69 research outputs found
An exact renormalization group approach to frustrated magnets
Frustrated magnets are a notorious example where usual perturbative methods
fail. Having recourse to an exact renormalization group approach, one gets a
coherent picture of the physics of Heisenberg frustrated magnets everywhere
between d=2 and d=4: all known perturbative results are recovered in a single
framework, their apparent conflict is explained while the description of the
phase transition in d=3 is found to be in good agreement with the experimental
context.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, invited talk at the Second Conference on the Exact
Renormalization Group, Rome, September 2000, for technical details see
Nonperturbative renormalization group approach to Lifshitz critical behaviour
The behaviour of a d-dimensional vectorial N=3 model at a m-axial Lifshitz
critical point is investigated by means of a nonperturbative renormalization
group approach that is free of the huge technical difficulties that plague the
perturbative approaches and limit their computations to the lowest orders. In
particular being systematically improvable, our approach allows us to control
the convergence of successive approximations and thus to get reliable physical
quantities in d=3.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Functional renormalization group approach to non-collinear magnets
A functional renormalization group approach to -dimensional,
-component, non-collinear magnets is performed using various truncations of
the effective action relevant to study their long distance behavior. With help
of these truncations we study the existence of a stable fixed point for
dimensions between and for various values of focusing on the
critical value that, for a given dimension , separates a first
order region for . Our
approach concludes to the absence of stable fixed point in the physical -
and - cases, in agreement with -expansion and in
contradiction with previous perturbative approaches performed at fixed
dimension and with recent approaches based on conformal bootstrap program.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
Nonperturbative renormalization group approach to the Ising model: a derivative expansion at order
On the example of the three-dimensional Ising model, we show that
nonperturbative renormalization group equations allow one to obtain very
accurate critical exponents. Implementing the order of the
derivative expansion leads to and to an anomalous dimension
which is significantly improved compared with lower orders
calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
A glassy phase in quenched disordered graphene and crystalline membranes
We investigate the flat phase of -dimensional crystalline membranes
embedded in a -dimensional space and submitted to both metric and curvature
quenched disorders using a nonperturbative renormalization group approach. We
identify a second order phase transition controlled by a finite-temperature,
finite-disorder fixed point unreachable within the leading order of
and expansions. This critical point divides the flow
diagram into two basins of attraction: that associated to the
finite-temperature fixed point controlling the long distance behaviour of
disorder-free membranes and that associated to the zero-temperature,
finite-disorder fixed point. Our work thus strongly suggests the existence of a
whole low-temperature glassy phase for quenched disordered graphene,
graphene-like compounds and, more generally, crystalline membranes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Wrinkling transition in quenched disordered membranes at two loops
One investigates the flat phase of quenched disordered polymerized membranes
by means of a two-loop, weak-coupling computation performed near their upper
critical dimension , generalizing the one-loop computation of
Morse, Lubensky and Grest [Phys. Rev. A 45, R2151 (1992), Phys. Rev. A 46, 1751
(1992)]. Our work confirms the existence of the finite-temperature,
finite-disorder, wrinkling transition, which has been recently identified by
Coquand et al. [Phys. Rev E 97, 030102 (2018)] using a nonperturbative
renormalization group approach. One also points out ambiguities in the two-loop
computation that prevent the exact identification of the properties of the
novel fixed point associated with the wrinkling transition, which very likely
requires a three-loop order approach.Comment: 8 pages, one figure, published versio
Critical properties of a continuous family of XY noncollinear magnets
Monte Carlo methods are used to study a family of three dimensional XY
frustrated models interpolating continuously between the stacked triangular
antiferromagnets and a variant of this model for which a local rigidity
constraint is imposed. Our study leads us to conclude that generically weak
first order behavior occurs in this family of models in agreement with a recent
nonperturbative renormalization group description of frustrated magnets.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, published versio
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