479 research outputs found

    Trends in sun exposure awareness and protection practices in Malta : 1999-2004

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    Rising skin cancer incidence rates have led to sun awareness campaigns in Malta since the early 1990s. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of these campaigns by analysing trends in sun exposure-related knowledge and behaviour amongst the Maltese people. A total of 559 Maltese pedestrians aged 16-50 years were interviewed in 1999. The same questionnaire was used to interview 304 pedestrians in 2004. More people admitted spending leisure time outdoors during peak sunshine hours in 2004 than in 1999 (85.9% vs 62.4%, p<0.001). There was a drop in people regularly wearing a hat during outdoor leisure activities from 32.4% to 18.4% (p<0.001), and from 37.5% to 9.3% (p<0.001) during outdoor work activities. Rates of regular sunscreen use remained constant at about 50% using it for outdoor leisure activities, but dropped from 25.0% to 9.3% for outdoor work (p=0.02). In 2004, 96.1% of participants having children aged less than 12 years stated that they regularly used sunscreen on their children (87.0% in 1999, p=0.01), while 66.2% said that their children regularly wore a hat (78.4% in 1999, p=0.05). More people were regarding a suntan as unhealthy in 2004 than in 1999 (62.8% versus 37.0%, p<0.001). The mass media remained the most important source of health information.peer-reviewe

    A survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices in relation to mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease in Western Australia

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    On average, more than 1,000 individuals will acquire a mosquito-borne disease in Western Australia (WA) each year. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) in relation to mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease have not yet been investigated within Australia. A randomized telephone survey of 2,500 households across 12 regions in WA was undertaken between February and May 2014. The aim of the survey was to obtain baseline KAP data surrounding mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in different regions of WA, across a range of age groups and between males and females. The results of this survey indicate that the majority of respondents are aware of the potential for mosquitoes in WA to transmit Ross River virus, while awareness of other endemic mosquito-borne diseases remains limited. Common misconceptions exist in relation to exotic mosquito-borne diseases, with respondents incorrectly identifying malaria and dengue as endemic diseases in WA. The survey also highlighted a range of important issues, such as limited awareness of the potential for backyard breeding in domestic containers, occupational exposure to mosquitoes in regions with a large employment base in the mining and resources sector, increased exposure to mosquitoes as a result of participation in outdoor recreational activities in the north of the State, and reduced awareness of mosquito-borne disease in individuals aged 18-34 years. The results of this study will be used to inform the development of a new communication strategy by the Department of Health, to further raise awareness of mosquito-borne disease in WA. The data will then provide a baseline against which to compare future survey results, facilitating the rigorous evaluation of new communication efforts

    Regulation of scleral cell contraction by transforming growth factor-β and stress competing roles in myopic growth

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    Reduced extracellular matrix accumulation in the sclera of myopic eyes leads to increased ocular extensibility and is related to reduced levels of scleral transforming growth factor-&beta; (TGF-&beta;). The current study investigated the impact of this extracellular environment on scleral cell phenotype and cellular biomechanical characteristics. Scleral cell phenotype was investigated in vivo in a mammalian model of myopia using the myofibroblast marker, &alpha;-smooth muscle actin (&alpha;-SMA). In eyes developing myopia &alpha;-SMA levels were increased, suggesting increased numbers of contractile myofibroblasts, and decreased in eyes recovering from myopia. To understand the factors regulating this change in scleral phenotype, the competing roles of TGF-&beta; and mechanical stress were investigated in scleral cells cultured in three-dimensional collagen gels. All three mammalian isoforms of TGF-&beta; altered scleral cell phenotype to produce highly contractile, &alpha;-SMA-expressing myofibroblasts (TGF-&beta;3 &gt; TGF-&beta;2 &gt; TGF-&beta;1). Exposure of cells to the reduced levels of TGF-&beta; found in the sclera in myopia produced decreased cell-mediated contraction and reduced &alpha;-SMA expression. These findings are contrary to the in vivo gene expression data. However, when cells were exposed to both the increased stress and the reduced levels of TGF-&beta; found in myopia, increased &alpha;-SMA expression was observed, replicating in vivo findings. These results show that although reduced scleral TGF-&beta; is a major contributor to the extracellular matrix remodeling in the myopic eye, it is the resulting increase in scleral stress that dominates the competing TGF-&beta; effect, inducing increased &alpha;-SMA expression and, hence, producing a larger population of contractile cells in the myopic eye

    In silico and in vitro drug screening identifies new therapeutic approaches for Ewing sarcoma.

