117 research outputs found
Some restrictions on weight enumerators of singly even self-dual codes II
In this note, we give some restrictions on the number of vectors of weight
in the shadow of a singly even self-dual code. This
eliminates some of the possible weight enumerators of singly even self-dual
codes for , , , and
.Comment: 16 page
New strongly regular graphs from finite geometries via switching
We show that the strongly regular graph on non-isotropic points of one type of the polar spaces of type U(n, 2), O(n, 3), O(n, 5), O+ (n, 3), and O- (n, 3) are not determined by its parameters for n >= 6. We prove this by using a variation of Godsil-McKay switching recently described by Wang, Qiu, and Hu. This also results in a new, shorter proof of a previous result of the first author which showed that the collinearity graph of a polar space is not determined by its spectrum. The same switching gives a linear algebra explanation for the construction of a large number of non-isomorphic designs. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
On triply even binary codes
A triply even code is a binary linear code in which the weight of every
codeword is divisible by 8. We show how two doubly even codes of lengths m_1
and m_2 can be combined to make a triply even code of length m_1+m_2, and then
prove that every maximal triply even code of length 48 can be obtained by
combining two doubly even codes of length 24 in a certain way. Using this
result, we show that there are exactly 10 maximal triply even codes of length
48 up to equivalence.Comment: 21 pages + appendix of 10 pages. Minor revisio
Hamming graphs in Nomura Algebras
Let A be an association scheme on q\geq 3 vertices. We show that the
Bose-Mesner algebra of the generalized Hamming scheme H(n,A), for n\geq 2, is
not the Nomura algebra of a type II matrix. This result gives examples of
formally self-dual Bose-Mesner algebras that are not the Nomura algebras of
type II matrices.Comment: 15 pages, minor revisio
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