141 research outputs found
Simulação da injeção de bancos de agua com polimeros na recuperação de petroleo
Orientador: Maria Cristina de Castro CunhaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica Estatistica e Computação CientificaResumo: Neste trabalho abordamos o problema da injeção de bancos de água com polímeros na recuperação de petróleo. O modelo matemático consiste num sistema de leis de conservação com condições iniciais e de fronteira apropriadas. Utilizamos as soluções do problema de Riemann ( [ISA] e [JOH] ) associado a este sistema para propor um algoritmo que calcula os perfis de saturação de água s(x,t). As condições de contorno são ditadas pelo tamanho dos bancos de água (ou água com polímero) e a concentração de polímero usada no poço de injeção. As dificuldades encontradas se devem ao tratamento das descontinuidades que surgem devido as interações entre rarefações e choques que se formam devido a solução do problema de Riemann e as descontinuidades nas condições de contorno.Um programa computacional foi elaborado para calcular as interações entre os choques, a solução do problema de Riemann e a solução do problema da injeção de bancos. Foram considerados os casos com e sem adsorção do polímero pelo meio poroso. Simulamos a recuperação de óleo em alguns casos onde variamos o tamanho dos bancos, a concentração de polímero além das condições iniciais nos reservatórios. Fizemos comparações entre o algoritmo proposto e um esquema numérico do tipo upwindAbstract: In this presentation we work on the problem of the injection of water banks with polymers in enhanced oil recovery. The mathematical model consists of a system of conservation laws with appropriate initial conditions and of boundaries. We have used the solutions of the Riemann problem ( [ISA] and [JOH] ) associated to this system to propose an algorithm which calculates the profiles of saturation of water s(x.t). The outlining conditions are given through the size of the water banks ( or water whit polymers ) and the polymer concentration used in the injector well. The difficulties found are due to the treatment of the discontinuities that appear due to the interaction among rarefaction and shocks that are formed because of the solution of the Riemann problem and the discontinuities in the outlining conditions. We have made program computer which calculates the interaction among the shocks, the solution of the Riemann problem and the solution of the banks injection problem. Cases with or without polymer adsorption by the porous environment have been considered. Some cases of recuperation of oil have been simulated whereas the size of the banks and polymer was varied, as well as the initial conditions of the reservoir. The proposed algorithm and numerical scheme have been comparedDoutoradoDoutor em Matemática Aplicad
Uma análise empírica do impacto do balanced scorecard no desempenho de organizações Brasileiras
The State Reform processes combined with the emergence and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) originated electronic government policies and initiatives in Brazil. This paper dwells on Brazilian e-government by investigating the institutional design it assumed in the state's public sphere, and how it contributed to outcomes related to e-gov possibilities. The analyses were carried out under an interpretativist perspective by making use of Institutional Theory. From the analyses of interviews with relevant actors in the public sphere, such as state secretaries and presidents of public ICT companies, conclusions point towards low institutionalization of e-gov policies. The institutional design of Brazilian e-gov limits the use of ICT to provide integrated public services, to amplify participation and transparency, and to improve public policies management
The objective of this article is to expose the experiences that students had when they studied the Amerindian Philosophy discipline at the Federal University of Amazonas on the Humaitá – AM campus with graduates of the courses offered on the Campus. The subject offered by the Pedagogy course at the Institute of Education, Agriculture and Environment – IEAA, was prepared as a suggestion by the Arandu Group of Studies and Research in Philosophy with a view to problematizing indigenous thought and cosmologies in their dimensions of knowledge in order to promote the encounter between academic theoretical issues and Amerindian understandings of the world. The authors chosen were philosophers and indigenous authors such as Ailton Krenak, Célia Xakriabá, Daniel Munduruku, Davi Kopenawa, Eliane Potiguara, Gersem Baniwa, Linda Tuhawi Smith, among others. Among these, we highlight the writing of Ailton Krenak in his work Ideas to postpone the end of the world, which allowed us to discuss topics with guests who, based on Krenak's speech about the critical capacity of building colored parachutes that help us to have different worldviews