24 research outputs found
Capture-Recapture Stratified Estimates of Injuries.
<p>Capture-Recapture Stratified Estimates of Injuries.</p
Capture-Recapture Stratified Estimates of Deaths.
<p>Capture-Recapture Stratified Estimates of Deaths.</p
MOESM1 of Association between stunting and neuro-psychological outcomes among children in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Additional file 1. Crude coefficient from linear regression between covariates and the neuro-psychological outcomes
Additional file 1: Figure S4. of Breastfeeding patterns and its determinants among mothers living with Human Immuno-deficiency Virus -1 in four African countries participating in the ANRS 12174 trial
Non-exclusive breastfeeding survival curves by country until week 50. This figure shows survival curves by country presenting the women nonexclusively breastfeeding their children during the 50-week follow-up period. (PDF 115 kb
Type specific LR-HPV infection.
<p>(A) Prevalence at enrolment. (B) Incidence over 16 months. (C) Persistence over 16 months. *Significantly different between the two countries (i.e. p-value <0.05). **Persistence as a proportion of those positive for that specific type at enrolment.</p
Associations between prevalent LR-HPV<sup>a</sup> and HIV-related factors among 570 WLHIV in BF and 613 in SA.
<p>Associations between prevalent LR-HPV<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0196018#t002fn001" target="_blank"><sup>a</sup></a> and HIV-related factors among 570 WLHIV in BF and 613 in SA.</p
Effect of HIV-related factors and LR-HPV infection on incident AGW among 468 WLHIV in BF and 524 in SA.
<p>Effect of HIV-related factors and LR-HPV infection on incident AGW among 468 WLHIV in BF and 524 in SA.</p
Effect of HIV-related factors and LR-HPV on AGW prevalence at enrolment among 572 WLHIV in BF and 613 in SA.
<p>Effect of HIV-related factors and LR-HPV on AGW prevalence at enrolment among 572 WLHIV in BF and 613 in SA.</p
Associations of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes with high-grade cervical neoplasia (CIN2+) in a cohort of women living with HIV in Burkina Faso and South Africa - Fig 2
<p>(A) Association of HR-HPV prevalence with prevalent CIN2 and CIN3+ among 546 women living with HIV in Burkina Faso. (B) Association of HR-HPV prevalence with prevalent CIN2 and CIN3+ among 573 women living with HIV in South Africa.</p
Reasons for Ouagadougou laboratory non conformance in 2010.
<p>Reasons for Ouagadougou laboratory non conformance in 2010.</p