7 research outputs found

    Recycling Hybrid Maize Varieties: Is It Backward Practice or Innovative Response to Adverse Conditions in Kenya?

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    Hybrid varieties have significantly contributed to increased maize proclivity in Kenya and other SSA countries. A number of factors limit access of farmers to maize varieties, smallholder farmers have sort an alternative option of recycling the hybrid maize seeds. Seeds are carefully selected based on cob and grain size during or before harvest after which they are preserved. hybrid yielding maize varieties (HYMV) developers and disseminators observe that there is a progressive yield decrease of recycling HYMV. The question is Is it economical to recycle HYMV or an innovation that farmers can practice?. This study was designed to evaluate the yield losses and benefits of hybrid maize recycling in Kenya. Through key informants, farmers who grew both certified seed and recycled maize were identified. For on farm trial (OFT), sixty two (62) farmers who recycled hybrid maize varieties and 30 who grew certified seeds were randomly selected while for the On station trial (OST), the trial was laid out in a completely randomized block design replicated four time with plots measuring 100M square. For the OFT, two plots of 100 square meters were superimposed on farmers fields both on recycled and fresh seed. Input and output levels in the plots were identified and valued. The results showed that the yield decreases at an increasing rate. Yield losses for Double crosses low compared to the Top crosses. The yield levels of recycled Top cross reduced by 16%, 17% and 32 while that for double crosses decreased by 20%, 37% and 46% for the first, second and third recycling generations respectively. However, positive net benefits are attained in recycling HYMV. This implies that it is beneficial to recycle HYMV up-to the third generation level. However at regional and national level food security objectives is comprised. This demands that incentives to discourage farmers from recycling may be sought through development of OPVs which can be recycled if national objective of food security has to be enhanced. From the logit results the major significantly influencing factors in recycling HYMVs are amount of credit, fertilizer, wealth and extension contact.Crop Production/Industries,

    The Influence of Social Capital on Natural Resource Management in Marginal Areas of Kenya

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    This paper analyzes the influence of social capital on the farmers' perception of the soil erosion problem and the level of investments in soil conservation in marginal areas of Kenya. It uses data from a survey of 321 households in Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. A Heckman's two-step model is applied to assess the influence of social capital on investments in soil conservation by farmers. Results show that the education level of the household head, slope of farmers' fields, proportion of off-farm income, and the status of soil erosion are significant determinants of the likelihood of farmers recognizing soil erosion as an important problem. Household size, slope, land tenure security, membership diversity, age of household head, farm size per capita and membership in groups influence investments in soil control measures such as terraces. The effects, however, are location-specific. The policy challenge is to establish and strengthen social capital elements that have a strong influence on communities undertaking soil conservation measures to promote sustainable agriculture, and improve land tenure security.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Social Capital and Soil Erosion Control in Agriculturally Marginal Areas of Kenya: The Case of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts

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    This paper evaluates the farmers perception of the soil erosion problem, and identifies and analyses social capital elements that motivate households to actively participate in soil conservation in agricultural production process. The data used in the study was generated using a structured questionnaire in a survey that covered 321 households in Kenyas semi arid districts of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. Two modelling strategies were used: A Probit model was used to estimate the likelihoods of factors that may influence farmers perception of soil erosion problem, and a Tobit to estimate parameters of factors that influence terracing intensity. The results indicate that although perception of the soil erosion problem is relatively high in the study sites, its effect on soil conservation investments is not significant. In Machakos, the significant determinants of terracing intensity include land tenure, crop area, household size, and membership diversity whereas in Taita-Taveta they include age of household head and consumer-worker ratio. Results from the aggregated data show that lagged crop output, group membership density and diversity, cognitive social capital and location significantly influence the terracing intensity on farm household fields. The policy challenge is to establish and strengthen social capital elements that have a strong influence on communities undertaking soil erosion control measures for sustainable agriculture and rural development.Social capital, Marginal areas, Soil erosion, Perception, Two-step estimation, Kenya, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, C24, D23, Q15, Z13,

    Recycling Hybrid Maize Varieties: Is It Backward Practice or Innovative Response to Adverse Conditions in Kenya?