and realize that in Amerindian Philosophy there is a power of philosophizing that does not have just one meaning. In this way, based on what was experienced, read and seen in the discipline, students build colorful parachutes also telling their stories and, thus, contribute with these stories to postpone the end of the world. Therefore, we tell other stories below.O objetivo deste artigo é expor as experiências que os discentes tiveram quando cursaram a disciplina Filosofia Ameríndia na Universidade Federal do Amazonas no campus de Humaitá – AM com graduandos dos cursos ofertados no Campus. A disciplina ofertada pelo curso de Pedagogia no Instituto de Educação, Agricultura e Ambiente – IEAA, foi elaborada como sugestão do Grupo Arandu de Estudos e Pesquisas em Filosofia em vista de problematizar o pensamento e as cosmologias indígenas em suas dimensões do saber em vista de promover o encontro entre questões teóricas acadêmicas com as compreensões de mundo ameríndias. Os autores escolhidos foram os filósofos e autores indígenas como Ailton Krenak, Célia Xakriabá, Daniel Munduruku, Davi Kopenawa, Eliane Potiguara, Gersem Baniwa, Linda Tuhawi Smith, entre outros. Dentre esses destacamos a escrita de Ailton Krenak em sua obra Ideias para adiar o fim do mundo, que permitiu discutir temas com convidadas e convidados que com base na fala de Krenak sobre a capacidade crítica de construir paraquedas coloridos que nos ajude a ter diferentes cosmovisões e perceber que na Filosofia Ameríndia há uma potência do filosofar que não tem apenas um sentido. Desse modo, com base no que foi vivenciado, lido e visto na disciplina os discentes constroem paraquedas coloridos contando também suas histórias e, assim, contribuem com essas histórias para adiar o fim do mundo. Por isso, contamos outras histórias a seguir
Bipartição gástrica para tratamento paliativo de câncer de estômago avançado: relato de caso
Introductions: Gastric Cancer (GC) is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Median survival rarely exceeds 12 months, and, in metastatic form, 5-year survival is less than 10%. Most patients present an advanced stage of the disease, often with obstructive and unresectable distal tumors, requiring palliative treatment, whose objective is to give the patient a higher quality of life. Case Report: A 59 years old male patient, retired, smoker, alcoholic. The patient went to the emergency room with post-prandial vomits, associated to epigastric pain and loss of approximately 8 kgs in the last 20 days. In the physical exam, a palpable mass was identified in the epigastrium and mesogastrium, painful and solid. The patient had as an initial diagnostic hypothesis of pyloric syndrome secondary to gastric neoplasia. CT scan of the abdomen showed presence of a solid expansive process, infiltrative, involving the gastric wall, in the antrum, inclusive promoting signs of liquid stasis. A heterogeneous nodule in contact with the inferior vena cava, with 1.1 x 0.9 cm in its biggest diameters. With the diagnosis of advanced gastric adenocarcinoma, with invasion of the inferior vena cava, pancreas and hepatic metastasis, with no curative surgical or oncological intervention, it was opted to feed the patient with parenteral nutrition. The surgical team opted for the gastric bipartition with gastrojejunostomy, open technique, with total surgical time of 90 minutes. Patient was discharged in the fourth POD, in good clinical conditions, good oral intake, with no nausea or vomits. The patient died 16 months after the surgery due to gastric hemorrhage secondary to the advanced tumor and sepsis. Conclusão: The technique of bipartition can be considered an effective and safe technique, providing fewer symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, oral diet maintenance and quality of life for patients who doesn´t have a curative intervention.Introdução: O Câncer Gástrico (CG) é o quarto câncer mais comumente diagnosticado e a segunda principal causa de morte por câncer em todo o mundo. A sobrevida mediana raramente ultrapassa os 12 meses e, na forma metastática, a sobrevida de 5 anos é inferior a 10%. A maioria dos pacientes apresenta-se em estágios avançados da doença, frequentemente com tumores distais obstrutivos e irressecáveis, demandando tratamento paliativo, cujo objetivo é dar ao doente maior qualidade de vida. Relato do caso: Paciente, sexo masculino, 59 anos, aposentado, tabagista e etilista. Procurou Serviço de Pronto Atendimento com queixa de vômitos pós-prandiais, associados a dor abdominal epigástrica e perda de aproximadamente 8kg nos últimos 20 dias. Ao exame físico, foi identificada massa palpável em regiões de epigastro e mesogastro, dolorosa e de consistência sólida. Paciente teve como hipótese diagnóstica inicial Síndrome Pilórica secundária a neoplasia. A tomografia de abdome mostrou presença de um processo expansivo sólido, de aspecto infiltrativo, envolvendo a parede gástrica, na região do antro, inclusive promovendo sinais de estase líquida. Nódulo heterogêneo, entrando em contiguidade com a veia cava inferior, chegando a medir cerca de 1,1x0,9 cm, em seus maiores diâmetros. Diante do diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma gástrico avançado, com invasão de veia cava inferior, pâncreas e metástase hepática, sem proposta cirúrgica ou oncológica curativa, foi optado por nutrir o paciente de forma parenteral. A equipe cirúrgica optou pela cirurgia de bipartição gástrica com gastrojejuno anastomose, sob a técnica aberta, com duração aproximada de 90 minutos. Paciente recebeu alta hospitalar no quarto DPO, em boas condições clínicas, boa aceitação de dieta via oral, sem náuseas ou vômitos. Paciente veio a falecer 16 meses após a cirurgia devido a hemorragia digestiva alta secundária ao tumor avançado e sepse. Conclusão: a técnica da bipartição pode ser considerada uma técnica efetiva e segura, proporcionando um menor número de sintomas como náusea e vômitos, manutenção de dieta via oral e qualidade de vida para os pacientes sem proposta curativa
Skeletal muscle structure and function in response to electrical stimulation in moderately impaired COPD patients
Study objective: To determine the structural and functional consequences of high-frequency neuromuscular electrical stimulation (hf-NMES) in a group of moderately impaired outpatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Design: A prospective, cross-over randomized trial.Setting: An university-based, tertiary center.Patients and materials: Seventeen patients (FEV1 = 49.6 +/- 13.4% predicted, Medical Research Council dyspnoea grades II-III) underwent 6-weeks hf-NMES (50 Hz) and sham stimulation of the quadriceps femoris in a randomized, cross-over design. Knee strength was measured by isokinetic dynamometry (peak torque) and leg muscle mass (LMM) by DEXA; in addition, median cross-sectional area (CSA) of type I and fibres and capillary-fibre ratio were evaluated in the vastus lateralis. the 6-min walking distance (6MWD) was also determined.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Pulm Funct & Clin Exercise Physiol Unit, SEFIC,Div Resp Dis,Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Neuromusc Div, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Glasgow, Inst Biomed & Life Sci, Glasgow, Lanark, ScotlandUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Pulm Funct & Clin Exercise Physiol Unit, SEFIC,Div Resp Dis,Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Neuromusc Div, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Immobilization and application of the recombinant xylanase GH10 of Malbranchea pulchella in the production of xylooligosaccharides from hydrothermal liquor of the eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis) wood chips
Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are widely used in the food industry as prebiotic components. XOS with high purity are required for practical prebiotic function and other biological benefits, such as antioxidant and inflammatory properties. In this work, we immobilized the recombinant endo-1,4-β-xylanase of Malbranchea pulchella (MpXyn10) in various chemical supports and evaluated its potential to produce xylooligosaccharides (XOS) from hydrothermal liquor of eucalyptus wood chips. Values >90% of immobilization yields were achieved from amino-activated supports for 120 min. The highest recovery values were found on Purolite (142%) and MANAE-MpXyn10 (137%) derivatives, which maintained more than 90% residual activity for 24 h at 70 °C, while the free-MpXyn10 maintained only 11%. In addition, active MpXyn10 derivatives were stable in the range of pH 4.0–6.0 and the presence of the furfural and HMF compounds. MpXyn10 derivatives were tested to produce XOS from xylan of various sources. Maximum values were observed for birchwood xylan at 8.6 mg mL−1 and wheat arabinoxylan at 8.9 mg mL−1, using Purolite-MpXyn10. Its derivative was also successfully applied in the hydrolysis of soluble xylan present in hydrothermal liquor, with 0.9 mg mL−1 of XOS after 3 h at 50 °C. This derivative maintained more than 80% XOS yield after six cycles of the assay. The results obtained provide a basis for the application of immobilized MpXyn10 to produce XOS with high purity and other high-value-added products in the lignocellulosic biorefinery field.The authors gratefully acknowledge FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation, grants No: 2018/07522-6) and FCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032206)—transnational cooperation project EcoTech, and National Institute of Science and Technology of Bioethanol, INCT, CNPq 465319/2014-9/FAPESP n ◦ 2014/50884- 5) for financial support. Research scholarships were granted to RCA, DA, and JCSS by FAPESP (Grant No: 2020/00081-4, 2020/15510-8, and 2019/21989-7, respectively), to CCVD and VEP by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Finance Code 001).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Morphology and topography of the liver and pancreas of Rhea americana
As emas são aves ratitas nativas do continente sul americano, são consideradas aves primitivas do ponto de vista filogenético que constituem um grupo altamente especializado. Este estudo buscou caracterizar macro e microscopicamente o fígado e pâncreas de emas. O material foi coletado no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (CEMAS), na cidade de Mossoró-RN, Brasil, (Registro IBAMA n° 14.78912). Utilizaram-se 20 animais jovens com idade entre dois e seis meses independente do sexo. Em emas, o fígado se relacionava cranialmente com o ápice do coração, dorsalmente com os pulmões, esôfago e o proventrículo gástrico, caudalmente, com o ventrículo gástrico, o baço, o duodeno e parte do jejuno. Apresentava coloração vermelha escura e possuía apenas dois lobos, sendo o direito ligeiramente menor que o esquerdo. Histologicamente, era revestido por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo delgada e cada lóbulo hepático pôde ser identificado pela presença evidente de veias centrais, com muitos sinusoides comunicando-se com elas. O pâncreas, ventralmente, apresentava-se como uma fita fina, formado por um lobo dorsal e um lobo ventral. Longitudinalmente o pâncreas em emas localiza-se no mesentério dorsal desde o fígado até a flexura cranial do duodeno, mantendo-se preso às alças duodenais por ligamentos. Histologicamente, era composto por uma cápsula delgada de tecido conjuntivo denso, com discretos lóbulos separados por tecido conjuntivo capsular, compostos por estruturas tubuloalveolares e ductos. O fígado e pâncreas de emas apresentam padrão morfológico similar ao descrito para aves domésticas.The rhea are ratites birds native of the South American continent, which are considered primitive birds from the standpoint of the phylogenetic group that is highly specialized. This study aimed to characterize gross and microscopically the liver and rhea pancreas. The material was collected in a Wild Animals Multiplication Center, Mossoro-RN, Brazil, (Registration no 14.78912 IBAMA). It was used 20 young animals aged between two and six months independent of sex. In the rhea the liver is related to the cranial apex of the heart, dorsally with the lungs, esophagus and gastric proventriculus, caudally with the gastric ventricle, the spleen, the duodenum and part of the jejunum. It was dark red color and had only two lobes, being the right lobe slightly smaller than the left. Histologically was lined by a thin connective tissue capsule and each lobe liver could be clearly identified by the presence of central veins, with sinusoids communicating with the veins. The pancreas, ventrally, showed a thin tape formed by a dorsal lobe and a ventral lobe. Longitudinally the pancreas in rhea is located in the dorsal mesentery since the liver until the cranial duodenal flexure, remaining connected the duodenal handles by ligaments. Histologically was composed of a thin capsule of dense connective tissue, with discrete lobules separated by capsular connective tissue, composed of tubuloalveolares structures and pipelines. The liver and pancreas of rhea have morphology similar to that described for domestic poultry
Low temperatures reduce skin healing in the Jacaré do Pantanal (Caiman yacare, Daudin 1802)
Studies of skin wound healing in crocodilians are necessary given the frequent occurrence of cannibalism in intensive farming systems. Air temperature affects tissue recovery because crocodilians are ectothermic. Therefore, the kinetics of skin wound healing in Caiman yacare were examined at temperatures of 33°C and 23°C. Sixteen caiman were selected and divided into two groups of eight maintained at 23°C or 33°C. The studied individuals' scars were photographed after 1, 2, 3, 7, 15 and 30 days of the experimental conditions, and samples were collected for histological processing after 3, 7, 15 and 30 days. Macroscopically, the blood clot (heterophilic granuloma) noticeably remained in place covering the wound longer for the caiman kept at 23°C. Microscopically, the temperature of 23°C slowed epidermal migration and skin repair. Comparatively, new blood vessels, labeled using von Willebrand factor (vWF) antibody staining, were more frequently found in the scars of the 33°C group. The collagen fibers in the dermis were denser in the 33°C treatment. Considering the delayed healing at 23°C, producers are recommended to keep wounded animals at 33°C, especially when tanks are cold, to enable rapid wound closure and better repair of collagen fibers because such lesions tend to compromise the use of their skin as leather.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso (FAPEMAT), 715823/2008São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), 2010/04527-
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