5,247 research outputs found

    Relationship between milk somatic cell count and postpartum ovarian cyclicity and fertility in dairy cows.

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    -Relationship between milk somatic cell count and postpartum ovarian cyclicity and fertility in dairy cows

    Peer Reviewer

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    -Peer Reviewer\ud Analisis faktor peternak dan peternakan sapi potong terhadap keputusan dalam menggunakan sistim perkawinan di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

    Ovarian Response of Dairy Cows to Progesterone Combined on Estrus Synchronization Using GnRH-PGF2a Based Protocol.

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    -Ovarian Response of Dairy Cows to Progesterone Combined on Estrus Synchronization Using GnRH-PGF2a Based Protocol

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    -Peer Reviewer\ud Metabolite status of Bali cows during the last trimester of pregnancy

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    -Peer Reviewer\ud Karakteristik kualitas daging sapi Bali (M. Longissimus dorsi) pasca penambahan asap cair pada konsentrasi dan waktu marinasi yang berbeda

    Mencermati gangguan aktivitas ovarium pasca melahirkan pada ternak sapi.

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    -Mencermati gangguan aktivitas ovarium pasca melahirkan pada ternak sapi

    Expanding cellular coverage via cell-edge deployment in heterogeneous networks: spectral efficiency and backhaul power consumption perspectives

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    Heterogeneous small-cell networks (HetNets) are considered to be a standard part of future mobile networks where operator/consumer deployed small-cells, such as femtocells, relays, and distributed antennas (DAs), complement the existing macrocell infrastructure. This article proposes the need-oriented deployment of smallcells and device-to-device (D2D) communication around the edge of the macrocell such that the small-cell base stations (SBSs) and D2D communication serve the cell-edge mobile users, thereby expanding the network coverage and capacity. In this context, we present competitive network configurations, namely, femto-on-edge, DA-onedge, relay-on-edge, and D2D-communication on- edge, where femto base stations, DA elements, relay base stations, and D2D communication, respectively, are deployed around the edge of the macrocell. The proposed deployments ensure performance gains in the network in terms of spectral efficiency and power consumption by facilitating the cell-edge mobile users with small-cells and D2D communication. In order to calibrate the impact of power consumption on system performance and network topology, this article discusses the detailed breakdown of the end-to-end power consumption, which includes backhaul, access, and aggregation network power consumptions. Several comparative simulation results quantify the improvements in spectral efficiency and power consumption of the D2D-communication-onedge configuration to establish a greener network over the other competitive configurations


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    The development of Science and technology requires everyone to be able to use it well for advancement in the era of globalization. Covid-19 Pandemic conditions make students and teachers carry out teaching and learning activities from home. Independence in learning and the perception of learning resources that the teacher is not the only source of knowledge becomes very important in order to improve student achievement. Thus, difficulties in conducting learning activities that are integrate with technology that can be controll. However, on the other hand it remains related to the challenges in increasing student motivation, concentration and independence on learning tasks; In addition, it is also important to provide a way to manage students' perceptions of technology to be effective and efficient in their knowledge. Therefore, research related to the perception of learning resources and independence becomes an important and difficult problem in improving student achievement so that it can compensate for technological development. This research can discuss the source of learning and independence in learning and its effect on student achievement. With the existence of independent attitudes and perceptions of learning resources within students, learning objectives will succeed in achieving what is expected. This research was conduct at Class XI Private Vocational High School Students in the East Jakarta Region. The population used in this study were all students of class XI with total 450 students. Sampling used by purposive sampling technique. The number of samples obtained was 80 respondents. Based on the results of the analysis, there is significance obtained by students from learning resources and learning independence on the learning achievements of social studies students


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyar Propinsi Jawa Tengah dengan judul “Perencanaan Tata Ruang Kawasan Rawan Bencana Longsor, bertujuan: (1). Mengetahui zona tipologi longsor, (2). Mengetahui tingkat kerawanan longsor pada setiap zona tipologi, dan (3). Merencanakan tata ruang berdasarkan tingkat kerawanan longsor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan analisis data sekunder. Pemilihan lokasi menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari aspek fisik alami dan aktifitas manusia. Data Fisik Alami meliputi : Kemiringan Lereng, Kondisi Tanah, Batuan Penyusun Lereng, Curah Hujan, Tata Air Lereng, Kegempaan, dan Vegetasi, sedangkan data aktifitas manusia : Pola Tanam, Penggalian dan Pemotongan Lereng, Pencetakan Kolam, Drainase, Pembangunan Kontruksi, Kepadatan Penduduk, Usaha Mitigasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; (1) zona tipologi longsor di daerah penelitian dapat dikelopokkan dalam zona tipologi A dengan luas 470,93 ha (16,58%), zona tipologi B seluas 291,09 ha (10,25%), dan zona tipologi C dengan luas 2077, 69 ha atau 73,16%. (2). berdasarkan hasil pengharkatan (scoring) tingkat kerawanan longsor menurut aspek fisik alami dan aspek aktifitas manusia dapat dikelaskan dalam tingkat kerawanan sedang untuk zona tipologi A seluas 470,93 ha (16,58%), tingkat kerawanan sedang zona tipologi B seluas 291,09 ha (10,25%), dan tingkat kerawanan sedang untuk zona tipologi C denga luas 2770,69 ha atau 73,17% dari total luas daerah. (3) Peruntukan struktur ruang di aderah penelitian dalaha sebagai pusat pelanyanan sosial ekonomi (Pusat Pelanyanan), pusat sarana dan prasaranan pendidikan (Sub pusat pelanyanan), pusat sarana dan prasaranan kesehatan, dan sebagai pusat kegiatan ekonomi. Sedangkan pola pemanfaatan ruang pada tingkat kerawanan longsor sedang untuk zona tipologi C sebagai kawasan pertanian (Lahan basah dan lahan kereng), kawasan perikanan, kawasan peternakann dan kawasan kerkebunan, zona tipologi B dengan tingkat kerawanan sedang sebagai kawasan pariwisata dan kawasan hutan produksi, sedangkan zona tipologi A dengan tingkat kerawan sedang diutamakan sebagai kawasan kawasan lindung (Kawasan Budi Daya Terbatas)