1,522 research outputs found

    The end of the road? CPD in the NHS

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    YesThis article considers how cuts in Government funding will affect continuing professional development and mentorship training for NHS staf

    Urgent care centre redirection: evaluation of a nurse led intervention

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    Aim: Patient redirection can help reduce service demand by providing information about more appropriate services. There is, however, no evidence about the effect of nurse-led patient redirection in urgent care centre settings. The aim of this project was to develop and evaluate a nurse-led patient ‘self-care and redirection first’ intervention in an urgent care centre (UCC). Method: Adopting a prospective observational design, the intervention was delivered to an opportunity sample of patients who attended a south London hospital UCC, between June and July 2014, and evaluated through patient interviews five to ten days after initial attendance. Findings: 118 of the 1,710 people who attended the UCC participated in the intervention, of whom 81 (69%) were redirected to other services or home to self-care, and 37 were transferred to an emergency department. Of the 110 (93.2%) participants who completed the questionnaire, 97.2% were satisfied with the service. Only two accessed different services to those recommended, 72.2% (n=85) said they would not reattend a UCC for a similar condition. Conclusion: Treating minor ailments in a UCC is an inefficient use of resources. A nurse-led self-care and redirection intervention can help divert patients with minor ailments to more appropriate services. Further evaluation of the effect of the intervention on service demand and costs is required

    Do people with intellectual disabilities understand their prescription medication? A scoping review

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    © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Background: People with intellectual disabilities are more likely to experience poor health than the general population and are frequently prescribed multiple medications. Therefore, it is important that people with intellectual disabilities understand their medication and potential adverse effects. Method: A scoping review explored people with intellectual disabilities' knowledge of prescription medications, their risks and how medication understanding can be improved. Results: Ten journal articles were included. People with intellectual disabilities often lacked understanding of their medication, including its name, purpose and when and how to take it. Participants were often confused or unaware of adverse effects associated with their medication. Information was sometimes explained to carers rather than people with intellectual disabilities. Some interventions and accessible information helped to improve knowledge in people with intellectual disabilities. Conclusion: There is a need for accessible and tailored information about medication to be discussed with people with intellectual disabilities in order to meet legal and best practice standards.Peer reviewe

    The shift to collaborative working and integration in the English NHS: Developing shared leadership in Primary Care Networks

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the leadership challenge of developing collaborative working with specific reference to Primary Care Networks in the English NHS, using the theoretical lens of shared leadership. This approach to leadership may be appropriate in the context of the policy shift towards collaboration and integrated care currently being pursued in the UK and in other countries. A conceptual framework is developed from extant literature, identifying the antecedents of shared leadership that help to explain how shared leadership may be developed. The framework is then used to offer insight into how shared leadership may be developed in the networks. The order of the paper is as follows: firstly, we discuss the policy background and changes in primary care in the NHS; next, we discuss shared leadership and its antecedents, and propose a conceptual framework; we then use the framework to offer a non-empirical understanding of the case of Primary Care Networks; and finally, we discuss the practical implications relating to developing shared leadership in this context

    Valuing carers: rhetoric or reality?

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    Janet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, examines a survey from Carers UK that found carers often felt unsupported and underappreciated, and looks at possible solutions

    Does integrated health and care in the community deliver its vision? A workforce perspective

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    Purpose –The purpose of this paper is to explore and capture workforce perceptions, experiences and insights of the phenomena of integrated care (IC) in a community health and care NHS trust in England; including whether there are any associated factors that are enablers, barriers, benefits or challenges; and the level of workforce engagement in the process of integrated health and care. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative design based on an interpretivist research paradigm was used with a purposive sampling technique. Five in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with community nursing, social workers and allied health professionals. Colaizzi’s (1978) descriptive phenomenological seven-step method was applied to analyse data, with the emergence of 170 significant statements, 170 formulated meanings and 8 thematic clustering of themes to reveal 4 emergent themes and 1 fundamental structure capturing the essential aspects of the structure of the phenomenon IC. Findings – This study revealed four interdependent emergent themes: (1) Insight of IC and collaboration: affording the opportunity for collaboration, shared goals, vision, dovetailing knowledge, skills and expertise. Professional aspirations of person-centred and strength-based care to improve outcomes. (2) Awareness of culture and professionalism: embracing inter-professional working whilst appreciating the fear of losing professional identity and values. Working relationships based on trust, respect and understanding of professional roles to improve outcomes. (3) Impact of workforce engagement: participants felt strongly about their differing engagement experience in terms of restructuring and redesigning services. (4) Impact of organisational structure: information technology (IT) highlighted a barrier to IC as differing IT platforms prevent interoperability with one system to one patient. Shared positivity of IC, embracing new ways of working. Originality/value – This study proposes considerations for future practice, policy and research from a local, national and global platform, highlighting the need for any IC strategy or policy to incorporate the uniqueness of the “voice of the workforce” as a key enabler to integration developments, only then can IC be a fully collaborative approach

    An exploration of the factors influencing career choice in mental health

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    Aims and objectives: To identify the factors that are associated with considering a career in mental health. Background: The mental health specialty is facing a recruitment crisis in the United Kingdom but there is limited evidence about which factors encourage and discourage people from considering a career in mental health. Design: Quantitative, observational, online survey using a multiple ordinal logistic regression model to identify if there were any significant predictors of the extent to which participants would consider a career in mental health. The design and write up of the study were guided by the STROBE checklist. Method: We gathered the views of 231 participants (female = 188, 81.7%) aged between 16–65 (mean = 22.7, SD = 8.9), using an online survey, the majority of whom were studying on, or graduates of, psychology/social studies degrees. Information was gathered about the extent to which a range of factors influenced consideration of a career in mental health. Results: The majority (71.2%) of participants reported that they would definitely or probably consider undertaking a career in mental health, and over half (51.4%) would consider a career as a mental health nurse. The ability to help others and receiving appropriate training required for the role were important career choice factors. Being female, having a mental health condition and greater knowledge of mental health were associated with a significantly greater likelihood of considering a career in mental health, while having had experience of working with people with mental health difficulties was significantly negatively associated. Conclusions: Students and graduates of psychology and social studies degrees appear to be a large, untapped recruitment pool for mental health services. Relevance to clinical practice: The results can inform more targeted recruitment strategies and development of suitable career pathways for those interested in a career in mental health

    Implementing an Integrated Acute Response Service: Professional Perceptions of Intermediate Care

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation, care processes and sustainability of an integrated, intermediate Acute Response Team (ART) service. The primary aims of the service are to enhance the level of health and social care integration across a range of organisations, to ensure a timelier and appropriate service for people in the community at risk of admission to hospital. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative methodology was employed in order to gain a deep understanding of the experiences of staff members within the ART service and external stakeholders. Twenty-one professionals took part in a focus group or one-to-one interviews. Data were analysed thematically. Findings: The key to successful implementation was that the service was co-created from the “ground-up” with support from local provider organisations. The inclusion of general practitioners (GPs) as part of the team was instrumental in setting up and maintaining the service and seems to be unique in intermediate care settings. Referrals into the ART service were dependent on awareness of the service at the interface with mainstream services. Transitions out were sometimes delayed due lack of availability of social care packages. To ensure sustainability of the ART and other integrated intermediate care services, continued resources, especially skilled staff members, are necessary. Originality/value: This study adds to the intermediate care and acute response service literature by offering insights into “what works” from a professional perspective in terms of service implementation, care processes and sustainability, in an integrated care system
