270 research outputs found


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    Critical Studies: Art, Becoming and Participation marks the launch of the Visual Arts and Critical Studies Group, recently formed within the scope of the Arnaldo Araújo Research Centre (CEAA). The book seeks to rehearse what may become, in the next future, a Brute Theory, whose territories of action remain under definition but whose company we wish to keep along future trajectories. As the singular is a collective, in this publication dispersion overrides the search for any type of unity. Brute Theory, as a pocket of resistance to current models of academic domination anchored in profitable, efficient and, as repeatedly stated, competitive research, proposes precarious dynamics, such as risk and drift.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Notes on Europe

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    Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/04041/2020 (Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Algumas razões para uma arte não demissionária

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    Livro/catálogo que reune os resultados do projeto "Algumas razões para uma arte não demissionária", que combina a reflexão teórico-crítica com a produção artística de obras in-situ.Direção Geral das Artes [patrocínio]; FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, através do CEAA | Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo (uID 4041)[apoio à publicação

    Current perspectives on the dynamics of antibiotic resistance in different reservoirs

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    Antibiotic resistance consists of a dynamic web. In this review, we describe the path by which different antibiotic residues and antibioticresistance genes disseminate among relevant reservoirs (human, animal, and environmental settings), evaluating how these events contribute tothe current scenario of antibiotic resistance. The relationship between the spread of resistance and the contribution of different genetic elementsand events is revisited, exploring examples of the processes by which successful mobile resistance genes spread across different niches. The importance of classic and next generation molecular approaches, as well as action plans and policies which might aid in the fight against antibiotic resistance, are also reviewed.Antibiotic resistance consists of a dynamic web. In this review, we describe the path by which different antibiotic residues and antibioticresistance genes disseminate among relevant reservoirs (human, animal, and environmental settings), evaluating how these events contribute tothe current scenario of antibiotic resistance. The relationship between the spread of resistance and the contribution of different genetic elementsand events is revisited, exploring examples of the processes by which successful mobile resistance genes spread across different niches. The importance of classic and next generation molecular approaches, as well as action plans and policies which might aid in the fight against antibiotic resistance, are also reviewed

    "Os Limites? Que Limites?"

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    From the illusion of the similitude of reality to the illusion of the representation of identity. The unsolvable tension between reference and representation. Self-portrait, identity and machine of capitalist de-territorialisation. Technically speaking, what is left of the subject? Limits? What limits?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cinco Exposições e um Colectivo

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    Livro/catálogo que reune os resultados do projeto "Algumas razões para uma arte não demissionária", que combina a reflexão teórico-crítica com a produção artística de obras in-situ.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Rosto é um Mapa: Self-performance de Jurgen Klauke

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    Jeff Wall: Double Self-Portrait

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    Double Self-Portrait, produzido em1979, constitui o segundo e último autoretrato de Jeff Wall (1946 -) e, tal como em Picture for Women,* o artista inclui-se na imagem, dirigindo o olhar para o espectador. Entre as duas partes da caixa de luz nota-se uma costura simulada que divide a imagem. As linhas do papel de parede e os círculos da cadeira servem para elidir essa costura, a qual se configura como metáfora do processo fotográfico. (...)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do arquivo como normalização ao arquivo como criação

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    Fotografia e Arquivo organiza-se em volta de três temas distintos, mas que se complementam: o primeiro “Arquivos”, no qual se refletiu sobre o tema da arquivística e conservação de fotografia; o segundo “Arquivo” incidiu no uso do arquivo a partir da prática artística; e o terceiro tema “Narrativas” que pensou a concepção do arquivo como veículo para a construção de narrativas e interpretações.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Critical Studies: Art, Becoming and Participation marks the launch of the Visual Arts and Critical Studies Group, recently formed within the scope of the Arnaldo Araújo Research Centre (CEAA). The book seeks to rehearse what may become, in the next future, a Brute Theory, whose territories of action remain under definition but whose company we wish to keep along future trajectories. As the singular is a collective, in this publication dispersion overrides the search for any type of unity. Brute Theory, as a pocket of resistance to current models of academic domination anchored in profitable, efficient and, as repeatedly stated, competitive research, proposes precarious dynamics, such as risk and driSATH - Secção Autónoma de Teoria e História da Escola Superior Artística do Portoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio