4,288 research outputs found
Tight bounds for LDPC and LDGM codes under MAP decoding
A new method for analyzing low density parity check (LDPC) codes and low
density generator matrix (LDGM) codes under bit maximum a posteriori
probability (MAP) decoding is introduced. The method is based on a rigorous
approach to spin glasses developed by Francesco Guerra. It allows to construct
lower bounds on the entropy of the transmitted message conditional to the
received one. Based on heuristic statistical mechanics calculations, we
conjecture such bounds to be tight. The result holds for standard irregular
ensembles when used over binary input output symmetric channels. The method is
first developed for Tanner graph ensembles with Poisson left degree
distribution. It is then generalized to `multi-Poisson' graphs, and, by a
completion procedure, to arbitrary degree distribution.Comment: 28 pages, 9 eps figures; Second version contains a generalization of
the previous resul
Estimating Random Variables from Random Sparse Observations
Let X_1,...., X_n be a collection of iid discrete random variables, and
Y_1,..., Y_m a set of noisy observations of such variables. Assume each
observation Y_a to be a random function of some a random subset of the X_i's,
and consider the conditional distribution of X_i given the observations, namely
\mu_i(x_i)\equiv\prob\{X_i=x_i|Y\} (a posteriori probability).
We establish a general relation between the distribution of \mu_i, and the
fixed points of the associated density evolution operator. Such relation holds
asymptotically in the large system limit, provided the average number of
variables an observation depends on is bounded. We discuss the relevance of our
result to a number of applications, ranging from sparse graph codes, to
multi-user detection, to group testing.Comment: 22 pages, 1 eps figures, invited paper for European Transactions on
Turbo codes: the phase transition
Turbo codes are a very efficient method for communicating reliably through a
noisy channel. There is no theoretical understanding of their effectiveness. In
[1] they are mapped onto a class of disordered spin models. The analytical
calculations concerning these models are reported here. We prove the existence
of a no-error phase and compute its local stability threshold. As a byproduct,
we gain some insight into the dynamics of the decoding algorithm.Comment: 26 pages, 3 eps figure
Operator Product Expansion on the Lattice: a Numerical Test in the Two-Dimensional Non-Linear Sigma-Model
We consider the short-distance behaviour of the product of the Noether O(N)
currents in the lattice nonlinear sigma-model. We compare the numerical results
with the predictions of the operator product expansion, using one-loop
perturbative renormalization-group improved Wilson coefficients. We find that,
even on quite small lattices (m a \approx 1/6), the perturbative operator
product expansion describes that data with an error of 5-10% in a large window
2a \ltapprox x \ltapprox m^{-1}. We present a detailed discussion of the
possible systematic errors.Comment: 53 pages, 11 figures (26 eps files
Discrete non-Abelian groups and asymptotically free models
We consider a two-dimensional -model with discrete
icosahedral/dodecahedral symmetry. Using the perturbative renormalization
group, we argue that this model has a different continuum limit with respect to
the O(3) model. Such an argument is confirmed by a high-precision
numerical simulation.Comment: 5 pages including 6 postscript figures. Talk given at HEP01 in
Budapest, Hungary, in July 200
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