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    Hybrid varieties have significantly contributed to increased maize proclivity in Kenya and other SSA countries. A number of factors limit access of farmers to maize varieties, smallholder farmers have sort an alternative option of recycling the hybrid maize seeds. Seeds are carefully selected based on cob and grain size during or before harvest after which they are preserved. hybrid yielding maize varieties (HYMV) developers and disseminators observe that there is a progressive yield decrease of recycling HYMV. The question is "Is it economical to recycle HYMV or an innovation that farmers can practice?". This study was designed to evaluate the yield losses and benefits of hybrid maize recycling in Kenya. Through key informants, farmers who grew both certified seed and recycled maize were identified. For on farm trial (OFT), sixty two (62) farmers who recycled hybrid maize varieties and 30 who grew certified seeds were randomly selected while for the On station trial (OST), the trial was laid out in a completely randomized block design replicated four time with plots measuring 100M square. For the OFT, two plots of 100 square meters were superimposed on farmers' fields both on recycled and fresh seed. Input and output levels in the plots were identified and valued. The results showed that the yield decreases at an increasing rate. Yield losses for Double crosses low compared to the Top crosses. The yield levels of recycled Top cross reduced by 16%, 17% and 32 while that for double crosses decreased by 20%, 37% and 46% for the first, second and third recycling generations respectively. However, positive net benefits are attained in recycling HYMV. This implies that it is beneficial to recycle HYMV up-to the third generation level. However at regional and national level food security objectives is comprised. This demands that incentives to discourage farmers from recycling may be sought through development of OPVs which can be recycled if national objective of food security has to be enhanced. From the logit results the major significantly influencing factors in recycling HYMVs are amount of credit, fertilizer, wealth and extension contact

    The Influence of Social Capital on Natural Resource Management in Marginal Areas of Kenya

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    This paper analyzes the influence of social capital on the farmers' perception of the soil erosion problem and the level of investments in soil conservation in marginal areas of Kenya. It uses data from a survey of 321 households in Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. A Heckman's two-step model is applied to assess the influence of social capital on investments in soil conservation by farmers. Results show that the education level of the household head, slope of farmers' fields, proportion of off-farm income, and the status of soil erosion are significant determinants of the likelihood of farmers recognizing soil erosion as an important problem. Household size, slope, land tenure security, membership diversity, age of household head, farm size per capita and membership in groups influence investments in soil control measures such as terraces. The effects, however, are location-specific. The policy challenge is to establish and strengthen social capital elements that have a strong influence on communities undertaking soil conservation measures to promote sustainable agriculture, and improve land tenure security

    Social Capital and Soil Erosion Control in Agriculturally Marginal Areas of Kenya: The Case of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts

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    This paper evaluates the farmers' perception of the soil erosion problem, and identifies and analyses social capital elements that motivate households to actively participate in soil conservation in agricultural production process. The data used in the study was generated using a structured questionnaire in a survey that covered 321 households in Kenya's semi arid districts of Machakos and Taita-Taveta Districts. Two modelling strategies were used: A Probit model was used to estimate the likelihoods of factors that may influence farmers' perception of soil erosion problem, and a Tobit to estimate parameters of factors that influence terracing intensity. The results indicate that although perception of the soil erosion problem is relatively high in the study sites, its effect on soil conservation investments is not significant. In Machakos, the significant determinants of terracing intensity include land tenure, crop area, household size, and membership diversity whereas in Taita-Taveta they include age of household head and consumer-worker ratio. Results from the aggregated data show that lagged crop output, group membership density and diversity, cognitive social capital and location significantly influence the terracing intensity on farm household fields. The policy challenge is to establish and strengthen social capital elements that have a strong influence on communities undertaking soil erosion control measures for sustainable agriculture and rural development