227 research outputs found
Practical implementation and performance analysis on security of sensor networks
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network made of thousands of sensing elements called as nodes with wireless capabilities. Their application is varied and diverse ranging from military to domestic and household. As the world of self-organizing sensor networks tip to the edge of maximum utilization, their wider deployment is adding pressure on the security front. Powerful laptops and workstations make it more challenging for small sensors. In addition, there are many security challenges in WSN, e.g- confidentiality, authentication, freshness, integrity etc. Contributions of this work are as follows: âSymmetricâ security implementation: This thesis work designs a symmetric-key based security in sensor hardware in the Link layer of sensor network protocols. Link Layer security can protect a wireless network by denying access to the network itself before a user is successfully authenticated. This prevents attacks against the network infrastructure and protects the network from devastating attacks. âPublic keyâ implementation in sensor hardware: Asymmetric key techniques are attractive for authentication data or session keys. Traditional schemes like RSA require considerable amounts of resources which in the past has limited their use. This thesis has implemented Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in Mica2 hardware, which is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the mathematics of elliptic curves. Quantitative overhead analysis: This thesis work analyzes the wireless communication overhead (No. of packets transmitted) vs the (transmit and receive) energy consumed in mJoules and memory storage overhead (bytes) for ECC as compared to the symmetric counterpart for the implemented WSN security protocols
On Common Fixed Point Theorem in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Spaces
Fixed point theory has fascinated hundreds of researchers since 1922 with the celebrated Banachâs fixed point theorem. There exists a vast literature on the topic and this is a very active field of research at present. The main purpose of this paper is to prove some generalized common fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces. Key Words: - Fixed point, common fixed point intuitionistic fuzzy metric space, weakly compatible mapping
Structural Equation Modeling Approach To Shaping Of Differences In Private Label Adoption In Groceries Segment
The research is needed more across âconsumerâ correlates than the âmanufacturerâ and âretailerâ based correlates as these constitute the most significant aspects that could probably shape the market shares and success of branding across multi- tier private labels being promoted by organized food retailers. Store based offering of diverse food product categories (spices, grains, flours, ingredients, pulses, refined oils and cooking medium, tea and beverages, commodiments) seem to have brought the retailer in direct competition with manufacturer brand. In this regard the research leverages the structural equation modeling approach to ascertain the differences in propensity to adopt private labels on account of changes in grocery nature (pulses, spices, dairy, snack, oil, grain). The research study relied on Likert scale based pre validated scales to operationalize the factors. The sample size of 600 was undertaken with a valid sample size of 438. Across grocery segments, contrasting observations were reported. The impact of product attributes, consumer psychographics, store efforts and restraining forces was evident in varying proportions.Contribution: The research findings promote the earlier studies under the umbrella of âcue utilizationâ theory, âplanned behavioralâ prospects,
âexpected utilityâ prospects and âself-perceptionâ theory. In terms of knowledge creation, the outcomes extend the resource-based theory and behavioral basis of marketing in retailing arena. In terms of theoretical consequences, the research outcomes reflect the incidence of impact of positional strategies as key to competitiveness on day to day basis
Environmental Disclosures and Size of Selected Indian Firms
Business responsibility is an easily said but hard to assume construct of sustainability literature. Out of the nine principles of Business Responsibility Reporting (BRR), the sixth principle envisages the environmental concerns of the businesses. The objective of this study is to explain the response of corporate entities towards Environmental Concerns (EC). The environmental concern of an organization has been gauged through environmental disclosures by these firms under the sixth principle of BRR. The general lack of emphasis on environmental disclosures still remains to be a key challenge to encourage Indian corporate houses to develop and adopt clean technologies, energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. The role of clean technologies/environmental technologies is pivotal in ensuring adequate environmental disclosures. But the moot point is, do the firms of certain size would disclose more on EC. There is plenty of literature which suffices the relationship of size and environmental disclosure but by appearing green (disclosures) an organization cannot be green. An organization will be green through its clean technology and energy initiatives. There is a major shift in the sustainability literature by focusing on prevention rather than damaging and curing later. Clean energy initiatives are the first steps to towards preventing/minimizing the environmental damage. Therefore, the next important question arises what explains the variation in clean energy initiatives in an organization. Is it the size of the firm or regulation which leads to disclosing environmental concern (EC.?) The relationship between size of the firm and environmental disclosures related to EC has been found to be significant by applyingâtâ test in the selected sample of 40 companies, while the variation in clean technology initiatives in the same sample has been measured using binary logistic regression. Out of the two independent variables i.e. size and environmental concern it is established that instead of size it is the regulation which significantly pushes companies towards clean technologies and energy initiatives
