15 research outputs found

    Mobilitetskulturer i Europa: En undersøgelse baseret på clusteranalyse af 28 europæiske lande

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    Europæiske tilgange til fremme af grøn mobilitet og grønne rejsemønstre kræver bedre viden om de forskellige mobilitetskulturer på tværs af lande og regioner i EU. For at analysere forskellene inden for Europa grupperede vi en Eurobarometer stikprøve af EU’s befolkning i otte segmenter baseret på deres mobilitetsmønstre, holdninger til transportmidler og miljøbevidsthed. Disse grupper – herunder for eksempel "grønne cyklister" og "komfortbilister" – adskiller sig ikke kun ved deres transportmiddelvalg, men også ved deres socioøkonomiske baggrund, IT-orientering og tilfredshed med livet. EU’s 28 medlemslande blev efterfølgende inddelt i seks landegrupper baseret på mobilitetsgruppernes andel af befolkningen. Landegrupperne peger mod at der er væsentligt forskellige mobilitetskulturer inden for EU, der kræver tilsvarende forskellige politiske strategier og tilgange til bl.a. bæredygtig transport og adfærdsændringer

    Samspillet mellem cyklister, fodgængere og automatiske køretøjer.

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    Med danske forsøg i udsigt og et udtalt ønske om at adressere samspillet mellem automatiske køretøjer og cyklister og fodgængere, har Vejdirektoratet sammen med Trafitec gennemgået, de erfaringer der ved udgangen af 2017 forelå fra forsøg i europæiske lande. Erfaringsopsamlingen peger på en række opmærksomhedspunkter, der kan være at interesse for bl.a. danske forsøgsaktiviteter. Opmærksomhedspunkterne er bl.a. den uformelle karakter af samspillet mellem motorkøretøjer som det er vanskeligt at overføre til automatiske køretøjer, et behov for kommunikation mellem trafikanter – herunder kommunikation fra automatiske køretøjer til andre, en stor og ofte overdreven tillid til automatiske køretøjer, behov for gradvis tilvænning til samspillet med nye trafiktyper, samt at forsøg generelt har været planlagt med lave hastigheder og stor sikkerhed i fokus

    Hvad har betydning for udviklingen i cyklingen? Analyse af brug af cykel på ture i transportvaneundersøgelsen 1996-2013.

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    Beskrivende analyser har peget på faldende cykelandel igennem de sidste 20 år og tiltagende geografiske forskelle. Paperet søger verifikation af disse forhold ved at inddrage og kontrollere for et større sæt af faktorer, der kan have betydning for cyklingen. Resultaterne bekræfter at der er en alt-andet-lige negativ tendens i cyklingen over tid. Der er også sammenhænge mellem cykling og køn og alder, indkomst, bystørrelse, regional placering, ugedag, boligform, boligejerskab, beskæftigelse, ugedag, og vejret. Analyserne er med til at give et nyt billede af hvad der sker med cyklingen over tid – herunder de ændrede geografier for cykling hvor befolkningen i de de store byer i stigende grad cykler, mens cyklingen i kant og oplandsområderne er vigende. Data og analyser kan også give et afsæt for at vurdere betydningen af større kampagner eller nationale programmer som f.eks. cykelpuljen

    Children’s velo-mobility – how cycling children are ‘made’ and sustained.

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    Sustainable mobilities play a dominate role in low carbon futures and cycling is an integral element. Children are heirs of transport cultures and crucial for future sustainable mobility. Moreover cycling is important for children’s independent mobility and geographical experience.Dominating approaches in transport research, including cycling, understand travel behaviour individualistic and lack to grasp the relational complexities, which are inevitable when considering children’s mobilities. Furthermore has children’s cycling largely been studied as independent mobility and active school travel. How cycling is learned and constituted, and how cycling skills are consolidated, extended and turned into a stabilized practice remains unstudied. Drawing on in-depth interview data from the region of Copenhagen, Denmark, among families with children (N=20) the paper provides new insights into how children, parents, and the locale socio-spatial environment through collaborations, negations and experiments co-produce independent cycling.It introduces a three-step model for conceptualizing children’s cycling deriving from processes of gradually enlarging the geographical experience and partial embodying of know-how of traffic power relations and mobility technology. The paper examines how parents’ perception of risks are transgressed by cycle training and how cycling is fitted into complex household routines. By shedding light on the sensitive mechanisms that ‘make’ and sustain cycling children the paper inform a discussion of urban planning and transport policy measures important for stabilizing sustainable mobility

    Children’s velo-mobility – how cycling children are ‘made’ and sustained.

