35 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Symmetries, Holography and Topological Hair

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    Asymptotic symmetries of AdS4_4 quantum gravity and gauge theory are derived by coupling the dual CFT3_3 to Chern-Simons gauge theory and 3D gravity in a "probe" large-level limit. The infinite-dimensional symmetries are shown to arise when one is restricted to boundary subspaces with effectively two-dimensional geometry. A canonical example of such a restriction occurs within the 4D subregion described by a Wheeler-DeWitt wavefunctional of AdS4_4 quantum gravity. An AdS4_4 analog of Minkowski "super-rotation" asymptotic symmetry is probed by 3D Einstein gravity, yielding CFT2_2 structure, via AdS3_3 foliation of AdS4_4 and the AdS3_3/CFT2_2 correspondence. The maximal asymptotic symmetry is however probed by 3D conformal gravity. Both 3D gravities have Chern-Simons formulation, manifesting their topological character. Chern-Simons structure is also shown to be emergent in the Poincare patch of AdS4_4, as soft/boundary limits of 4D gauge theory, rather than "put in by hand", with a finite effective Chern-Simons level. Several of the considerations of asymptotic symmetry structure are found to be simpler for AdS4_4 than for Mink4_4, such as non-zero 4D particle masses, 4D non-perturbative "hard" effects, and consistency with unitarity. The last of these, in particular, is greatly simplified, because in some set-ups the time dimension is explicitly shared by each level of description: Lorentzian AdS4_4, CFT3_3 and CFT2_2. The CFT2_2 structure clarifies the sense in which the infinite asymptotic charges constitute a useful form of "hair" for black holes and other complex 4D states. An AdS4_4 (holographic) "shadow" analog of Minkowski "memory" effects is derived. Lessons from AdS4_4 provide hints for better understanding Minkowski asymptotic symmetries, the 3D structure of its soft limits, and Minkowski holography.Comment: typos corrected, references added, discussions of boundary conditions corrected and clarifie

    Resonance at 125 GeV: Higgs or Dilaton/Radion?

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    We consider the possibility that the new particle that has been observed at 125 GeV is not the Standard Model (SM) Higgs, but instead the dilaton associated with an approximate conformal symmetry that has been spontaneously broken. We focus on dilatons that arise from theories of technicolor, or from theories of the Higgs as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB), that involve strong conformal dynamics in the ultraviolet. In the pNGB case, we are considering a framework where the Higgs particle is significantly heavier than the dilaton and has therefore not yet been observed. In each of the technicolor and pNGB scenarios, we study both the case when the SM fermions and gauge bosons are elementary, and the case when they are composites of the strongly interacting sector. Our analysis incorporates conformal symmetry violating effects, which are necessarily present since the dilaton is not massless, and is directly applicable to a broad class of models that stabilize the weak scale and involve strong conformal dynamics. Since the AdS/CFT correspondence relates the radion in Randall-Sundrum (RS) models to the dilaton, our results also apply to RS models with the SM fields localized on the infrared brane, or in the bulk. We identify the parameters that can be used to distinguish the dilatons associated with the several different classes of theories being considered from each other, and from the SM Higgs. We perform a fit to all the available data from several experiments and highlight the key observations to extract these parameters. We find that at present, both the technicolor and pNGB dilaton scenarios provide a good fit to the data, comparable to the SM Higgs. We indicate the future observations that will help to corroborate or falsify each scenario.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures. Analysis updated using current theoretical limits on dimensions of CFT operators. References added. Version to appear on JHE

    Phase Transition to RS: Cool, not Supercool

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    Motivated by the warped conifold compactification, we model the infrared (IR) dynamics of confining gauge theories in a Randall-Sundrum (RS)-like setup by modifying the stabilizing Goldberger-Wise (GW) potential so that it becomes large (in magnitude) in the IR and back-reacts on the geometry. We study the high-temperature phase by considering a black brane background in which we calculate the entropy and free energy of the strongly back-reacted solution. As with Buchel's result for the conifold (arXiv:2103.15188), we find a minimum temperature beyond which the black brane phase is thermodynamically unstable. In the context of a phase transition to the confining background, our results suggest that the amount of supercooling that the metastable black brane phase undergoes can be limited. It also suggests the first-order phase transition (and the associated gravitational waves from bubble collision) is not universal. Our results therefore have important phenomenological implications for early universe model building in these scenarios.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figure

    Interactions of a Stabilized Radion and Duality

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    We determine the couplings of the graviscalar radion in Randall-Sundrum models to Standard Model fields propagating in the bulk of the space, taking into account effects arising from the dynamics of the Goldberger-Wise scalar that stabilizes the size of the extra dimension. The leading corrections to the radion couplings are shown to arise from direct contact interactions between the Goldberger-Wise scalar and the Standard Model fields. We obtain a detailed interpretation of the results in terms of the holographic dual of the radion, the dilaton. In doing so, we determine how the familiar identification of the parameters on the two sides of the AdS/CFT correspondence is modified in the presence of couplings of the bulk Standard Model fields to the Goldberger-Wise scalar. We find that corrections to the form of the dilaton couplings from effects associated with the stabilization of the extra dimension are suppressed by the square of the ratio of the dilaton mass to the Kaluza-Klein scale, in good agreement with results from the CFT side of the correspondence.Comment: 22 pages plus appendices and reference

    Searching for Elusive Dark Sectors with Terrestrial and Celestial Observations

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    We consider the possible existence of a SM-neutral and light dark sector coupled to the visible sector through irrelevant portal interactions. Scenarios of this kind are motivated by dark matter and arise in various extensions of the Standard Model. We characterize the dark dynamics in terms of one ultraviolet scale ΛUV\Lambda_\text{UV}, at which the exchange of heavy mediator fields generates the portal operators, and by one infrared scale ΛIR\Lambda_\text{IR}, setting the mass gap. At energies ΛIR≪E≪ΛUV\Lambda_\text{IR} \ll E \ll \Lambda_\text{UV} the dark sector behaves like a conformal field theory and its phenomenology can be studied model independently. We derive the constraints set on this scenario by high- and low-energy laboratory experiments and by astrophysical observations. Our results are conservative and serve as a minimum requirement that must be fulfilled by the broad class of models satisfying our assumptions, of which we give several examples. The experimental constraints are derived in a manner consistent with the validity of the effective field theory used to define the portal interactions. We find that high-energy colliders give the strongest bounds and exclude UV scales up to a few TeV, but only in specific ranges of the IR scale. The picture emerging from current searches can be taken as a starting point to design a future experimental strategy with broader sensitivity.Comment: Typos fixed, some discussions improved, references added. Version accepted in JHE