10 research outputs found

    Shannon's index of fungi communities at different growth stages.

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    <p>Error bars indicate standard errors (n = 4). Different letters above bars denote a statistically significant difference between the means of the fields. A: Luhe; B: Xinxiang. SS: seeding stage; TS: turngreen stage; GS: grainfilling stage; MS: maturing stage.</p

    Shannon's index of bacterial communities at different growth stages.

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    <p>Error bars indicate standard errors (n = 4). Different letters above bars denote a statistically significant difference between the means of the fields. A: Luhe; B: Xinxiang. SS: seeding stage; TS: turngreen stage; GS: grainfilling stage; MS: maturing stage.</p

    Principal component analysis of fungi communities diversity in rhizosphere soil.

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    <p>A: Luhe in 2011; B: Luhe in 2012; C: Xinxiang in 2011; D: Xinxiang in 2012. Square: N12-1; Round: Y158. Gray: seeding stage; Green: turngreen stage; Red: grainfilling stage; Yellow: maturing stage. Band position and presence (presence/absence) were used to carry out PCA analyses.</p

    La solución de conflictos escolares desde la función de orientación del psicopedagogo The resolution of school conflicts from the psychopedagogue orientation role.

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    Resumen La investigación se desarrolla por la necesidad de gestar en el contexto escolar una influencia educativa direccionada a la construcción de valores para la convivencia, con el soporte del diálogo entre los sujetos. Se sustenta en las manifestaciones observadas en instituciones educativas relativas a desacuerdos, tensiones interpersonales y los enfrentamientos intergrupales que dañan la convivencia en el contexto escolar.  El análisis causal de la situación externa infirió las carencias en los modos de actuación del psicopedagogo desde las habilidades comunicativas y dialógicas para preparar mejor a los maestros en el adecuado empleo de metodologías para la solución de conflictos. Se utilizaron como métodos el análisis y síntesis, el sistémico estructural, la observación, la encuesta, la entrevista y el taller de socialización. La intención se centró en la elaboración de procedimientos para la función de orientación del psicopedagogo a los maestros conducentes a la mediación de los diferentes conflictos que surgen en las instituciones educativas. Los resultados estuvieron en el nivel de satisfacción referido en los test y talleres por los psicopedagogos incorporados al estudio, a partir de contar con una metodología en función de orientar al maestro para la mediación de los conflictos en las relaciones interpersonales en el contexto escolar. Palabras Claves: psicopedagogo, orientaciones educativas, mediación, conflictos escolares. AbstractThe research is a product of the need to create an educational influence in the school context oriented to build values for coexistence, with the support of the dialogue between the subjects. It is based on the manifestations observed in educational institutions related to disagreements, interpersonal tensions and intergroup confrontations that harm the coexistence in the school context. The causal analysis of the external situation demonstrated the deficiencies in the psychopedagogue modes of action from the communicative and dialogic skills to better prepare the teacher in the proper use of methodologies for conflicts solution. Analysis and synthesis, structural systemic, observation, survey, interview and socialization workshops were used as methods. The purpose was to elaborate procedures for the psychopedagogue to work with the teacher in the mediation of the different conflicts arising in educational institutions. The results showed a level of satisfaction on the pedagogues part in relation to tests and workshops conducted in the study since they were provided with a methodology to guide the teacher in the mediation of conflicts in interpersonal relationships in the school context.Keywords: psychopedagogue, educational orientation, mediation, school conflicts

    Principal component analysis of bacterial community diversities in rhizosphere soil.

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    <p>A: Luhe in 2011; B: Luhe in 2012; C: Xinxiang in 2011; D: Xinxiang in 2012. Square: N12-1; Round: Y158. Gray: seeding stage; Green: turngreen stage; Red: grainfilling stage; Yellow: maturing stage. Band position and presence (presence/absence) were used to carry out PCA analyses.</p

    Simpson's index and Evenness of bacterial community.

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    <p>SS: seeding stage; TS: turngreen stage; GS: grainfilling stage; MS: maturing stage. The alphabets after the value represented the significance level of the index.</p

    Dehydrogenase activity in rhizosphere soil at different growth stages.

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    <p>Error bars indicate standard errors (n = 4). Different letters above bars denote a statistically significant difference between the means of the fields. A: Luhe; B: Xinxiang. SS: seeding stage; TS: turngreen stage; GS: grainfilling stage; MS: maturing stage.</p