5 research outputs found
Mad Users’ World - Paradox of Users and Polluters!! - Make A Breakthrough in Environmental Accounting
If sustainability becomes part of expectations held by society, it must become a business goal-this ensures ongoing survival/competitiveness. Providing information about social and environmental performance will increase the trust a community has in the organization. Entity is treated as distinct from owners and ignores externalities caused by the reporting entity, expenses not controlled by the entity are excluded and externalities caused by the entity can not be reliably measured and so not recognized. This is the contention. This article is conceptual in nature and used secondary data. The limitations of the study are that primary data with secondary data can give a better interpretation. The current attempt is to leave the planet in the same state at the end of the accounting period as it was in the beginning by one the modes of accounting to create responsibility to the users and produces
Impact of Organized Retailing on the Informal Retailing of Select Organizations in Bangalore
The Retail sectors have become one of the most dynamic growing sectors in recent times. Retailing has always been an integral part of economic development. Nations with strong retail activity have enjoyed greater economic and social progress. It contributes to the development by matching the individual requirements of the population with the producers and suppliers of merchandise. This study focuses on the growth & development of retail sector. And business practices adopted by Retailing and its impact on informal organizations. This research paper is analytical and empirical in nature. Findings of the study is the highest Pearson correlation value is between ‘Ethical practices’ and ‘Overall Importance Factors in Retail’ and the lowest Pearson correlation value is between ‘Price’ and ‘Overall Importance Factors in Retail
Marketing Mix Strategies of Retailing and Buyers Behavior towards FMCG-A Study in Bangalore
The purpose of the study is to examine the general shopping behavior includes such variables as days of the week, presence of a shopping list, period of shopping and shopping with a credit card. It also included variables like whether people thought themselves to be impulse purchasers and also if they thought themselves to be impulse purchasers. To investigate the relationship between the touching and cognitive processes on impulse buying among consumers. and also to evaluate the effects of various demographic segments of customers. This leads us to conclude that consumers most often have an irresistible urge to buy, suffer from emotional conflict, manage their moods and like to increase their pleasurable moods states while indulging in impulse purchases. It may be concluded that the number of members in the family does not have a significant impact on cognitive deliberation with respect to impulse buyin
The Role of SIDBI in the Development of SMEs in India-A Case Study with Special Reference to Mezzanine Finance
The SMEs have always been recognised as a significant contributor to the Indian Economy. But at the same time face the problem of access of finance. In the world of globalisation and the growing need of major investments and the need for unconventional forms of financing has elevated. The methodology used in this paper is case study approach. The objectives of the paper are to understand the concept of mezzanine finance and to understand the efforts undertaken by SIDBI which directly open up avenues for unconventional financial sourcing. By resultant discussion we are able to summarise that the efforts taken up by the Government of India and SIDBI have by and large opened all probabilities for the SMEs to see a bright future and adopt to unconventional sources of financing their business than relying only on traditional sources of financing