1,124 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Hermiticity and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Dispersive Media

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    Pseudo-Hermitian operators appear in the solution of Maxwell's equations for stationary non-dispersive media with arbitrary (space-dependent) permittivity and permeability tensors. We offer an extension of the results in this direction to certain stationary dispersive media. In particular, we use the WKB approximation to derive an explicit expression for the planar time-harmonic solutions of Maxwell's equations in an inhomogeneous dispersive medium and study the combined affect of inhomogeneity and dispersion.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Real Description of Classical Hamiltonian Dynamics Generated by a Complex Potential

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    Analytic continuation of the classical dynamics generated by a standard Hamiltonian, H = p^2/2m + v(x), into the complex plane yields a particular complex classical dynamical system. For an analytic potential v, we show that the resulting complex system admits a description in terms of the phase space R^4 equipped with an unconventional symplectic structure. This in turn allows for the construction of an equivalent real description that is based on the conventional symplectic structure on R^4, and establishes the equivalence of the complex extension of classical mechanics that is based on the above-mentioned analytic continuation with the conventional classical mechanics. The equivalent real Hamiltonian turns out to be twice the real part of H, while the imaginary part of H plays the role of an independent integral of motion ensuring the integrability of the system. The equivalent real description proposed here is the classical analog of the equivalent Hermitian description of unitary quantum systems defined by complex, typically PT-symmetric, potentials.Comment: 9 pages, slightly revised published version with updated reference

    Time-Dependent Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians Defining a Unitary Quantum System and Uniqueness of the Metric Operator

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    The quantum measurement axiom dictates that physical observables and in particular the Hamiltonian must be diagonalizable and have a real spectrum. For a time-independent Hamiltonian (with a discrete spectrum) these conditions ensure the existence of a positive-definite inner product that renders the Hamiltonian self-adjoint. Unlike for a time-independent Hamiltonian, this does not imply the unitarity of the Schroedinger time-evolution for a general time-dependent Hamiltonian. We give an additional necessary and sufficient condition for the unitarity of time-evolution. In particular, we obtain the general form of a two-level Hamiltonian that fulfils this condition. We show that this condition is geometrical in nature and that it implies the reality of the adiabatic geometric phases. We also address the problem of the uniqueness of the metric operator.Comment: 11 pages, published versio

    Pseudo-Hermiticity, PT-symmetry, and the Metric Operator

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    The main achievements of Pseudo-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics and its distinction with the indefinite-metric quantum theories are reviewed. The issue of the non-uniqueness of the metric operator and its consequences for defining the observables are discussed. A systematic perturbative expression for the most general metric operator is offered and its application for a toy model is outlined.Comment: 5 pages, Contributed to the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, June 20-22, 2005, Koc University, Istanbul, Turke

    Metric Operators for Quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Symmetries of Equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonians

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    We give a simple proof of the fact that every diagonalizable operator that has a real spectrum is quasi-Hermitian and show how the metric operators associated with a quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonian are related to the symmetry generators of an equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian.Comment: 6 pages, published versio

    On the Dynamical Invariants and the Geometric Phases for a General Spin System in a Changing Magnetic Field

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    We consider a class of general spin Hamiltonians of the form Hs(t)=H0(t)+H(t)H_s(t)=H_0(t)+H'(t) where H0(t)H_0(t) and H(t)H'(t) describe the dipole interaction of the spins with an arbitrary time-dependent magnetic field and the internal interaction of the spins, respectively. We show that if H(t)H'(t) is rotationally invariant, then Hs(t)H_s(t) admits the same dynamical invariant as H0(t)H_0(t). A direct application of this observation is a straightforward rederivation of the results of Yan et al [Phys. Lett. A, Vol: 251 (1999) 289 and Vol: 259 (1999) 207] on the Heisenberg spin system in a changing magnetic field.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Pseudo-Hermiticity for a Class of Nondiagonalizable Hamiltonians

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    We give two characterization theorems for pseudo-Hermitian (possibly nondiagonalizable) Hamiltonians with a discrete spectrum that admit a block-diagonalization with finite-dimensional diagonal blocks. In particular, we prove that for such an operator H the following statements are equivalent. 1. H is pseudo-Hermitian; 2. The spectrum of H consists of real and/or complex-conjugate pairs of eigenvalues and the geometric multiplicity and the dimension of the diagonal blocks for the complex-conjugate eigenvalues are identical; 3. H is Hermitian with respect to a positive-semidefinite inner product. We further discuss the relevance of our findings for the merging of a complex-conjugate pair of eigenvalues of diagonalizable pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in general, and the PT-symmetric Hamiltonians and the effective Hamiltonian for a certain closed FRW minisuperspace quantum cosmological model in particular.Comment: 17 pages, slightly revised version, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Pseudo-Hermiticity and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation: The case of anisotropic and lossy media

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    Pseudo-Hermitian operators can be used in modeling electromagnetic wave propagation in stationary lossless media. We extend this method to a class of non-dispersive anisotropic media that may display loss or gain. We explore three concrete models to demonstrate the utility of our general results and reveal the physical meaning of pseudo-Hermiticity and quasi-Hermiticity of the relevant wave operator. In particular, we consider a uniaxial model where this operator is not diagonalizable. This implies left-handedness of the medium in the sense that only clockwise circularly polarized plane-wave solutions are bounded functions of time.Comment: 12 pages, Published Versio

    On the pseudo-Hermitian nondiagonalizable Hamiltonians

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    We consider a class of (possibly nondiagonalizable) pseudo-Hermitian operators with discrete spectrum, showing that in no case (unless they are diagonalizable and have a real spectrum) they are Hermitian with respect to a semidefinite inner product, and that the pseudo-Hermiticity property is equivalent to the existence of an antilinear involutory symmetry. Moreover, we show that a typical degeneracy of the real eigenvalues (which reduces to the well known Kramers degeneracy in the Hermitian case) occurs whenever a fermionic (possibly nondiagonalizable) pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian admits an antilinear symmetry like the time-reversal operator TT. Some consequences and applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 22 page

    Delta-Function Potential with a Complex Coupling

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    We explore the Hamiltonian operator H=-d^2/dx^2 + z \delta(x) where x is real, \delta(x) is the Dirac delta function, and z is an arbitrary complex coupling constant. For a purely imaginary z, H has a (real) spectral singularity at E=-z^2/4. For \Re(z)<0, H has an eigenvalue at E=-z^2/4. For the case that \Re(z)>0, H has a real, positive, continuous spectrum that is free from spectral singularities. For this latter case, we construct an associated biorthonormal system and use it to perform a perturbative calculation of a positive-definite inner product that renders H self-adjoint. This allows us to address the intriguing question of the nonlocal aspects of the equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian for the system. In particular, we compute the energy expectation values for various Gaussian wave packets to show that the non-Hermiticity effect diminishes rapidly outside an effective interaction region.Comment: Published version, 14 pages, 2 figure