812 research outputs found
Late-time Affleck-Dine baryogenesis after thermal inflation
Thermal inflation can solve serious cosmological problems such as
overproduction of gravitinos and moduli. However, it also dilutes the
preexisting baryon asymmetry. We investigate a possibility that Affleck-Dine
mechanism works after thermal inflation and generate the baryon number at an
acceptable level using lattice calculation. We find that a proper amount of
baryon number can be generated for appropriate model parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, reference adde
Higgs inflation and suppression of axion isocurvature perturbation
We point out that cosmological constraint from the axion isocurvature
perturbation is relaxed if the Higgs field obtains a large field value during
inflation in the DFSZ axion model. This scenario is consistent with the Higgs
inflation model, in which two Higgs doublets have non-minimal couplings and
play a role of inflaton.Comment: 5 pages; added reference
CMB Constraint on Dark Matter Annihilation after Planck 2015
We update the constraint on the dark matter annihilation cross section by
using the recent measurements of the CMB anisotropy by the Planck satellite. We
fully calculate the cascade of dark matter annihilation products and their
effects on ionization, heating and excitation of the hydrogen, hence do not
rely on any assumption on the energy fractions that cause these effects.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; to appear in Phys.Lett.
Baryon Asymmetry in a Heavy Moduli Scenario
In some models of supersymmetry breaking, modulus fields are heavy enough to
decay before BBN. But the large entropy produced via moduli decay significantly
dilutes the preexisting baryon asymmetry of the universe. We study whether
Affleck-Dine mechanism can provide enough baryon asymmetry which survives the
dilution, and find several situations in which desirable amount of baryon
number remains after the dilution. The possibility of non-thermal dark matter
is also discussed. This provides the realistic cosmological scenario with heavy
moduli.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures; added a reference; v3: minor correction
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