28 research outputs found
Effects of exercise on obesity-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle
Obesity is known to induce inhibition of glucose uptake, reduction of lipid metabolism, and progressive loss of skeletal muscle function, which are all as- sociated with mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle. Mitochondria are dy- namic organelles that regulate cellular metabolism and bioenergetics, including ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation. Due to these critical roles of mitochon- dria, mitochondrial dysfunction results in various diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Obesity is associated with impairment of mitochondrial function (e.g., decrease in O2 respiration and increase in oxidative stress) in skeletal muscle. The bal- ance between mitochondrial fusion and fission is critical to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis in skeletal muscle. Obesity impairs mitochondrial dynamics, leading to an unbalance between fusion and fission by favorably shifting fission or reducing fusion proteins. Mitophagy is the catabolic process of damaged or unnecessary mito- chondria. Obesity reduces mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and increases accumulation of dysfunctional cellular organelles, suggesting that mitophagy does not work properly in obesity. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are reported to trigger apoptosis, and mitochondrial apoptosis is induced by obesity in skeletal muscle. It is well known that exercise is the most effective intervention to protect against obesity. Although the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which exercise protects against obesity-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal mus- cle are not clearly elucidated, exercise training attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction, allows mitochondria to maintain the balance between mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy, and reduces apoptotic signaling in obese skeletal muscle
Recurrent Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Associated with Elevated Factor VIII
Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) rarely recurs, and the factors associated with a recurrence remain unclear. Recently, however, elevated plasma coagulation factor VIII has been considered a factor related to recurrent venous thromboembolism. Here we report a patient who had recurrent CVT associated with significantly elevated levels of factor VIII despite the chronic use of an antiplatelet agent. Factor IX was also elevated in this patient. These findings suggest that elevated factor VIII is a factor underlying the recurrence of CVT, and that prolonged anticoagulation therapy may have to be considered in patients with elevated coagulation factor levels
Treadmill Exercise Ameliorates Chemotherapy-Induced Muscle Weakness and Central Fatigue by Enhancing Mitochondrial Function and Inhibiting Apoptosis
Purpose Chemotherapy is associated with the side effects including damage to the mitochondrial DNA. Doxorubicin (DOX) serves as a chemotherapeutic agent for the patients with breast cancer or prostate cancer. DOX causes muscle weakness and fatigue. We investigated the effects of treadmill exercise on DOX-induced apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction in relation to central fatigue. For this study, we used the rat model of DOX-induced muscle damage. Methods DOX (2 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected 1 time per week for 4 weeks. Treadmill running continued 5 days per week for 4 weeks. Muscle strength and fatigue index in the gastrocnemius were measured. Immunohistochemistry for the expressions of tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the dorsal raphe was conducted. We used western blot analysis for the expressions of Bax, Bcl-2, and caspases-3 in the gastrocnemius. Mitochondrial function in the gastrocnemius was also evaluated. Results DOX treatment decreased muscle strength with increase of fatigue index in the gastrocnemius. Mitochondria function was deteriorated and apoptosis in the gastrocnemius was enhanced by DOX treatment. Expressions of TPH and 5-HT in the dorsal raphe were increased by DOX treatment. Treadmill exercise attenuated DOX-induced muscle fatigue and impairment of mitochondria function. Apoptosis in the gastrocnemius was inhibited and over-expression of TPH and 5-HT was suppressed by treadmill exercise. Conclusions Apoptosis was enhanced and mitochondria function was deteriorated by DOX treatment, resulting in muscle weakness and central fatigue. Treadmill exercise suppressed apoptosis and prevented deterioration of mitochondria function in muscle, resulting in alleviation of muscle weakness and central fatigue during DOX therapy
Effects of Acute Exercise on Mitochondrial Function, Dynamics, and Mitophagy in Rat Cardiac and Skeletal Muscles
