7 research outputs found
Approach to steady state transport in nanoscale conductors
We show, using a tight-binding model and time-dependent density-functional
theory, that a quasi-steady state current can be established dynamically in a
finite nanoscale junction without any inelastic effects. This is simply due to
the geometrical constriction experienced by the electron wavepackets as they
propagate through the junction. We also show that in this closed
non-equilibrium system two local electron occupation functions can be defined
on each side of the nanojunction which approach Fermi distributions with
increasing number of atoms in the electrodes. The resultant conductance and
current-voltage characteristics at quasi-steady state are in agreement with
those calculated within the static scattering approach.Comment: 4+ pages in REVTEX4, 4 epsf figure
Electron turbulence at nanoscale junctions
Electron transport through a nanostructure can be characterized in part using
concepts from classical fluid dynamics. It is thus natural to ask how far the
analogy can be taken, and whether the electron liquid can exhibit nonlinear
dynamical effects such as turbulence. Here we present an ab-initio study of the
electron dynamics in nanojunctions which reveals that the latter indeed
exhibits behavior quite similar to that of a classical fluid. In particular, we
find that a transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs with increasing
current, corresponding to increasing Reynolds numbers. These results reveal
unexpected features of electron dynamics and shed new light on our
understanding of transport properties of nanoscale systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
The decay of excited He from Stochastic Density-Functional Theory: a quantum measurement theory interpretation
Recently, time-dependent current-density functional theory has been extended
to include the dynamical interaction of quantum systems with external
environments [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 226403 (2007)]. Here we show that such
a theory allows us to study a fundamentally important class of phenomena
previously inaccessible by standard density-functional methods: the decay of
excited systems. As an example we study the decay of an ensemble of excited He
atoms, and discuss these results in the context of quantum measurement theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Microscopic Current Dynamics in Nanoscale Junctions
So far transport properties of nanoscale contacts have been mostly studied
within the static scattering approach. The electron dynamics and the transient
behavior of current flow, however, remain poorly understood. We present a
numerical study of microscopic current flow dynamics in nanoscale quantum point
contacts. We employ an approach that combines a microcanonical picture of
transport with time-dependent density-functional theory. We carry out atomic
and jellium model calculations to show that the time evolution of the current
flow exhibits several noteworthy features, such as nonlaminarity and edge flow.
We attribute these features to the interaction of the electron fluid with the
ionic lattice, to the existence of pressure gradients in the fluid, and to the
transient dynamical formation of surface charges at the nanocontact-electrode
interfaces. Our results suggest that quantum transport systems exhibit
hydrodynamical characteristics which resemble those of a classical liquid.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Electron dynamics in nanoscale systems
In this dissertation we discuss the dynamical behavior of electrons on the nanoscopic scale. We begin by presenting a view of electron transport which an alternative to that due to Landauer, in which the flow of electrons across a junction is framed as the discharge of a large but finite capacitor. The benefit of this construction is that time- dependent calculations can be framed in a conceptually simple and well-defined way. We characterize the conductance of a quasi-one-dimensinal chain of gold atoms, as well as a quantity which is similar to the distribution functions of classical statistical mechanics. We go on to the quasi-two-dimensional case and characterize the flow patterns of electrons emerging from a nanoscopic junction. We discuss the dynamic angular pattern of electron flow, as well as the movement of charge at the surface of the electrodes near the junction. We continue by considering the hydrodynamic form of the many-body Schrödinger equation and demonstrate that the electron liquid develops turbulent eddy-like structures in experimentally attainable regimes. We provide the demonstration using both an ab-initio formalism, as well as an approximate Navier-Stokes calculation. We go on to describe an experiment whereby the turbulence of the electron liquid could be detected through the use of a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), by measuring the asymmetry in the magnetic flux produced as a result of current flow near the nanoscopic junction. In addition, we characterize the turbulent eddies by considering the velocity correlation tensor Finally, we discuss the stochastic extension to current density functional theory and demonstrate the decay of a Helium atom which is effectively coupled to an external reservoir. We demonstrate the utility of the stochastic Schrödinger formalism as compared to the master equation approach, and discuss the relevance of the stochastic Shrödinger equation to quantum measurement theor
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Systemic Insecticide Applications at Planting for Early Season Thrips Control
Temik 15G (6 lbs/acre) or Thimet 20G (8.2 lbs/acre) granular insecticides were applied to 40 inch rows in furrow at planting to cotton growing in Parker Valley, AZ. Moderate thrips pressure (0.5-1.5 thrips/plant) was experienced for the first eight weeks after planting and granular insecticide application. Temik provided better thrips control than Thimet for the first seven weeks after planting this study. Thrips control was similar for the two insecticides beyond eight weeks after planting. Temik application resulted in higher fruit retention levels measured up to 10 weeks after planting, compared to Thimet. However, fruit retention levels measured from 12 to 16 weeks after planting were similar for both Temik and Thimet when cotton plants compensated for early season square losses caused by thrips feeding