67 research outputs found
InteracciĂł entre els polĂmers conductors i els sistemes biològics.
Els polĂmers conductors sĂłn materials relativament nous i desconeguts molts
cops per la gran majoria de gent, però que mica en mica es van incorporant en les nostres vides amb la finalitat de facilitar-la. Les seves aplicacions més directes les veiem en el món de la tecnologia (bateries més petites, més potents,...) i sobretot en el món de la medicina (noves aplicacions i tractaments) entre d’altres.
En aquest projecte es pretenen estudiar les propietats electroquĂmiques del PEDOT(3,4-etilendioxitiofè) quan li fem un procĂ©s de desdopatge (amb diferents parĂ metres) i intentem que interaccioni amb un DNA preparat al laboratori a partir d’una bactèria coneguda.
Per un cantĂł el projecte consisteix en l’estudi de la generaciĂł del polĂmer
conductor grĂ cies a diversos processos electroquĂmics amb les principals
tècniques que sĂłn la ciclovoltamperometrĂa, cronoamperometrĂa i cronopotenciometria i un cop ja l’hem obtingut usar tècniques com l’electroforesi o el UV-Vis per tal de determinar si el nostre polĂmer creat te interacciĂł amb el DNA que tenim.
Un cop realitzat l’estudi i grà cies als coneixements anteriors de com reaccionen
els polĂmers normalment amb el DNA, podem concloure que un polĂmer PEDOT que ha estat sotmès a un desdopatge no interacciona mai amb el DNA al tenir un mateix tipus de cĂ rrega, en aquest cas negativa
L'ordenaciĂł territorial i urbanĂstica: cap a una nova llei?
Els autors reflexionen sobre el marc i els eixos que hauria de tenir una nova legislaciĂł per incorporar els nous valors urbanĂstics i una major transparència
Subaqueous barchans and plane beds from deposition of quartz silt
The suspension flow of quartz silt (geometric mean grain size of 4.15 µm), in unfavorable conditions for deposition, is the motivation for the development of different bed morphologies. Particles deposit over a plane nonerodible surface and develop well-defined barchan ripples, barchanoids, and plane beds in flume experiments. Bedload transport of quartz silt by bedform migration is several orders of magnitude smaller than the suspended transport. The final bed morphology is controlled by the suspended sediment concentration and
running time of the experiment. The average dimensions of the bedforms after 1-day experiments are 4.93 cm wide, 10.33 cm long, and 0.45 cm high. Cohesive plane beds appear after 2-day and 3-day experiments with very high sediment concentrations (= 22.5 kg=m3). Viscous effects are deemed relevant for the formation of the beds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
InteracciĂł entre els polĂmers conductors i els sistemes biològics.
Els polĂmers conductors sĂłn materials relativament nous i desconeguts molts
cops per la gran majoria de gent, però que mica en mica es van incorporant en les nostres vides amb la finalitat de facilitar-la. Les seves aplicacions més directes les veiem en el món de la tecnologia (bateries més petites, més potents,...) i sobretot en el món de la medicina (noves aplicacions i tractaments) entre d’altres.
En aquest projecte es pretenen estudiar les propietats electroquĂmiques del PEDOT(3,4-etilendioxitiofè) quan li fem un procĂ©s de desdopatge (amb diferents parĂ metres) i intentem que interaccioni amb un DNA preparat al laboratori a partir d’una bactèria coneguda.
Per un cantĂł el projecte consisteix en l’estudi de la generaciĂł del polĂmer
conductor grĂ cies a diversos processos electroquĂmics amb les principals
tècniques que sĂłn la ciclovoltamperometrĂa, cronoamperometrĂa i cronopotenciometria i un cop ja l’hem obtingut usar tècniques com l’electroforesi o el UV-Vis per tal de determinar si el nostre polĂmer creat te interacciĂł amb el DNA que tenim.
