31 research outputs found

    Quantum computing with an inhomogeneously broadened ensemble of ions: Suppression of errors from detuning variations by specially adapted pulses and coherent population trapping

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    The proposal for quantum computing with rare-earth-ion qubits in inorganic crystals makes use of the inhomogeneous broadening of optical transitions in the ions to associate individual qubits with ions responding to radiation in selected frequency channels. We show that a class of Gaussian composite pulses and complex sech pulses provide accurate qubit pi-rotations, which are at the same time channel selective on a 5 MHz frequency scale and tolerant to 0.5 MHz deviations of the transition frequency of ions within a single channel. Rotations in qubit space of arbitrary angles and phases are produced by sequences of pi-pulses between the excited state of the ions and coherent superpositions of the qubit states.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Revised, extended version. More detailed discussion of frequency toleranc

    Quantum computing with a single molecular ensemble and a Cooper pair box

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    We propose to encode quantum information in rotational excitations in a molecular ensemble. Using a stripline cavity field for quantum state transfer between the molecular ensemble and a Cooper pair box two-level system, our proposal offers a linear scaling of the number of qubits in our register with the number of rotationally excited states available in the molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Minor corrections from reviewing proces

    Pairwise entanglement in symmetric multi-qubit systems

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    The concurrence, a quantitative measure of the entanglement between a pair of particles, is determined for the case where the pair is extracted from a symmetric state of N two-level systems. Examples are given for both pure and mixed states of the N-particle system, and for a pair extracted from two ensembles with correlated collective spins.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Polarization squeezing by optical Faraday rotation

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    We show that it is possible to generate continuous-wave fields and pulses of polarization squeezed light by sending classical, linearly polarized laser light twice through an atomic sample which causes an optical Faraday rotation of the field polarization. We characterize the performance of the process, and we show that an appreciable degree of squeezing can be obtained under realistic physical assumptions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure