65 research outputs found
[Book review] "The Economics of Involuntary Resettlement: Questions and Challenges edited by Michael M. Cernea"
Developing countries, Latin America, India, Community development, Settlements, Economic policy
[Book review] "System for Infrastructure - Japan's Experience edited by Yuzo Akatsuka and Tsuneaki Yoshida"
Japan, Social capital
[Book review] "Catching Up and Falling Behind: Post-Communist Transformation in Historical Perspective by David A. Dyker"
Soviet, Russia, East Europe, Socialist economy, Economic development
[Book review] "David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor"
Europe, Japan, China, Asia, South America, Economic history, Poverty
[Book review] "The Siberian Curse: How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold by Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy"
Soviet, Economic conditions, Economic geography
[Book review] "Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us?; Voices of the Poor: Crying Out for Change; Voices of the Poor: From Many Lands, by Deepa Narayan...[et al.]"
Developing countries, Poverty, Social couditions, Social policy, Gender, Quality of life
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