28 research outputs found

    Methodology on monitoring and modelling of microbial metabolism

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    Applied Science

    Biochemical engineering's grand adventure

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    Building on the recent revolution in molecular biology, enabling a wealth of bio-product innovations made from renewable feedstocks, the biotechnology field is in a transition phase to bring the products to the market. This requires a shift from natural sciences to engineering sciences with first conception of new, efficient large-scale bioprocess designs, followed by implementation of the most promising design in practice. Inspired by a former publication by O. Levenspiel in 1988, an outline is presented of main challenges that the field of biochemical engineering is currently facing, in a context of major global sustainability trends. The critical stage is the conceptual design phase. Issues can best be addressed and overcome by adopting an attitude where one begins with the end in mind. This applies to three principal components: 1. the bioprocess value chain, where the product specifications and downstream purification schemes should be set before defining the upstream sections, 2. the time perspective, starting in the future assuming that feedstock and product-market combinations are already in place and then going back to today, and 3. the scale of operation, where the industrial operation sets the boundaries for all labscale research and development, and not vice versa. In this way, and ideal process is defined taking constraints from anticipated manufacturing into account. For illustration, three bioprocess design examples are provided, that show how new, ideal conceptual designs can be generated. These also make clear that the engineering sciences are undergoing a revolution, where bio-based approaches replace fossil routes, and gross simplification is replaced by highly detailed computational methods. For biochemical processes, lifeline modeling frameworks are highlighted as powerful means to reconcile the competing needs for high speed and high quality in biochemical engineering, both in the design and implementation stages, thereby enabling significant growth of the bio-based economy.BT/Bioprocess EngineeringOLD BT/Cell Systems Engineerin

    Lagrangian modeling of hydrodynamic–kinetic interactions in (bio)chemical reactors: Practical implementation and setup guidelines

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    Large substrate concentration gradients can exist in chemical or biochemical reactions, resulting from a large circulation time compared to the turnover time of substrates. The influence of such gradients on the microbial metabolism can significantly compromise optimal bioreactor performance. Lapin et al. (2004) proposed an Euler–Lagrange CFD method to study the impact of such gradients from the microbial point of view. The discrete representation of the biomass phase yields an advantageous perspective for studying the impact of extra-cellular variations on the metabolism, but at significant computational cost. In particular, the tracked number of particles, as well as the applied time resolution, have a large impact on both the accuracy of the simulation and the runtime of the simulation. In this work we study the influence of these parameters on both the simulation results and computation time, and provide guidelines for accurate Euler–Lagrange bioreactor simulations at minimal computational cost.ChemE/Transport PhenomenaBT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    From industrial fermentor to CFD-guided downscaling: what have we learned?

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    Euler–Lagrange computational fluid dynamics simulations offer great potential for the integration of transport dynamics and metabolic dynamics in fermentation systems. Since the seminal work of Lapin et al. [1,2], progress has been made, mainly in the analysis of CFD data and translation to laboratory setup designs. Different large-scale processes require different analysis methods; in this paper we discuss which analysis methods are best suited for given reactor types, by reviewing prior simulation cases as well as introducing new test cases. Furthermore, we address challenges in the translation from Euler–Lagrange simulations to laboratory scale systems, and propose methods to work around these shortcomings. Based on the current state of the art, we propose guidelines for the selection of data analysis methods, and we discuss the design of rational scale-down simulators. We conclude with a brief discussion regarding the requirements and possibilities of next-generation scale-down simulators, such as microfluidic single-cell analysis, and possible ways to approximate cellular lifelines from invasive intra-cellular measurements.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.ChemE/Transport PhenomenaImPhys/Imaging PhysicsExecutive boardBT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    Stochastic parcel tracking in an Euler–Lagrange compartment model for fast simulation of fermentation processes

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    The compartment model (CM) is a well-known approach for computationally affordable, spatially resolved hydrodynamic modeling of unit operations. Recent implementations use flow profiles based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, and several authors included microbial kinetics to simulate gradients in bioreactors. However, these studies relied on black-box kinetics that do not account for intracellular changes and cell population dynamics in response to heterogeneous environments. In this paper, we report the implementation of a Lagrangian reaction model, where the microbial phase is tracked as a set of biomass-parcels, each linked with an intracellular composition vector and a structured reaction model describing their intracellular response to extracellular variations. A stochastic parcel tracking approach is adopted, in contrast to the resolved trajectories used in CFD implementations. A penicillin production process is used as a case study. We show good performance of the model compared with full CFD simulations, both regarding the extracellular gradients and intracellular pool response, using the mixing time as a matching criterion and taking into account that the mixing time is sensitive to the number of compartments. The sensitivity of the model output towards some of the inputs is explored. The coarsest representative CM requires a few minutes to solve 80 h of flow time, compared with approximately 2 weeks for a full Euler–Lagrange CFD simulation of the same case. This alleviates one of the major bottlenecks for the application of such CFD simulations towards the analysis and optimization of industrial fermentation processes.BT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    Performing in spite of starvation: How Saccharomyces cerevisiae maintains robust growth when facing famine zones in industrial bioreactors