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    The long-term overall survival of Ewing sarcoma (EWS) patients remains poor; less than 30% of patients with metastatic or recurrent disease survive despite aggressive combinations of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. To identify new therapeutic options, we employed a multi-pronged approach using in silico predictions of drug activity via an integrated bioinformatics approach in parallel with an in vitro screen of FDA-approved drugs. Twenty-seven drugs and forty-six drugs were identified, respectively, to have anti-proliferative effects for EWS, including several classes of drugs in both screening approaches. Among these drugs, 30 were extensively validated as mono-therapeutic agents and 9 in 14 various combinations in vitro. Two drugs, auranofin, a thioredoxin reductase inhibitor, and ganetespib, an HSP90 inhibitor, were predicted to have anti-cancer activities in silico and were confirmed active across a panel of genetically diverse EWS cells. When given in combination, the survival rate in vivo was superior compared to auranofin or ganetespib alone. Importantly, extensive formulations, dose tolerance, and pharmacokinetics studies demonstrated that auranofin requires alternative delivery routes to achieve therapeutically effective levels of the gold compound. These combined screening approaches provide a rapid means to identify new treatment options for patients with a rare and often-fatal disease

    Integrating pest population models with biophysical crop models to better represent the farming system

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    Farming systems frameworks such as the Agricultural Production Systems simulator (APSIM) represent fluxes through the soil, plant and atmosphere of the system well, but do not generally consider the biotic constraints that function within the system. We designed a method that allowed population models built in DYMEX to interact with APSIM. The simulator engine component of the DYMEX population-modelling platform was wrapped within an APSIM module allowing it to get and set variable values in other APSIM models running in the simulation. A rust model developed in DYMEX is used to demonstrate how the developing rust population reduces the crop's green leaf area. The success of the linking process is seen in the interaction of the two models and how changes in rust population on the crop's leaves feedback to the APSIM crop modifying the growth and development of the crop's leaf area. This linking of population models to simulate pest populations and biophysical models to simulate crop growth and development increases the complexity of the simulation, but provides a tool to investigate biotic constraints within farming systems and further moves APSIM towards being an agro-ecological framework

    Integrating pest population models with biophysical crop models to better represent the farming system

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    Farming systems frameworks such as the Agricultural Production Systems simulator (APSIM) represent fluxes through the soil, plant and atmosphere of the system well, but do not generally consider the biotic constraints that function within the system. We designed a method that allowed population models built in DYMEX to interact with APSIM. The simulator engine component of the DYMEX population-modelling platform was wrapped within an APSIM module allowing it to get and set variable values in other APSIM models running in the simulation. A rust model developed in DYMEX is used to demonstrate how the developing rust population reduces the crop's green leaf area. The success of the linking process is seen in the interaction of the two models and how changes in rust population on the crop's leaves feedback to the APSIM crop modifying the growth and development of the crop's leaf area. This linking of population models to simulate pest populations and biophysical models to simulate crop growth and development increases the complexity of the simulation, but provides a tool to investigate biotic constraints within farming systems and further moves APSIM towards being an agro-ecological framework

    Review of Experimental Compounds Demonstrating Anti-Toxoplasma Activity

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous apicomplexan parasite capable of infecting humans and other animals. Current treatment options for T. gondii infection are limited and most have drawbacks, including high toxicity and low tolerability. Additionally, no FDA-approved treatments are available for pregnant women, a high-risk population due to transplacental infection. Therefore, the development of novel treatment options is needed. To aid this effort, this review highlights experimental compounds that, at a minimum, demonstrate inhibition of in vitro growth of T. gondii. When available, host cell toxicity and in vivo data are also discussed. The purpose of this review is to facilitate additional development of anti-Toxoplasma compounds and potentially to extend our knowledge of the parasite

    Clinically Available Medicines Demonstrating Anti-\u3ci\u3eToxoplasma\u3c/i\u3e Activity

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an apicomplexan parasite of humans and other mammals, including livestock and companion animals. While chemotherapeutic regimens, including pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine regimens, ameliorate acute or recrudescent disease such as toxoplasmic encephalitis or ocular toxoplasmosis, these drugs are often toxic to the host. Moreover, no approved options are available to treat infected women who are pregnant. Lastly, no drug regimen has shown the ability to eradicate the chronic stage of infection, which is characterized by chemoresistant intracellular cysts that persist for the life of the host. In an effort to promote additional chemotherapeutic options, we now evaluate clinically available drugs that have shown efficacy in disease models but which lack clinical case reports. Ideally, less-toxic treatments for the acute disease can be identified and developed, with an additional goal of cyst clearance from human and animal hosts

    Freeze casting of porous monolithic composites for hydrogen storage

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    Hydrogen storage by adsorption offers operational benefits over energy intensive compression techniques. Incorporating physisorption materials in compression stores could improve hydrogen capacities, reducing the volume or pressure needed for storage vessels. However, such materials are often presented as fine powders and development efforts to date have predominantly focused on improving hydrogen uptake alone. Without due attention to industry-relevant attributes, such as handling, processability, and mechanical properties it is unlikely that these materials will find commercial application. In the paper, the desirable mechanical properties of hydrogen-adsorbent PIM-1 are exploited to yield a series of composite monoliths doped with a high surface area activated carbon, intended to act as pressure vessel inserts. Freeze casting techniques were successfully adapted for use with chloroform, facilitating the production of coherent and controlled three-dimensional geometries. This included the use of an innovative elastomeric mould made by additive manufacture to allow facile adoption, with the ability to vary multiple forming factors in the future. The composite monolith formed exhibited a stiffness of 0.26 GPa, a compressive strength of 6.7 MPa, and an increased BET surface area of 847 m2 g−1 compared to PIM-1 powders, signifying the first steps towards producing hydrogen adsorbents in truly useful monolithic forms
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