases such as argon, krypton and
xenon, or--much more simply--as an under-abundance of hydrogen.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to ApJL, v2 has improved formatting of reference
High energy collision cascades in tungsten: dislocation loops structure and clustering scaling laws
Recent experiments on in-situ high-energy self-ion irradiation of tungsten
(W) show the occurrence of unusual cascade damage effects resulting from single
ion impacts, shedding light on the nature of radiation damage expected in the
tungsten components of a fusion reactor. In this paper, we investigate the
dynamics of defect production in 150 keV collision cascades in W at atomic
resolution, using molecular dynamics simulations and comparing predictions with
experimental observations. We show that cascades in W exhibit no subcascade
break-up even at high energies, producing a massive, unbroken molten area,
which facilitates the formation of large defect clusters. Simulations show
evidence of the formation of both 1/2 and interstitial-type
dislocation loops, as well as the occurrence of cascade collapse resulting in
vacancy-type dislocation loops, in excellent agreement with experimental
observations. The fractal nature of the cascades gives rise to a scale-less
power law type size distribution of defect clusters.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
DISPATCH: A Numerical Simulation Framework for the Exa-scale Era. I. Fundamentals
We introduce a high-performance simulation framework that permits the
semi-independent, task-based solution of sets of partial differential
equations, typically manifesting as updates to a collection of `patches' in
space-time. A hybrid MPI/OpenMP execution model is adopted, where work tasks
are controlled by a rank-local `dispatcher' which selects, from a set of tasks
generally much larger than the number of physical cores (or hardware threads),
tasks that are ready for updating. The definition of a task can vary, for
example, with some solving the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD),
others non-ideal MHD, radiative transfer, or particle motion, and yet others
applying particle-in-cell (PIC) methods. Tasks do not have to be grid-based,
while tasks that are, may use either Cartesian or orthogonal curvilinear
meshes. Patches may be stationary or moving. Mesh refinement can be static or
dynamic. A feature of decisive importance for the overall performance of the
framework is that time steps are determined and applied locally; this allows
potentially large reductions in the total number of updates required in cases
when the signal speed varies greatly across the computational domain, and
therefore a corresponding reduction in computing time. Another feature is a
load balancing algorithm that operates `locally' and aims to simultaneously
minimise load and communication imbalance. The framework generally relies on
already existing solvers, whose performance is augmented when run under the
framework, due to more efficient cache usage, vectorisation, local
time-stepping, plus near-linear and, in principle, unlimited OpenMP and MPI
scaling.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by MNRA
Sputtering yields exceeding 1000 by 80keV Xe irradiation of Au nanorods
Using experiments and computer simulations, we find that 80 keV Xe ion irradiation of Au nanorods can produce sputtering yields exceeding 1000, which to our knowledge are the highest yields reported for sputtering by single ions in the nuclear collision regime. This value is enhanced by more than an order of magnitude compared to the same irradiation of flat Au surfaces. Using MD simulations, we show that the very high yield can be understood as a combination of enhanced yields due to low incoming angles at the sides of the nanowire, as well as the high surface-to-volume ratio causing enhanced explosive sputtering from heat spikes. We also find, both in experiments and simulations, that channeling has a strong effect on the sputtering yield: if the incoming beam happens to be aligned with a crystal axis of the nanorod, the yield can decrease to about 100
Abundance Analysis of the Halo Giant HD122563 with Three-Dimensional Model Stellar Atmospheres
We present a preliminary local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) abundance
analysis of the template halo red giant HD122563 based on a realistic,
three-dimensional (3D), time-dependent, hydrodynamical model atmosphere of the
very metal-poor star. We compare the results of the 3D analysis with the
abundances derived by means of a standard LTE analysis based on a classical,
1D, hydrostatic model atmosphere of the star. Due to the different upper
photospheric temperature stratifications predicted by 1D and 3D models, we find
large, negative, 3D-1D LTE abundance differences for low-excitation OH and Fe I
lines. We also find trends with lower excitation potential in the derived Fe
LTE abundances from Fe I lines, in both the 1D and 3D analyses. Such trends may
be attributed to the neglected departures from LTE in the spectral line
formation calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, contribution to proceedings for Joint Discussion
10 at the IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 200
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