5,568 research outputs found
AGAPETES BHUTANICA Balak. & Chowdhury, spec. nov. -Fig.Affinis A. odontdcerae (Wight) Rook. f. et A. variegatae (Roxb.) D.Don ex G. Don; ab utraque differt pedicellis, ccdycibus et corollis glandu loso-pilosis; ab A. odontocera differt foliis pseudoverticillatis; ab A.vanegata differt corolla breviore
Vibrational energy transfer in ultracold molecule - molecule collisions
We present a rigorous study of vibrational relaxation in p-H2 + p-H2
collisions at cold and ultracold temperatures and identify an efficient
mechanism of ro-vibrational energy transfer. If the colliding molecules are in
different rotational and vibrational levels, the internal energy may be
transferred between the molecules through an extremely state-selective process
involving simultaneous conservation of internal energy and total rotational
angular momentum. The same transition in collisions of distinguishable
molecules corresponds to the rotational energy transfer from one vibrational
state of the colliding molecules to another.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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