83 research outputs found
Using Random Parameters to Account for Heterogeneous Preferences in Contingent Valuation of Public Open Space
To test for preference heterogeneity in dichotomous choice contingent valuation responses, a random parameter logit (RPL) specification is used in this analysis. The RPL model confirms heterogeneity in respondents' preferences for protection of public open space, as reflected in statistically significant standard deviations of the normally distributed random parameters. Results show that while the majority of respondents indicate a positive willingness to pay (WTP), a minority of those surveyed report a negative WTP. Some of this variation in tastes remains even after individual characteristics and attitudinal variables are included in the model.contingent valuation, open space, random parameter logit, willingness to pay, Land Economics/Use,
The ecosystem service provision index as a generic indicator of ecosystem service supply for monitoring conservation targets
At present, most governments, particularly in low and middle-income countries, are not effectively using ecosystem services (ES) indicators for conservation monitoring, which is in part due to the complexity of current indicators. This study seeks to contribute to this implementation gap by illustrating the performance of a remote sensing based indicator, the Ecosystem Services Provision Index (ESPI) (based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), as a feasible indicator for monitoring ES supply. We examined ESPI's performance by analyzing its spatial congruence (regression and cluster analysis) with four type-specific ES indicators, namely timber provision, forage provision, opportunities for recreation and water regulation, for different types of temperate native forests, non-native tree plantations, shrublands and grasslands, within a southern district in Chile. We additionally compared values of ESPI and ES indicators across land uses and covers by means of ANOVA and Tuckey test (post-hoc). The regression analysis showed medium to low fitting of ES indicators to linear and non-linear variations of ESPI. Unexplained variation can arise from different dispersion sources: a) uncaptured variation in specific ES flow by variation in their corresponding indicators (specific ES indicators and ESPI), b) distances between parametric values of different ES indicators and ESPI, and c) mismatches between ESPI and ES indicator scales and resolutions. Cluster analysis showed ESPI-ES hotspot congruence of 62% for water regulation, followed by the ES bundle (56%), recreation opportunities (38%), timber supply (36%) and forage provision (32%). The values of ESPI, water regulation and recreation opportunities were significantly higher on old growth forests. Our study contributes to establish to what extent remote sensing indicators can be used as a proxy of ES supply, which is relevant for the adoption of these indicators in monitoring conservation outcomes when specific ES indicators are not available or they lack the necessary spatial and temporal coverage.Fil: Jullian, C.. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Nahuelhual, Laura. Universidad Austral de Chile; Chile. Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera; ChileFil: Laterra, Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Fundación Bariloche; Argentin
¿La gente prefiere paisajes naturales? Un estudio empírico en Chile
Existe una conciencia creciente de que la viabilidad de la planificación del paisaje depende del apoyo del público. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre percepciones y preferencias del público es generalmente limitado. Este estudio presenta una evaluación del paisaje basada en el observador y atributos físicos del paisaje. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario en línea (n° respuestas = 643), a partir del cual se recolectó información sobre edad, género, lugar de residencia, nivel de ingresos y nivel educativo, y sobre las preferencias de los encuestados por diversas composiciones y niveles de belleza escénica de paisajes rurales del centro-sur de Chile, usando fotografías. Se analizaron los efectos de la composición y la belleza escénica sobre las respuestas (calificaciones individuales), así como los efectos de interacción entre esos atributos y características personales de los entrevistados mediante la aplicación de medidas multivariadas de repetición ANDEVA y prueba multivariada de Wilks. Las calificaciones tanto de la belleza escénica como de la composición del paisaje varían significativamente entre las fotografías, lo que revela una clara preferencia por paisajes dominados por vegetación nativa sobre paisajes dominados por plantaciones de árboles exóticos o tierras cultivadas. Una porción relativamente baja pero significativa de la variabilidad se explicó por diferencias en las preferencias derivadas de las características personales. Los resultados contribuyen a varios esfuerzos recientes para comprender la opinión pública sobre los cambios del paisaje rural. Específicamente, los resultados respaldan los efectos adversos de la pérdida de hábitats naturales en las apreciaciones de las personas.There is a growing consciousness that the viability of landscape-related policy depends on support from the general public. However, during planning stages, knowledge regarding landscape perceptions and preferences of people is generally absent or limited. This study presents an observer-based landscape assessment, applying a physical landscape attribute approach to measure visual preferences based on photographs. Data on age, gender, place of residence, income and education level were collected by means of a country-wide online questionnaire (n° answers=643), along with information from respondents on visual evaluations of images depicting various compositions and levels of scenic beauty of rural landscapes of south-central Chile. The effects of landscape composition and scenic beauty on responses (individual ratings), as well as the interaction effects between those attributes and personal characteristics, were tested by applying multivariate repeated measures ANOVA and Wilks multivariate tests. Ratings for both scenic beauty and landscape composition significantly varied across photographs, revealing a clear preference for landscapes dominated by native vegetation over landscapes dominated by exotic tree plantations or cultivated lands. A relatively low, nonetheless significant, portion of the rating variability was explained by subtle differences in preferences arising from personal characteristics. Results contribute to several recent efforts to understand public opinion regarding natural and rural landscape changes. Specifically, results sustain the adverse effects of loss of natural habitats on people’s appraisals of rural landscapes.Fil: Nahuelhual, Laura. Centro de Investigación en Dinámica de Ecosistemas Marinos de Altas Latitudes; Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Laterra, Pedro. Fundación Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Jiménez, Dana. Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia; ChileFil: Báez, Andrea. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Estadística; ChileFil: Echeverría, Christián. Millennium Nucleus Center for the Socioeconomic Impact of Environmental Policies; Chile. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Fuentes, Rodrigo. Universidad de Concepción; Chil
Ecosystem services justice : the emergence of a critical research field
Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MEcosystem services justice is an emergent research field. Over the past decade, research on ecosystem services has increasingly developed a justice perspective and incorporated it into its conceptual and empirical frameworks. This perspective aims at providing a review of the emergent strands of research addressing ecosystem services justice, and at creating an outlook on future research needs and frontiers. The review departs from central critiques to the ecosystem service approach, which have been foundational for the research field of ecosystem services justice. To be precise, we address three different research strands on which justice issues arise. First, ecosystem services production, considering the (increasing) commodification of ecosystem services, the concentration of ecosystem services production assets and the role of trade-offs in production capacities. Second, the distribution of ecosystem services benefits under the aspects of unequal vulnerabilities, the consideration of accessibility and individual's capabilities to obtain ecosystem services. Third, the recognition of ecosystem services pluralisms, including socially differentiated forms of wellbeing, plural values and knowledge concerning ecosystem services. While ES justice has strongly advanced from a scientific perspective, we are still lacking a stronger reflection of these advances in practice. Future research, we argue, needs to develop holistic procedural frameworks for integrating the complexity of ecosystem services justice, addressing the ecosystem services production under consideration of historic inequalities, the distribution of ecosystem services benefits with respect to people's diverse needs, vulnerabilities, and capabilities, as well as diverse wellbeing-, value-, and knowledge-systems. The social-ecological understanding of ecosystem services co-production, which recognizes the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between humans and ecosystems, is identified as a crucial framing for this endeavor
Situational crime analysis of poaching within Territorial Use Rights Fisheries (TURFs)
IntroductionIllegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing poses a significant threat to marine resource management globally. Environmental criminology plays a vital role in understanding and mitigating IUU activities by focusing on the contextual elements surrounding these crimes. This study examines the dynamics of poaching within areas managed through Territorial User Rights for Fisheries (TURFs), with a specific emphasis on the loco (Concholepas concholepas) fishery in Chile.MethodsEmploying Crime Script Analysis (CSA) as the primary methodological lens, this research meticulously deconstructs the criminal process involved in TURFs poaching operations. CSA is used to identify key elements, providing a comprehensive understanding of poachers modus operandi. Additionally, by integrating CSA with Situational Precipitators of Crime (SPC), the study identifies critical factors such as environmental conditions, socio-economic disparities, and enforcement weaknesses that shape poaching opportunities within TURFs. ResultsThe analysis reveals a complex interplay between SPC factors, underscoring their role in shaping poaching dynamics. Key findings highlight the importance of specific environmental conditions, socio-economic disparities, and enforcement weaknesses in facilitating poaching activities. The study identifies various tactics and strategies employed by poachers and the roles of different actors involved in the poaching process. DiscussionBuilding upon these findings, the study proposes a comprehensive Situational Crime Prevention (SCP) framework aimed at effectively combating TURFs poaching. The framework emphasizes the importance of striking a careful balance between restrictive and inclusive measures to mitigate potential negative consequences. The study contributes valuable insights into understanding and addressing IUU fishing, particularly within TURFs in Chile
How landscapes change: integration of spatial patterns and human processes in temperate landscapes of southern Chile
A comprehensive understanding of the patterns that occur as human processes transform landscapes is necessary for sustainable development. We provide new evidence on how landscapes change by analysing the spatial patterns of human processes in three forest landscapes in southern Chile at different states of alteration (40%&#-90% of old-growth forest loss). Three phases of landscape alteration are distinguished. In Phase I (40%&amp;-65% of old-growth forest loss), deforestation rates are < 1% yr&;8722#1, forests are increasingly degraded, and clearance for pastureland is concentrated on deeper soils. In Phase II (65%&#-80%), deforestation reaches its maximum rate of 1&amp;-1.5% yr&;8722#1, with clearance for pastureland being the main human process, creating a landscape dominated by disturbed forest and shrubland. In this phase, clearance for pastureland is the primary driver of change, with pastures expanding onto poorer soils in more spatially aggregated patterns. In Phase III (80%&#-90%), deforestation rates are again relatively low (<1% yr&;8722#1) and forest regrowth is observed on marginal lands. During this phase, clearance is the dominant process and pastureland is the main land cover. As a forest landscape is transformed, the extent and intensity of human processes vary according to the existing state of landscape alteration, resulting in distinctive landscape patterns in each phase. A relationship between spatial patterns of land cover and human-related processes has been identified along the gradient of landscape alteration. This integrative framework can potentially provide insights into the patterns and processes of dynamic landscapes in other areas subjected to intensifying human use.European ComissionFONDECYT Chil
Ecosystem services and local wellbeing : case study on natural medicine products in Panguipulli, southern Chile
El presente estudio explora cómo se construye bienestar en comunidades locales del sur de Chile a través de prácticas sociales relacionadas con el uso de productos de medicina natural local (PMNL). Para la investigación se reconstruyeron historias de vida de actores sociales relevantes, por medio de entrevistas en profundidad. El análisis se basó en las teorías de la acción social y del desarrollo a escala humana, y sobre el enfoque de servicios ecosistémicos. Los resultados indican que en este territorio, el bienestar se construye socialmente a través de prácticas cotidianas dentro de la unidad familiar, en un ambiente mucho más privado (e.g., la transmisión de conocimiento entre padres e hijos al recolectar y reconocer plantas medicinales y su aplicación). Además, los actores sociales también construyen bienestar con prácticas comunitarias públicas, como es el caso de la mayoría de las iniciativas de recolección y procesamiento del Programa de Salud Inter-Cultural, que reponen el stock de medicinas. Por su parte, la teoría de la acción permitió observar prácticas sociales desde la vida cotidiana, mientras que el enfoque de servicios ecosistémicos ayudó a observar y a comprender los recursos naturales relacionados con estrategias de satisfacción local. Por esta razón, se convirtió en un anclaje teórico para comprender el bienestar desde la perspectiva del desarrollo humano. En este sentido, los principales satisfactores identificados fueron el Programa de Salud Inter-Cultural, la Mesa de Salud Inter-Cultural y los agentes culturales y unidad familiar. El Programa de Salud Inter-Cultural se relacionó de manera sinérgica con varias necesidades, mientras que la Mesa de Salud Inter-Cultural sólo se relacionó con las necesidades de entendimiento y participación. Finalmente, los agentes culturales y la unidad familiar se relacionaron con necesidades de afecto, ocio y libertad, entre otras.This research explores how wellbeing is built through social practices related to the use of products of natural medicine (PNM) in local communities of southern Chile. Research inquiry involved the reconstruction of life-history of relevant local stakeholders, particularly through in-depth interviews (life-history method). The analysis relies on the social action theory, human scale development theory and the ecosystem services approach. Results indicate that, in this territory, wellbeing is socially constructed through everyday practices within the family unit, in a private atmosphere (e.g., the transmission of knowledge between parents and sons/daughters when they recollect, recognize and use medical herbs). Wellbeing is also built on another level, through social practices that are more public, such as the recollection and processing of medicine-plants carried out by the Intercultural Medicine Program. The social action theory allowed to observe social practices from everyday life, the ecosystem services approach helped to observe and understand natural resources, strictly related to local satisfaction strategies, becoming this way a theoretical anchor to understand well-being from the humane scale development perspective. In this sense, the main satisfactors identified were: the Inter-cultural Health Program, the Inter-Cultural Board, the cultural agents and the family unit. The Inter-Cultural Health Program is synergistically related to several needs, while the Inter-Cultural Board (discussion opportunity) is exclusively related to understanding and participation needs. Finally, the cultural agents and the family unit are related to the needs of affection, idleness and freedom, among others
Who dominates the territorial processes? Importance of the different capitals for sustainable development. Case study: Balcarce, Argentina
En las últimas décadas están teniendo lugar en Argentina procesos territoriales como la agriculturización (intensificación y avance de la agricultura sobre otros usos de la tierra) y el desarrollo de planes de ordenamiento territorial rural. En ambos casos los agentes del territorio afectan la evolución de estos procesos y a la vez son afectados por los mismos. Este estudio analiza ambos procesos en el Partido de Balcarce (Argentina) bajo el enfoque de campos sociales de Pierre Bourdieu. Se observa que la posición de los agentes dentro del campo no solo está determinada por el volumen total del capital que poseen, sino también por la estructura de dicho capital y por el capital dominante dentro del campo, afectando esto las relaciones de poder entre agentes. Si bien el capital que rige la evolución de ambos procesos es el económico, se observa que el capital social cumple un rol estratégico dentro del campo de la comunidad rural y el capital simbólico en el campo del ordenamiento territorial.In recent decades are taking place in Argentina territorial processes as agriculturization (intensification and advancement of agriculture over other land uses) and the development of rural land–use plans. In both cases, the territory agents affect the evolution of these processes and at the same time, they are affected by them.This study case analyzes both processes in the County of Balcarce (Argentina) under the social fields approach of Pierre Bourdieu. It is noted that the position of agents in the field is not only determined by the total volume ofagent’scapital, but also by the structure of their capital and by the dominant capital in the field, affecting the power relations between agents. While the capital that governs the evolution of both processes is the economic, it is noted that the social capital has a strategic role in the rural community field and the symbolic capital in the land–use planning field.Fil: Auer, Alejandra Denise. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Maceira, Nestor Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Nahuelhual, Laura. Universidad Austral de Chile; Chil
Social-ecological shifts, traps and collapses in small-scale fisheries: Envisioning a way forward to transformative changes
Small-scale fisheries (SSF) are critical to food systems and livelihoods. However, the relation between fisheries
resilience, outcomes of proximate and distal drivers and the potential space for transformative changes have been largely unexplored. Such knowledge is key to understanding how fishery resources, institutions and actors
respond to, and learn from, diverse drivers of change and social-ecological crises, as well as to design policies
aimed at building resilience in SSF. This paper provides a new heuristic model to analyze the factors that combined lead SSF to trajectories towards shifts, traps and collapses, including the opportunity to navigate sustainable transformations. We illustrate the proposed Heuristic with three case studies with different biophysical and socio-cultural contexts and final outcomes: the Galician shellfisheries on foot (Spain), the Chilean king crab small-scale fishery (Chile), and the Galapagos sea cucumber small-scale fishery (Ecuador). The application of the Heuristic and a detailed description of model key elements for each case study provide
practical examples and a valuable guide for fisheries scientists, practitioners and decision-makers to learn and/or respond in a flexible way to SSF social-ecological crises in the pursuit of fisheries sustainability and equity. Scholars are welcome to adopt our Heuristic to classify and bound SSF, order events, suggest hypotheses of linked drivers, pathways of change, potential trajectories, and outcomes, and envision potential space for transformative changes
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