7,534 research outputs found
Understanding and modeling the small-world phenomenon in dynamic networks
The small-world phenomenon first introduced in the context of static graphs consists of graphs with high clustering coefficient and low shortest path length. This is an intrinsic property of many real complex static networks. Recent research has shown that this structure is also observable in dynamic networks but how it emerges remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a model capable of capturing the small-world behavior observed in various real traces. We then study information diffusion in such small-world networks. Analytical and simulation results with epidemic model show that the small-world structure increases dramatically the information spreading speed in dynamic networks
Swarm-based Intelligent Routing (SIR) - a new approach for efficient routing in content centric delay tolerant networks
This paper introduces Swarm-based Intelligent Routing (SIR), a swarm intelligence based approach used for routing content in content centric Pocket Switched Networks. We first formalize the notion of optimal path in DTN, then introduce a swarm intelligence based routing protocol adapted to content centric DTN that use a publish/subscribe communication paradigm. The protocol works in a fully decentralized way in which nodes do not have any knowledge about the global topology. Nodes, via opportunistic contacts, update utility functions which synthesizes their spatio-temporal proximity from the content subscribers. This individual behavior applied by each node leads to the collective formation of gradient fields between content subscribers and content providers. Therefore, content routing simply sums up to follow the steepest slope along these gradient fields to reach subscribers who are located at the minima of the field. Via real traces analysis and simulation, we demonstrate the existence and relevance of such gradient field and show routing performance improvements when compared to classical routing protocols previously defined for information routing in DTN
Pervasive intelligent routing in content centric delay tolerant networks
This paper introduces a Swarm-Intelligence based Routing protocol (SIR) that aims to efficiently route information in content centric Delay Tolerant Networks (CCDTN) also dubbed pocket switched networks. First, this paper formalizes the notion of optimal path in CCDTN and introduces an original and efficient algorithm to process these paths in dynamic graphs. The properties and some invariant features of these optimal paths are analyzed and derived from several real traces. Then, this paper shows how optimal path in CCDTN can be found and used from a fully distributed swarm-intelligence based approach of which the global intelligent behavior (i.e. shortest path discovery and use) emerges from simple peer to peer interactions applied during opportunistic contacts. This leads to the definition of the SIR routing protocol of which the consistency, efficiency and performances are demonstrated from intensive representative simulations
How mobility increases mobile cloud computing processing capacity
In this paper, we address a important and still unanswered question in mobile cloud computing ``how mobility impacts the distributed processing power of network and computing clouds formed from mobile ad-hoc networks ?''. Indeed, mobile ad-hoc networks potentially offer an aggregate cloud of resources delivering collectively processing, storage and networking resources. We demonstrate that the mobility can increase significantly the performances of distributed computation in such networks. In particular, we show that this improvement can be achieved more efficiently with mobility patterns that entail a dynamic small-world network structure on the mobile cloud. Moreover, we show that the small-world structure can improve significantly the resilience of mobile cloud computing services
Product design-Process selection-Process planning Integration based on Modelling and Simulation
As a solution for traditional design process having many drawbacks in the manufacturing process, the integration of Product design-Process selection-Process planning is carried out in the early design phase. The technological, economic, and logistic parameters are taken into account simultaneously as well as manufacturing constraints being integrated into the product design. As a consequence, the most feasible alternative with regard to the productâs detailed design is extracted satisfying the productâs functional requirements. Subsequently, a couple of conceptual process plans are proposed relied on manufacturing processes being preliminarily selected in the conceptual design phase. Virtual manufacturing is employed under CAM software to simulate fabrication process of the potential process plans. Ultimately, the most suitable process plan for fabricating the part is recommended based upon a multi-criteria analysis as a resolution for decision making
Tribological behaviour of polymer bearings under dry and water lubrication
This study attempts to evaluate the performance of polymer journal bearings (PET and UHMWPE) sliding against Inconel stainless steel in both dry and lubricated condition. Four types of âlubricantâ are included: distilled water; demineralized water; tap water and river water. The tests were carried out in a so called âStribeckâ configuration with a projected pressure of about 0.3 MPa at room temperature and sliding speed ranging from 0 to 1.07 m/s respectively. The study indicates that polymer bearings with four types of water lubricant give better tribological behaviour compared to those in dry sliding contact. Besides, with water lubrication, UHMWPE shows low friction at starting, but it does not go down much over the course of the tests. Meanwhile, although PET indicates quite higher friction at the beginning, it then shows a clearly decreasing trend
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