Purpose This study aimed to investigate the effects of single-bout exercise on mitochondrial function, dynamics (fusion, fission), and mitophagy in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Methods Fischer 344 rats (4 months old) were randomly divided into the control (CON) or acute exercise (EX) group (n=10 each). The rats performed a single bout of treadmill exercise for 60 minutes. Mitochondrial function (e.g., O2 respiration, H2O2 emission, Ca2+ retention capacity), mitochondrial fusion (e.g., Mfn1, Mfn2, Opa1), mitochondrial fission (e.g., Drp1, Fis1), and mitophagy (e.g., Parkin, Pink1, LC3II, Bnip3) were measured in permeabilized cardiac (e.g., left ventricle) and skeletal (e.g., soleus, white gastrocnemius) muscles. Results Mitochondrial O2 respiration and Ca2+ retention capacity were significantly increased in all tissues of the EX group compared with the CON group. Mitochondrial H2O2 emissions showed tissue-specific results; the emissions showed no significant differences in the left ventricle or soleus (type I fibers) but was significantly increased in the white gastrocnemius (type II fibers) after acute exercise. Mitochondrial fusion and fission were not altered in any tissues of the EX group. Mitophagy showed tissue-specific differences: It was not changed in the left ventricle or white gastrocnemius, whereas Parkin and LC3II were significantly elevated in the soleus muscle. Conclusions A single bout of aerobic exercise may improve mitochondrial function (e.g., O2 respiration and Ca2+ retention capacity) in the heart and skeletal muscles without changes in mitochondrial dynamics or mitophagy
Nutritional Status of Vitamin D and the Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation in Korean Breast-fed Infants
We investigated the vitamin D status and the effect of vitamin D supplementation in Korean breast-fed infants. The healthy term newborns were divided into 3 groups; A, formula-fed; B, breast-fed only; S, breast-fed with vitamin D supplementation. We measured serum concentrations of vitamin D (25OHD3), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), alkaline phosphatase (AP), intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) and bone mineral density (BMD) at 6 and 12 months of age. Using questionnaires, average duration of sun-light exposure and dietary intake of vitamin D, Ca and P were obtained. At 6 and 12 months of age, 25OHD3 was significantly higher in group S than in group B (P<0.001). iPTH was significantly lower in group S than in group B at 6 months (P=0.001), but did not differ at 12 months. Regardless of vitamin D supplementation, BMD was lower in group B and S than in group A (P<0.05). Total intake of vitamin D differed among 3 groups (P<0.001, A>S>B), but total intake of Ca and P were higher in group A than in group B and S (P<0.001). In conclusion, breast-fed infants show lower vitamin D status and bone mineralization than formula-fed infants. Vitamin D supplementation (200 IU/day) in breast-fed infants increases serum 25-OH vitamin D3, but not bone mineral density
Factors contributing to concerns of persons living with epilepsy
AbstractPurposeTo describe the concerns of Korean adults living with epilepsy and to compare the concerns of individuals with controlled and uncontrolled seizures.MethodsOutpatients filled out questionnaires, including the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Quality of Life in Epilepsy-10 questionnaire, the stigma scale, and a questionnaire on episodes of discrimination. Patients were asked to fill out the Epilepsy Foundation of America (EFA) Concerns Index and to list their concerns on a blank sheet of paper.ResultsOf the 178 participants, 152 described a total of 470 concerns, which could be assorted into 25 distinct concerns. Worrying about the hereditability of their condition was the only concern that differed significantly between individuals with controlled and uncontrolled seizures. Three significant factors were identified on the total EFA Concerns Index score: level of anxiety/depression (34.4%), age (6.3%), and degree of social discrimination (4.3%), resulting in a total explained variance of 45.0%.ConclusionsKorean adults with epilepsy had various concerns, with some differing from those in Western populations. Anxiety/depression, age and degree of discrimination were significantly associated with the degree of concern in Korean patients with epilepsy
Arabidopsis CCoAOMT1 Plays a Role in Drought Stress Response via ROS- and ABA-Dependent Manners
Plants possess adaptive reprogramed modules to prolonged environmental stresses, including adjustment of metabolism and gene expression for physiological and morphological adaptation. CCoAOMT1 encodes a caffeoyl CoA O-methyltransferase and is known to play an important role in adaptation of Arabidopsis plants to prolonged saline stress. In this study, we showed that the CCoAOMT1 gene plays a role in drought stress response. Transcript of CCoAOMT1 was induced by salt, dehydration (drought), and methyl viologen (MV), and loss of function mutants of CCoAOMT1, ccoaomt1-1, and ccoaomt1-2 exhibit hypersensitive phenotypes to drought and MV stresses. The ccoaomt1 mutants accumulated higher level of H2O2 in the leaves and expressed lower levels of drought-responsive genes including RD29B, RD20, RD29A, and ERD1, as well as ABA3 3 and NCED3 encoding ABA biosynthesis enzymes during drought stress compared to wild-type plants. A seed germination assay of ccoaomt1 mutants in the presence of ABA also revealed that CCoAOMT1 functions in ABA response. Our data suggests that CCoAOMT1 plays a positive role in response to drought stress response by regulating H2O2 accumulation and ABA signaling
Exercise as a Therapeutic Strategy for Sarcopenia in Heart Failure: Insights into Underlying Mechanisms
Sarcopenia, a syndrome commonly seen in elderly populations, is often characterized by a gradual loss of skeletal muscle, leading to the decline of muscle strength and physical performance. Growing evidence suggests that the prevalence of sarcopenia increases in patients with heart failure (HF), which is a dominant pathogenesis in the aging heart. HF causes diverse metabolic complications that may result in sarcopenia. Therefore, sarcopenia may act as a strong predictor of frailty, disability, and mortality associated with HF. Currently, standard treatments for slowing muscle loss in patients with HF are not available. Therefore, here, we review the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying sarcopenia in HF as well as current knowledge regarding the beneficial effects of exercise on sarcopenia in HF and related mechanisms, including hormonal changes, myostatin, oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, autophagy, the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and insulin resistance
Effects of exercise on obesity-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle
Obesity is known to induce inhibition of glucose uptake, reduction of lipid metabolism, and progressive loss of skeletal muscle function, which are all as- sociated with mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle. Mitochondria are dy- namic organelles that regulate cellular metabolism and bioenergetics, including ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation. Due to these critical roles of mitochon- dria, mitochondrial dysfunction results in various diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Obesity is associated with impairment of mitochondrial function (e.g., decrease in O2 respiration and increase in oxidative stress) in skeletal muscle. The bal- ance between mitochondrial fusion and fission is critical to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis in skeletal muscle. Obesity impairs mitochondrial dynamics, leading to an unbalance between fusion and fission by favorably shifting fission or reducing fusion proteins. Mitophagy is the catabolic process of damaged or unnecessary mito- chondria. Obesity reduces mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and increases accumulation of dysfunctional cellular organelles, suggesting that mitophagy does not work properly in obesity. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are reported to trigger apoptosis, and mitochondrial apoptosis is induced by obesity in skeletal muscle. It is well known that exercise is the most effective intervention to protect against obesity. Although the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which exercise protects against obesity-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal mus- cle are not clearly elucidated, exercise training attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction, allows mitochondria to maintain the balance between mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy, and reduces apoptotic signaling in obese skeletal muscle
Aging Promotes Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis in Rat Hearts
Aging represents a major risk for developing cardiac disease, including heart failure. The gradual deterioration of cell quality control with aging leads to cell death, a phenomenon associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in the heart. Apoptosis is an important quality control process and a necessary phenomenon for maintaining homeostasis and normal function of the heart. However, the mechanism of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in aged hearts remains poorly understood. Here, we used male Fischer 344 rats of various ages, representing very young (1 month), young (4 months), middle-aged (12 months), and old (20 months) rats, to determine whether mitochondria-mediated apoptotic signals and apoptosis in the left ventricle of the heart are altered notably with aging. As the rats aged, the extramyocyte space and myocyte cross-sectional area in their left ventricle muscle increased, while the number of myocytes decreased. Additionally, mitochondrion-mediated apoptotic signals and apoptosis increased remarkably during aging. Therefore, our results demonstrate that aging promotes remarkable morphological changes and increases the degree of mitochondrion-mediated apoptosis in the left ventricle of rat hearts