99,632 research outputs found
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Armed violence and poverty in El Salvador: a mini case study for the Armed Violence and Poverty Initiative
YesThis report on El Salvador is one of 13 case studies (all of the case studies can be found at www.bradford.ac.uk/cics). This research draws upon secondary data sources including existing research studies, reports and evaluations commissioned by operational agencies, and early warning and survey data where this has been available. These secondary sources have been complemented by interviews with government officers, aid policymakers and practitioners, researchers and members of the local population. The analysis and opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views or policy of DFID or the UK government
Developing non-destructive techniques to predict 'Hayward' kiwifruit storability : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Food Technology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
A significant portion of New Zealand’s kiwifruit production is held as stock in
local coolstores for extended periods of time before being exported. Many pre-harvest
factors contribute to variation in fruit quality at harvest and during coolstorage, and
results in the difficulty in segregating fruit for their storage outcomes. The objective of
this work was to develop non-destructive techniques utilised at harvest to predict
storability of individual or batches of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit based on (near) skin
properties. Segregation of fruit with low storage potential at harvest could enable that
fruit to be sold earlier in the season reducing total fruit loss and improving profitability
later in the season.
The potential for optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect near surface
cellular structural differences in kiwifruit as a result of preharvest factors was
demonstrated through quantitative image analysis of 3D OCT images of intact fruit
from five commercial cultivars. Visualisation and characterisation of large parenchyma
cells in the outer pericarp of kiwifruit was achieved by developing an automated image
processing technique. This work established the usefulness of OCT to perform rapid
analysis and differentiation of the microstructures of sub-surface cells between kiwifruit
cultivars. However, the effects of preharvest conditions between batches of fruit within
a cultivar were not detectable from image analysis and hence, the ability to provide
segregation or prediction for fruit from the same cultivar was assumed to be limited.
Total soluble solids concentration (TSS) and flesh firmness (FF) are two
important quality attributes indicating the eating quality and storability of stored
kiwifruit. Prediction of TSS and FF using non-destructive techniques would allow
strategic marketing of fruit. This work demonstrated that visible-near-infrared (Vis-NIR)
spectroscopy could be utilised as the sole input at harvest, to provide quantitative
prediction of post-storage TSS by generating blackbox regression models. However the
level of accuracy achieved was not adequate for online sorting purposes. Quantitative
prediction of FF remained unsuccessful. Improved ways of physical measurements for
FF may help reduce the undesirable variation observed on the same fruit and increase
prediction capability.
More promising results were obtained by developing blackbox classification models using Vis-NIR spectroscopy at harvest to segregate storability of individual kiwifruit based on the export FF criterion of 1 kgf (9.8 N). Through appropriate machine learning techniques, the surface properties of fruit at harvest captured in the form of spectral data were correlated to post-storage FF via pattern recognition. The best prediction was obtained for fruit stored at 0°C for 125 days: approximately 50% of the soft fruit and 80% of the good fruit could be identified. The developed model was capable of performing classification both within (at the fruit level) and between grower lines. Model validation suggested that segregation between grower lines at harvest achieved 30% reduction in soft fruit after storage. Should the model be applied in the industry to enable sequential marketing, $11.2 million NZD/annum could be saved because of reduced fruit loss, repacking and condition checking costs
Recent Results of psi(2S) Decays at BES
Using 14 million psi(2S) data sample collected with BES at BEPC, psi(2S)->
VT, K_long K_short(also J/psi -> K_long K_short), and chi_cJ -> Baryon
anti-Baryon decays are measured and compared with theoretical model
predications.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Talk given at X. International Conference On
Hadron Spectroscopy (HADRON'03),Aschaffenburg, Germany,Aug.31 - Sep.6, 200
Stochastic Biasing and Galaxy-Mass Density Relation in the Weakly Non-linear Regime
It is believed that the biasing of the galaxies plays an important role for
understanding the large-scale structure of the universe. In general, the
biasing of galaxy formation could be stochastic. Furthermore, the future galaxy
survey might allow us to explore the time evolution of the galaxy distribution.
In this paper, the analytic study of the galaxy-mass density relation and its
time evolution is presented within the framework of the stochastic biasing. In
the weakly non-linear regime, we derive a general formula for the galaxy-mass
density relation as a conditional mean using the Edgeworth expansion. The
resulting expression contains the joint moments of the total mass and galaxy
distributions. Using the perturbation theory, we investigate the time evolution
of the joint moments and examine the influence of the initial stochasticity on
the galaxy-mass density relation. The analysis shows that the galaxy-mass
density relation could be well-approximated by the linear relation. Compared
with the skewness of the galaxy distribution, we find that the estimation of
the higher order moments using the conditional mean could be affected by the
stochasticity. Therefore, the galaxy-mass density relation as a conditional
mean should be used with a caution as a tool for estimating the skewness and
the kurtosis.Comment: 22 pages, 7 Encapusulated Postscript Figures, aastex, The title and
the structure of the paper has been changed, Results and conclusions
unchanged, Accepted for publication in Ap
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.wav audio fileThis song expresses the wish that people will have a peaceful life. It is usually sung at celebratory gatherings but is also sung by herders in the pasture to entertain themselves and each other.
This collection contains one wedding song, three dancing songs, three modern folk songs, and eleven traditional folk songs recorded by 'Brug mo rgyal in the Tibetan village of Zhongku Zhase, Wendu Township, Xunhua County, Qinghai Province, PR China
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.wav audio fileThis song describes the close relationships within the family and is thought to be at least one hundred years old.
གླུ་འདིས་ཁྱིམ་ཚང་ནང་གི་འབྲེལ་བ་ལེགས་པོ་དེ་བརྗོད་ཡོད་པ་དང་ གླུ་འདི་ཉུང་མཐར་ཡང་ལོ་ངོ་བརྒྱ་ལྷག་འདས་ཡོད་སྙམ།
This collection contains one wedding song, three dancing songs, three modern folk songs, and eleven traditional folk songs recorded by 'Brug mo rgyal in the Tibetan village of Zhongku Zhase, Wendu Township, Xunhua County, Qinghai Province, PR China
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Love Song 11
.wav and .mp3 versions of audio fileThis song is sung to begin a session of love song singing. This song is never sung at public celebratory gatherings, as relatives might be present and it is taboo to sing such songs in the presence of relatives.
གླུ་འདི་ནི་ལ་གཞས་ཀྱི་གླུ་མགོ་ཡིན། གླུ་འདི་སྡེ་བའི་དགའ་སྟོན་གྱི་སྟེང་དང་ལྷག་པར་དུ་
This collection contains four folk songs and sixteen love songs collected in Dkyil 'khor Bar skor Village, Bis mdo Township, Ya rdzi County, Haidong Region, Qinghai Province, PR China by Lha mo 'tsho in October 2007
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