An unusual presentation of vulvar cavernous hemangioma in a 10-year-old premenarchal girl: a rare entity
Vascular tumors of the female genitalia are unusual. Hemangiomas are benign tumors of the blood vessels. Usually they are asymptomatic but may present as discomfort, pain and other symptoms. However, vulvar cavernous hemangioma can be seen in newborns and infants, but rarely occur in children and adult women. A 10-year old premenarchal girl presented with a painless swelling on her right labia majora since birth which was increasing gradually. On examination, a well-defined, soft, mobile and non-tender multicystic swelling was observed involving right labia majora and minora of approximately 5Ă6 cm in size. An ultrasound of the lesion showed a well-circumscribed, hypo echoic mass with multicystic lesion of size 40Ă14Ă44 mm arising from right labia majora with vascularity on color Doppler and venous flow on spectral pattern, suggestive of vascular malformation. Surgical excision of lesion was performed with the utmost care to preserve the surrounding healthy tissue and vulvar anatomy. Histopathological examination (HPE) report confirmed the diagnosis of a cavernous hemangioma with no evidence of malignancy. Vulvar cavernous hemangioma is an uncommon vascular tumor that can be rarely seen in pediatric patients. Imaging studies, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), play a crucial role in confirming the diagnosis and guiding the management. Surgical excision with preservation of healthy tissue is the treatment of choice. Long-term follow-up is essential to monitor recurrence and patient's well-being
Antioxidative properties of isolated saponins of Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. fil ex Gray and SEM studies of synthesized green nanoparticles for acne management
Acne is one of the most common and chronic skin problems in most adolescents and young adults due to several internal and external factors. The present study emphasizes on screening of high antioxidant potential of wild sunflower for acne therapy, as it also plays a major role in the patho-physiology of acne. The anti-oxidant potential of extracted plant compounds was carried out by using 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). In recent years, scientists have been involved in the application of green nanoparticle synthesis. Further synthesized green nanoparticles were checked for antiacne potential. Isolated saponins and their synthesized nonolparticles would play an important role to control the acne
In Vitro Antiacne and Antidandruff activity of extracted stigmasterol from seed waste of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
The present study deals with extraction of saponins and their characterization from the seed wastes of safflower. The presence of stigmasterol in the extracted safflower seed waste (S.W.S) was confirmed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), followed by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) on the basis of its peak compared with stigmasterol standard. FTIR showed the identical functional groups of butanolic extract of SSW with standard while TLC and HPLC showed their notable peak and retention time with the same. Further in-vitro antiacne and antidandruff microbial activity of extracted stigmasterol was confirmed by disc diffusion method. This preliminary study has exhibited anti-acne and anti dandruff potential of Safflower seed waste extract, in future which could be used in therapies and cosmetic applications
A study of prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women among rural population in Rajasthan
Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a major contributor in morbidity seen in pregnancy and childbirth. Prevalence of anaemia in India is still as high as 52%. Aim of the present study is to study the prevalence of anaemia and its socio demographic variables in rural population of Rajasthan.
Methods: This study was done in our tertiary care teaching institute in obstetrics and gynecology department in Rajasthan. 2384 women who came to the ANC clinic were screened for anaemia. 1442 women found anemic were enrolled for study. They were interviewed through a structured questionnaire and data thus obtained was analyzed.
Results: Prevalence of anaemia was found to be 60.4% in the study. Out of these 58.8% had mild anaemia, 39.8% had moderate anaemia, 1.04% severe anaemia and 0.2% had very severe anaemia. Maximum women were in the age group 20-24years (48.8%). A large proportion of women were from the lower socioeconomic strata 58.9%. Maximum anemic women had received primary education (63%), while 25% were illiterate and 12% received more than primary education. Prevalence of anaemia was almost similar in both primigravidas 49.1% and multigravidas 50.9%. Regular iron intake was seen in 56% women, 27.7% took iron folic acid (IFA) tablets but irregularly and 16.3% had not taken any supplements.
Conclusions: Anaemia is still highly prevalent among pregnant women in rural Rajasthan. So, there is a need for effective implementation of the existing programmes for prevention and treatment of anaemia for healthy future generation
Uterine leiomyoma presenting with unusual pathological features: a series of two cases
Leiomyomas are benign and most common smooth muscle neoplasms that can occur in any organ, most commonly in uterus, small bowel and esophagus. Leiomyomas may have unusual presentations either in form of location or various secondary changes like hyaline, myxoid, red degeneration, chondroid metaplasia, sarcomatous change, etc. We present two unusual cases of leiomyomas, one involving an unusual location (giant cervical fibroid) and the other a uterine leiomyoma with rare pure chondroid metaplasia. Both these entities are rare and hold importance in the differential diagnosis because it is imperative to differentiate the giant cervical fibroid from any ovarian neoplasm or procidentia and chondroid metaplasia from any other mesenchymal/mixed uterine tumor. Moreover giant leiomyomas require expert hands during surgical removal
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