7 research outputs found

    Construing Ideational Meaning in Electronics Devicesadvertisements in Jawa Pos: a Systemic Functional Linguisticmultimodal Discourse Analysis

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    This research deals with multimodal discourse analysis. The data were collected from printed advertisements ofJawa Pos newspaper. Generic Structure Potential of printed advertisement (GSP) proposed by Cheong (2004)and Halliday\u27s (1994) transitivity were applied. Cheong\u27s framework is applied to reveal the elements of visualand linguistic elements, meanwhile Halliday\u27s transitivity is used to know the processes. Thereby, this researchdiscovers the relationship between image and text in one context. The result shows that visual elements in theprinted advertisements are Lead, Emblem, and Display. Lead consists of Locus of Attention (LoA) andComplements to the Locus of Attention (Comp. LoA). Meanwhile, the linguistic elements are Announcement,Emblem, Enhancer, Tag, and Call-and-Visit Information. Finally, it is found that there is interconnectednessbetween the visual and linguistic elements in the printed advertisement. It causes high ContextualizationPropensity (CP), narrow Interpretative Space (IS), and also small Semantic Effervescence (SE)

    Clinicopathological characteristics of correlation of patients in pT3 EL (-),pT3 ELI (+) and pT3 ELI (-).

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    <p>Clinicopathological characteristics of correlation of patients in pT3 EL (-),pT3 ELI (+) and pT3 ELI (-).</p

    Clinicopathological characteristics of correlation of patients in pT3 ELI (+),pT3 ELI (-) and pT4a.

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    <p>Clinicopathological characteristics of correlation of patients in pT3 ELI (+),pT3 ELI (-) and pT4a.</p