129 research outputs found
Mininum and maximum annual temperature (BIO1 from worldclim) compiled for all the distributions of birds species present in the Birdlife websit
Mininum and maximum annual temperature (BIO1 from worldclim) compiled for all the distributions of amphibians species present in the IUCN red list websit
Mininum and maximum annual temperature (BIO1 from worldclim) compiled for all the distributions of mammals species present in the IUCN red list websit
Additional file 6: of Phylogeny and biogeography of Primula sect. Armerina: implications for plant evolution under climate change and the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
GenBank accession numbers for DNA sequence data of the 13 taxa in the family Primulaceae chloroplast DNA dataset that was used to provide a secondary calibration for the section Armerina dataset. (DOCX 81 kb
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