15,883 research outputs found
Fate of k_perp-factorization for hard processes in nuclear environment
Large thickness of heavy nuclei brings in a new scale into the pQCD
description of hard processes in nuclear environment. The familiar linear
-factorization breaks down and must be replaced by a new concept of
the nonlinear -factorization introduced in \cite{Nonlinear}. I
demonstrate the salient features of nonlinear -factorization on an
example of hard dijet production in DIS off heavy nuclei. I also discuss
briefly the non-linear BFKL evolution for gluon density of nuclei.Comment: 5 papges, 3 figures, Invited talk at DIFFRACTION 2004 International
Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics, Cala Gonone, Sardinia, ITALY,
September 18 - 23, 200
How to measure the intercept of the BFKL pomeron at HERA
Determination of the intercept of the BFKL pomeron is one of the pressing
issues in the high energy physics. Earlier we have shown that, at the dipole
size f, the dipole cross section which is
a solution of the generalized BFKL equation, exhibits a precocious asymptotic
behavior \sigma(x,r)\propto \left({1\over x}\right)^{\Delta_{\Pom}}. In this
paper we discuss how measuring and at GeV and
GeV, respectively, one can probe and
directly determine the intercept \Delta_{\Pom} of the BFKL pomeron in the
HERA experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures upon the request from
[email protected], Juelich preprint KFA-IKP(Th)-1994-10, 28
February 199
On determination of the large- gluon distribution at HERA
We discuss corrections to the Leading-Log relationships between the
gluon density and in the HERA range of large . We find that the
above quantities probe the gluon density at
, with the -rescaling factors and . The possibility of treating charm as an active
flavour is critically re-examined.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures upon the request from
[email protected], J\"ulich preprint KFA-IKP(TH)-1994-12. Some
misprints and ordering of references correcte
Splitting the pomeron into two jets: a novel process at HERA
We study a novel property of large rapidity-gap events in deep inelastic
scattering at HERA: splitting the pomeron into two jets in the photon-pomeron
fusion reaction \gamma^{*}\Pom \rightarrow q\bar{q}. It gives rise to the
diffraction dissociation of virtual photons into the back-to-back jets. We find
that at large invariant mass of two jets, , the transverse
momentum of jets comes from the intrinsic transverse momentum of gluons in the
pomeron, and the photon-pomeron fusion direcly probes the diffrential gluon
structure function of the proton at
the virtuality . We present estimates for the jet production
cross section, which show the process is easily measurable at HERA.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures on request from [email protected],
Juelich preprint KFA-IKP(Th)-1994-16, 10 March 199
Excitation of open charm and factorization breaking in rapidity gap events at HERA
We develop the pQCD description of diffraction excitation of heavy flavours
in DIS and we derive the analytic formulas for the mass spectrum in leading
log. The result illustrates nicely non-factorization properties of the
QCD pomeron. We predict a very steep rise of the charm content of diffraction
dissociation of photons at small x_{\Pom}. We evaluate the contribution of
open charm to scaling violations in the structure function of the pomeron.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted for publication on march 10th 1996 by Phys. Lett.
The color dipole BFKL-Regge expansion: from DIS on protons to pions to rise of hadronic cross sections
As noticed by Fadin, Kuraev and Lipatov in 1975 incorporation of asymptotic
freedom into the BFKL equation splits the QCD pomeron into a series of isolated
poles in complex angular momentum plane. Following our earlier work on the
proton structure function we explore the phenomenological consequences of the
emerging BFKL-Regge factorized expansion for the small- structure function
of the pion . We calculate in a small- region
and find good agreement with the recent H1 determination of .
We also present the BFKL-Regge factorization based evaluation of the
contribution from hard scattering to the observed rise of the , and
real photo-absorption and total cross sections.Comment: 12 pages Latex 2 PS figures, Revised version accepted for publication
in Physics Letters
Factorization properties of the diffraction dissociation of longitudinal photons
We develop the pQCD description of the diffraction dissociation (DD) of
longitudinal photons. We demonstrate that the longitudinal diffractive
structure function does not factor into the flux of pomerons and the partonic
structure function of the pomeron, thus defying the usually assumed Regge
factorization. In contrast to DD of the transverse photons, DD of the
longitudinal photons is strongly peaked at . We comment on duality
properties of DD in deep inelastic scattering.Comment: 11 page
BFKL evolution and universal structure function at very small
The Balitskii-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) and the Gribov-Lipatov-
Dokshitzer-Altarelli-Parisi (GLDAP) evolution equations for the diffractive
deep inelastic scattering at are shown to have a common
solution in the weak coupling limit: F_{2}(x,Q^{2})\propto
[\alpha_{S}(Q^{2})]^{-\gamma} \left({1\over x}\right)^{\Delta_{\Pom}}. The
exponent and the pomeron intercept \Delta_{\Pom} are related by
\gamma\Delta_{\Pom}={4\over 3} for the active flavors. The
existence of this solution implies that there is no real clash between the BFKL
and GLDAP descriptions at very small . We present derivation of this
solution in the framework of our generalized BFKL equation for the dipole cross
section, discuss conditions for the onset of the universal scaling violations
and analyse the pattern of transition from the conventional
Double-Leading-Logarithm approximation for the GLDAP evolution to the BFKL
evolution at large .Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures on request from [email protected]
The spectrum and solutions of the generalized BFKL equation for total cross section
The colour dipole cross section is the principal quantity in the lightcone
-channel description of the diffractive scattering. Recently we have shown
that the dipole cross section satisfies the generalized BFKL equation. In this
paper we discuss properties and solutions of our generalized BFKL equation with
allowance for the finite gluon correlation radius . The latter is
introduced in a gauge invariant manner. We present estimates of the intercept
of the pomeron and find the asymptotic form of the dipole cross section.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures upon request from
[email protected]
Exploratory study of shrinkage of the diffraction cone for the generalized BFKL pomeron
In color dipole gBFKL dynamics, we describe the emerging gBFKL phenomenology
of a subasymptotic energy dependence of the diffraction slope and discuss
possibilities of testing the gBFKL predictions in exclusive photo- and
electroproduction of vector mesons at HERA. A substantial shrinkage of the
diffraction cone processes from the CERN/FNAL to
HERA range of energy is predicted. This subasymptotic shrinkage is faster
than expected from the small slope of pomeron's Regge trajectory
\alpha_{\Pom}'. We point out that the diffraction slope is a scaling function
of , what relates production of different vector mesons.Comment: plain LaTeX, 4 figures upon the request from
[email protected]
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