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    Sustainable mobilities play a dominate role in low carbon futures and cycling is an integral element. Children are heirs of transport cultures and crucial for future sustainable mobility. Moreover cycling is important for children’s independent mobility and geographical experience.Dominating approaches in transport research, including cycling, understand travel behaviour individualistic and lack to grasp the relational complexities, which are inevitable when considering children’s mobilities. Furthermore has children’s cycling largely been studied as independent mobility and active school travel. How cycling is learned and constituted, and how cycling skills are consolidated, extended and turned into a stabilized practice remains unstudied. Drawing on in-depth interview data from the region of Copenhagen, Denmark, among families with children (N=20) the paper provides new insights into how children, parents, and the locale socio-spatial environment through collaborations, negations and experiments co-produce independent cycling.It introduces a three-step model for conceptualizing children’s cycling deriving from processes of gradually enlarging the geographical experience and partial embodying of know-how of traffic power relations and mobility technology. The paper examines how parents’ perception of risks are transgressed by cycle training and how cycling is fitted into complex household routines. By shedding light on the sensitive mechanisms that ‘make’ and sustain cycling children the paper inform a discussion of urban planning and transport policy measures important for stabilizing sustainable mobility

    The role of urban form in sustaining public transport, car, and bicycle based travel styles.

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    In the quest for sustainable mobility futures the promotion of car independent or less car dependent lifestyles is often mentioned. This partly reflects an acknowledgement of car use and travel as part of a pattern or style in which behaviors and possessions are interdependent and potentially reinforcing. Little research has, however, targeted behaviors in this manner, but generally tend to focus on the number of trips, km of travel or similar. This paper makes the experiment of analyzing urban form effects on discrete weekly travel styles of 1970 (N) 16-74 year old respondents based on a two step methodology. In the first step, the weekly use of travel modes was analyzed by means of principal component analysis and k-means cluster analysis to identify discrete travel styles among adult Danes based on the main differences in the sample. Four travel styles were found and can be labeled as public transport (11% of the respondents); car-alone (36% of the respondents); and bicycle based travel styles (29% of the respondents); whereas the fourth style was mixed with important contributions from car-alone, co-driving and walking (24% of the respondents). In the second step the urban form correlates of the travel styles was analyzed in a multinomial logistic regression model with control for respondent attitudes as well as transport-related residential preferences to control for self-selection. Four urban form and infrastructure variables were found to be significantly related to the travel styles of the respondents: the distance to a larger service centre/urban centre; proximity to S-train or Metro stations in the Greater Copenhagen area; service offers within walking distance; and finally population density within a larger neighborhood area (up to 1,5 km airline distance from the dwelling of the respondents). Separation from the large service centers as well as proximity to the well serviced and highly connected S-train and Metro network increases the probability of a public transport based travel style. Separation from the large service centers – indicating also a low level of accessibility – also increases the probability of a car-based travel style. Cycling based travel styles appear mainly to be affected by local opportunities: positively if there is a high density in a larger neighborhood surrounding the dwelling, but negatively if there are good service offers within walking distance. The results indicate that the travel styles are mainly shaped by the respondents needs to overcome a travel distance from their home location to important clusters of activities, as well as the degree to which the local accessibility offers support for cycling. The effects of proximity to S-train or Metro indicate that transport services can play a role, but also that a very high level of service and connectivity is likely to be required. The travel styles and their correlations with urban form and transport variables also provide new evidence on how the different modes combine. The results indicate that walking and cycling for transport are not joined, but takes place in different travel styles that are living in different locations. Thus even in the ‘cycling nation’ Denmark, there is a substantial group that prefers walking over cycling. For public transport and cycling the results point to the existence of public transport travel styles that are dependent upon other access modes than walking, and that cycling for access as well as cycling as main mode are important. Thus, cycling is an integral part of public transport travel styles. Reversely cycling based travel styles can exist without significantly higher use of public transport compared to other non-public transport travel styles. The interactions and dependencies between the travel styles should be the topic of further research aiming to understand mobility and the preconditions for promoting less car dependent lifestyles

    Automatisering og omkostningsudvikling inden for godstransport

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    Udviklingen inden for automatisering kan give muligheder for omkostningsreduktioner inden for godstransporten, der på sigt både kan påvirke efterspørgslen efter godstransport på vej og den hastighed, hvormed transportørerne tager de nye muligheder i brug. Vejdirektoratet har derfor i samarbejde med Moe|Tetraplan gennemført en analyse af scenarier for platooning og automatisering og deres betydning for godstransport-omkostningerne. Interview med repræsentanter fra DTL, ITD, Volvo, Scania, Teknologisk Institut samt en række vognmænd udgør en del af grundlaget for rapporten. Platooning-teknologien skønnes generelt, at være tæt på at kunne anvendes i praksis, og kan i første omgang reducere brændstofforbruget med mellem 5 og 10% pr. km for lastbiler der kører på motorvej. Den bedste case for reduktioner er med ens lastbiler i platoon. Ved forskellige lastbiler i samme platoon bliver reduktionen mindre. Brændstofforbruget udgør imidlertid kun ca. 24% af de samlede kørselsomkostninger. Den samlede reduktion af kørselsomkostninger pr km på motorvej er derfor kun i størrelsesordenen 2% (se figur). Omkostningsreduktioner ved kørsel i platoons er derfor nært knyttet til mulighederne for, at chauffører kan holde deres korte hvil i lastbilen, imens den kører i platoon (omkostningsreduktion: 7%), at chauffører kan undværes i følgelastbiler (omkostningsreduktion: 29%), eller at der kan køres uden chauffører (fuld automatisering, omkostningsreduktion: 44%). Dannelse af platoons forventes at kunne ske i flow på motorvej baseret på kommunikation mellem køretøjer. Der er således ikke et behov for egentlige opkoblingspladser. I det omfang platoons kører, delvist uden chauffører, vil der dog opstå et behov for mødesteder for platoons og chauffører, før der kan køres videre med lastbilerne på mindre veje. Tilsvarende kan kørsel delvist uden chauffører stille nye krav til rasteanlæg, der bør have plads til indkørsel og parkering af tre sammenkoblede lastbiler. Platooning skønnes alene at være en mulighed på motorveje, hvor der er bedst plads til de store enheder, få koter og kurver hvilket gør det lettere at holde en platoon samlet, og høje hastigheder der øger betydningen af platooning for brændstofbesparelser. Det skønnes først og fremmest at være på lange ture ved høj hastighed at der er mulighed for at opnå gevinster fra det reducerede brændstofforbrug. Det er derfor først og fremmest relevant, for lastbiler der kører i international trafik. Den internationale lastbiltrafik skønnes at køre knap 400 mio. km om året på danske veje og kan dermed stå for en større andel, af de 1,2 mia. lastbil-km der kører på motorvejene. Betydningen af platooning for trafikken vil dog afhænge af udbredelseshastigheden. Her vil det formentligt spille en stor rolle at gevinsterne for vognmændene vil afhænge af kørselsbehovene og mulighederne for at kombinere dem til større platoons uden at møde nye omkostninger/ulemper i form af forsinkelser/ventetid el lign. Begrænsede omkostningsreduktioner fra mindre brug af brændstof ved kørsel i platoons skønnes at udgøre en barriere for udbredt anvendelse af platooning på kort sigt. Omkostningerne ved teknologien er dog endnu ikke kendte, og mulighederne for besparelser vil være stærkt afhængige af den enkelte vognmands kørsels-sammensætning. Besparelser på hviletider eller chaufførlønninger ved platooning vil gøre det mere attraktivt, men forudsætter ændringer af køre-hviletids bestemmelser eller tilladelse til kørsel uden chauffører i platoonens følgelastbiler. Figuren viser reduktion af omkostninger pr. km i forskellige scenarier for platooning og automatisering af godskørslen. Beregningerne tager udgangspunkt i kørsel med 40 ton sættevognskombination, danske chaufførlønninger og en gennemsnitligt brændstofbesparelse på 7% ved platooning

    Monitoring change in cycling with the Danish bike- traffic index.

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    The Danish Road Directorate has long experience in planning for cycling and the use of bicycle data and indexes. A national cycling index, a bike-traffic-index, was established in 1985, based on bike-flows continuously counted in locations all over the country. The number of counting stations included in the index has been increased over time to improve reliability and allow support for the development and assessment of policies aiming to maintain and further increase cycling. The index is partly fed by the Road Directorate and partly by the municipalities. With its current 61 counting stations in operation, the bike- traffic-index is still ‘thin’ compared to the equivalent car-traffic index, but it does provide consistent evidence on changes in cycling on Danish roads. The paper compares the bike-traffic-index with travel- survey data as indicators of changes in cycling, it presents the methodology and accuracy of the bike-traffic- index, and finally, it discusses its desirable improvements to increase accuracy and detect changes in cycling beyond the fluctuations in weather conditions that are generally important to cycling but also beyond policy reach

    LSST: from Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products

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    (Abridged) We describe here the most ambitious survey currently planned in the optical, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). A vast array of science will be enabled by a single wide-deep-fast sky survey, and LSST will have unique survey capability in the faint time domain. The LSST design is driven by four main science themes: probing dark energy and dark matter, taking an inventory of the Solar System, exploring the transient optical sky, and mapping the Milky Way. LSST will be a wide-field ground-based system sited at Cerro Pach\'{o}n in northern Chile. The telescope will have an 8.4 m (6.5 m effective) primary mirror, a 9.6 deg2^2 field of view, and a 3.2 Gigapixel camera. The standard observing sequence will consist of pairs of 15-second exposures in a given field, with two such visits in each pointing in a given night. With these repeats, the LSST system is capable of imaging about 10,000 square degrees of sky in a single filter in three nights. The typical 5σ\sigma point-source depth in a single visit in rr will be 24.5\sim 24.5 (AB). The project is in the construction phase and will begin regular survey operations by 2022. The survey area will be contained within 30,000 deg2^2 with δ<+34.5\delta<+34.5^\circ, and will be imaged multiple times in six bands, ugrizyugrizy, covering the wavelength range 320--1050 nm. About 90\% of the observing time will be devoted to a deep-wide-fast survey mode which will uniformly observe a 18,000 deg2^2 region about 800 times (summed over all six bands) during the anticipated 10 years of operations, and yield a coadded map to r27.5r\sim27.5. The remaining 10\% of the observing time will be allocated to projects such as a Very Deep and Fast time domain survey. The goal is to make LSST data products, including a relational database of about 32 trillion observations of 40 billion objects, available to the public and scientists around the world.Comment: 57 pages, 32 color figures, version with high-resolution figures available from https://www.lsst.org/overvie