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    In fed-batch operated industrial bioreactors, glucose-limited feeding is commonly applied for optimal control of cell growth and product formation. Still, microbial cells such as yeasts and bacteria are frequently exposed to glucose starvation conditions in poorly mixed zones or far away from the feedstock inlet point. Despite its commonness, studies mimicking related stimuli are still underrepresented in scale-up/scale-down considerations. This may surprise as the transition from glucose limitation to starvation has the potential to provoke regulatory responses with negative consequences for production performance. In order to shed more light, we performed gene-expression analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown in intermittently fed chemostat cultures to study the effect of limitation-starvation transitions. The resulting glucose concentration gradient was representative for the commercial scale and compelled cells to tolerate about 76 s with sub-optimal substrate supply. Special attention was paid to the adaptation status of the population by discriminating between first time and repeated entry into the starvation regime. Unprepared cells reacted with a transiently reduced growth rate governed by the general stress response. Yeasts adapted to the dynamic environment by increasing internal growth capacities at the cost of rising maintenance demands by 2.7%. Evidence was found that multiple protein kinase A (PKA) and Snf1-mediated regulatory circuits were initiated and ramped down still keeping the cells in an adapted trade-off between growth optimization and down-regulation of stress response. From this finding, primary engineering guidelines are deduced to optimize both the production host's genetic background and the design of scale-down experiments.BT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    Euler-Lagrange analysis towards representative down-scaling of a 22 m3 aerobic S. cerevisiae fermentation

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    With reaction timescales equal to or shorter than the circulation time, the ideal mixing assumption typically does not hold for large scale bioreactors. As a consequence large scale gradients in extra-cellular conditions such as the substrate concentration exist, which may significantly impact the metabolism of micro-organisms and thereby the process performance. The influence of extra-cellular variations on the organism can be tested using so-called scale-down simulators, laboratory scale setups where deliberate, controlled fluctuations are imposed in the extra-cellular environment.ChemE/Transport PhenomenaBT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    Predicting by-product gradients of baker’s yeast production at industrial scale: A practical simulation approach

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    Scaling up bioprocesses is one of the most crucial steps in the commercialization of bioproducts. While it is known that concentration and shear rate gradients occur at larger scales, it is often too risky, if feasible at all, to conduct validation experiments at such scales. Using computational fluid dynamics equipped with mechanistic biochemical engineering knowledge of the process, it is possible to simulate such gradients. In this work, concentration profiles for the by-products of baker’s yeast production are investigated. By applying a mechanistic black-box model, concentration heterogeneities for oxygen, glucose, ethanol, and carbon dioxide are evaluated. The results suggest that, although at low concentrations, ethanol is consumed in more than 90% of the tank volume, which prevents cell starvation, even when glucose is virtually depleted. Moreover, long exposure to high dissolved carbon dioxide levels is predicted. Two biomass concentrations, i.e., 10 and 25 g/L, are considered where, in the former, ethanol production is solely because of overflow metabolism while, in the latter, 10% of the ethanol formation is due to dissolved oxygen limitation. This method facilitates the prediction of the living conditions of the microorganism and its utilization to address the limitations via change of strain or bioreactor design or operation conditions. The outcome can also be of value to design a representative scale-down reactor to facilitate strain studies.BT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    Decarbonizing ethanol production via gas fermentation: Impact of the CO/H<sub>2</sub>/CO<sub>2</sub> mix source on greenhouse gas emissions and production costs

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    This study explores key success factors for ethanol production via fermentation of gas streams, by assessing the effects of eight process variables driving the fermentation performance on the production costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Three fermentation feedstocks are assessed: off-gases from the steel industry, lignocellulosic biomass-derived syngas and a mixture of H2 and CO2. The analysis is done through a sequence of (i) sensitivity analyses based on stochastic simulations and (ii) multi-objective optimizations. In economic terms, the use of steel off-gas leads to the best performance and the highest robustness to low mass transfer coefficients, low microbial tolerance to ethanol, acetic-acid co-production and to dilution of the gas feed with CO2, due to the relatively high temperature at which the gas feedstock is available. The ethanol produced from the three feedstocks lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions than fossil-based gasoline and compete with first and second generation ethanol.BT/Biotechnology and SocietyBT/Bioprocess Engineerin