Un cop realitzat l’estudi i grà cies als coneixements anteriors de com reaccionen
els polĂmers normalment amb el DNA, podem concloure que un polĂmer PEDOT que ha estat sotmès a un desdopatge no interacciona mai amb el DNA al tenir un mateix tipus de cĂ rrega, en aquest cas negativa
From Ideas to Opportunities: Exploring the Construction of Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Opportunities
The transformation of business ideas into market opportunities is at the core of entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, the complexity of such a transformative process is seen to change depending on the variables influencing the opportunity-entrepreneur nexus. Although technology-entrepreneurship is regarded as a force of change and dynamism in socio-economic growth, it also depends upon an intricate process of opportunity development. The interest in understanding better how technology-based entrepreneurs simultaneously cope with technological uncertainty while trying to gain stakeholder support and access to resources, highlights a relevant research gap. The research described in this article uses the constructivist view to deepen our understanding of the technology-based entrepreneur’s conceptualization of the opportunity as a process of social construction. Our results show how initial consensus-building efforts and iteration with knowledgeable peers are an essential part of the emergence of the opportunity, changing both entrepreneur's and stakeholders' perceptions of the early business idea. Consequently, our results provide evidence in support of policy programs and measures that favour social-construction support mechanisms to foster technology-based entrepreneurship
Fiber-like Action of D-Fagomine on the Gut Microbiota and Body Weight of Healthy Rats
The goal of this work is to explore if the changes induced by D-fagomine in the gut microbiota are compatible with its effect on body weight and inflammation markers in rats. Methods: Sprague Dawley rats were fed a standard diet supplemented with D-fagomine (or not, for comparison) for 6 months. The variables measured were body weight, plasma mediators of inflammation (hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, leukotriene B4, and IL-6), and the concentration of acetic acid in feces and plasma. The composition and diversities of microbiota in cecal content and feces were estimated using 16S rRNA metabarcoding and high-throughput sequencing. We found that after just 6 weeks of intake D-fagomine significantly reduced body weight gain, increased the plasma acetate concentration, and reduced the plasma concentration of the pro-inflammatory biomarkers' leukotriene B4, interleukin 6 and 12 hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids. These changes were associated with a significantly increased prevalence of Bacteroides and Prevotella feces and increased Bacteroides, Prevotella, Clostridium, and Dysgonomonas while reducing Anaerofilum, Blautia, and Oribacterium in cecal content. In conclusion, D-fagomine induced changes in the composition and diversity of gut microbiota similar to those elicited by dietary fiber and compatible with its anti-inflammatory and body-weight-reducing effects
Effects of fish oil and grape seed extract combination on hepatic endogenous antioxidants and bioactive lipids in diet-induced early stages of insulin resistance in rats
Diacylglycerols (DAG) and ceramides have been suggested as early predictors of insulinresistance. This study was aimed to examine the combined effects of fish oil (FO) and grape seedextract (GSE) on hepatic endogenous antioxidants, DAG and ceramides in diet-induced early stagesof insulin resistance. Thirty-five rats were fed one of the following diets: (1) a standard diet (STDgroup), (2) a high-fat high-sucrose diet (HFHS group), (3) an HFHS diet enriched with FO (FO group),(4) an HFHS diet enriched with GSE (GSE group) or (5) an HFHS diet enriched with FO and GSE(FO+GSE group). In the liver, endogenous antioxidants were measured using spectrophotometricand fluorometric techniques, and non-targeted lipidomics was conducted for the assessment of DAGand ceramides. After 24 weeks, the FO+GSE group showed increased glutathione peroxidaseactivity, as well as monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing DAG, andlong-chain fatty acid-containing ceramides abundances compared to the STD group. The FO and GSEcombination induced similar activation of the antioxidant system and bioactive lipid accumulation inthe liver than the HFHS diet without supplementation. In addition, the FO and GSE combinationincreased the abundances of polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing DAG in the liver
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