6,535 research outputs found
Probing Models with Near Degeneracy of the Chargino and LSP at a Linear e+e- Collider
For some choices of soft SUSY--breaking parameters, the LSP is a stable
neutralino, the NLSP is a chargino almost degenerate in mass with the LSP (with
mass difference few GeV), and all other sparticles are
relatively heavy. We discuss the potential of a \sqrt{s}\sim 600\gev
collider for studying such models.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures; revised version includes additional reference
Bard: Interpreting New Frontier Energy Collider Physics
No systematic procedure currently exists for inferring the underlying physics
from discrepancies observed in high energy collider data. We present Bard, an
algorithm designed to facilitate the process of model construction at the
energy frontier. Top-down scans of model parameter space are discarded in favor
of bottom-up diagrammatic explanations of particular discrepancies, an
explanation space that can be exhaustively searched and conveniently tested
with existing analysis tools.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure
Technihadron Production and Decay at LEP2
The simple "straw-man" model of low-scale technicolor contains light
color--singlet technihadrons, which mix with the electroweak gauge bosons. We
present lepton collider production rates at the parton level, and show that
experiments at LEP2 may be sensitive to the presence of technirho and
techniomega states with masses 10-20 GeV beyond the center-of-mass energy
because of the mixing. The exact sensitivity depends on several parameters,
such as the technipion mass, the technipion mixing angle, and the charge of the
technifermions. In an appendix, we describe the implementation of the model
into the event generator PYTHIA for particle-level studies at lepton and hadron
colliders.Comment: 18 pages (5 figures) in Latex forma
Effects of QCD Resummation on and Production at the Tevatron
The resummation of multiple soft gluon emission affects the production rate
and kinematic distributions of (where h is a Higgs boson) and
pairs at the Tevatron with TeV. Using the Collins-Soper-Sterman
resummation formalism, the production rate is enhanced over the
next-to-leading-order (NLO) prediction by 2-3% for the process, for
Higgs boson masses between 80-120 GeV, and over 3% for the process
for GeV. After resummation, the rate changes by 12-13% when
is varied by GeV. Various kinematic distributions are presented
for the individual final state particles and for the pair. The explicit
radiation of hard gluons in NLO QCD is included also for the final
state.Comment: 9 pages, 12 Postscript figures, in RevTeX format, uses epsf.te
A Brief Introduction to PYTHIA 8.1
The PYTHIA program is a standard tool for the generation of high-energy
collisions, comprising a coherent set of physics models for the evolution from
a few-body hard process to a complex multihadronic final state. It contains a
library of hard processes and models for initial- and final-state parton
showers, multiple parton-parton interactions, beam remnants, string
fragmentation and particle decays. It also has a set of utilities and
interfaces to external programs. While previous versions were written in
Fortran, PYTHIA 8 represents a complete rewrite in C++. The current release is
the first main one after this transition, and does not yet in every respect
replace the old code. It does contain some new physics aspects, on the other
hand, that should make it an attractive option especially for LHC physics
studies.Comment: 27 page
The complementarity of LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC in the search for a light MSSM Higgs boson
We study the properties of the Higgs boson sector in the MSSM, putting
special emphasis on radiative effects which can affect the discovery potential
of the LHC, Tevatron and/or LEP colliders. We concentrate on the V b b-bar
channel, with V=Z or W, and on the channels with diphoton final states, which
are the dominant ones for the search for a light Standard Model Higgs boson at
LEP/Tevatron and LHC, respectively. By analyzing the regions of parameter space
for which the searches in at least one of these colliders can be particularly
difficult, we demonstrate the complementarity of these three colliders in the
search for a light Higgs boson which couples in a relevant way to the W and Z
gauge bosons (and hence plays a relevant role in the mechanism of electroweak
symmetry breaking).Comment: 35 pages, including 11 Postscript figures, using JHEP.cl
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